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The Rainbow Book: Tales of Fun & Fancy


Word Count: 4407    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

wers, and the Twins, worn out with their long run, lay

to be so safe as

any more," replied Cyril. "Har

l did the same. The children found the meadow they were in was on a cliff, and that

that performance was over they carefully descended the step

ir necks, and they were running over the hot sand to whe

s which peeped out of the surface of the ocean a short distance away. A hand was beckoning to them, and thinking

eper as they went; but they didn't think of their clothes (which were no longer wholly dry), but only of the rescue. When they reached the rocks they found to

the visitors politely, t

sh-King. "Do you mind holding

a costume not unlike that of Harlequin in the pantomime, only the colouring was green and blue. His goggle green eyes and wide, down-drawn mouth made him look comically like

on. It was beautifully made, entirely of the loveliest small shells,

uite at ease with him, and were sure that with such

f?" inquired Dulcie

d, patting her cheek. "I'

ouple at once donned their shoes a

ose," remarked Dulcie, "li

ept," he continued thoughtfully, "for an occasional attack of shingles I don't ail much." Then t

ty," replied the boy, surprised at

u may not be disappointed. You certainly woul

sked Dulcie bluntly. "Wa

ll. He wa

did h


e's t

eyebrows at her

y, with a gesture that way, "follow your nose, mount a

to make-though he seemed to expect on

if you've got a copy of the Financial Market about you, will you? Or maybe you know what the Finan

t you mean; I've never heard

ard there's been


ey always promise to. But," he added, rousing himself, dismal still, "you must both come down

w delightful!

ibly be?" asked Cyril, "if

"Ah, now I remember. I'm just several millions of years-it t

he regained her breath, which had been ta


your birthday, your Worship?" asked Cyr

which puts one on eleven days; in that way, when I'm told I

Nevertheless, they were pleased to find it the most natura

sea or something," he repeated, looking ap

ittle guests. "But," said the cautio

ting downwards. "Lift, please!" Then muttering, "It's high time we went," he smiled. His smile was so unutterably comic that it was to a merry burst of childish lau

em off the rocks, he added with a gracious wave of the hand, "Welcome to m

rward at a fast swim; and its head was patted graciously, whilst its tail wagged with contentment. "Now," resumed his Ma

it looked like gold dust; the path was bordered by exquisite shells. On either side were gardens of variegated anemones. Here and there an old sodden boot lay about untidily, at which the Fish-King frowned and looked uneasy. They passed oyster beds, where, besides o

rd the Fish-King say: "Welcome, my dears, to my home! I hope your visit to 'The Billows' will please

ts to one end of the long table, where they found biscuits, tinned meats, jam, and other nice

ieved when they declined with thanks. "I'm a seatotaller myself

nodded assent. "Why are you so sad, Mr. Fish-King?" she asked when

m for a birthday party, but I've had so many of them; besides, I'm bothered about the slump! One would think Seaweed safe enough for

as patted

at all, and shook their heads q

ed at them with a ray of cheerfulness. "We'll watch the Water S

he continued, "for you may be amused. Here's a list of the different Courses,"

ter than new ones

t me see; ah yes-'Turtle Mocked.' Now just look at Fido"-he leaned over the side, the Twins did likewise. "He's turning turtle!" And the

y can play," he whispered, "and that is the way I humour them, or they might begin to cry, and I hate anything that reminds me of blubber. But how

Cyril was frowning at her and shaking his head. She glanced timidly at the Fish-King. He evidently didn't mind, for he merely remarked with a sigh: "Ah dear! One

." He put down the Menu and threw overboard some nets and fishing tackle. Then began a highly amusing exhibition by old fish showing the young ones how to nibble the bait with

taking part in the sports did get hooked, and clumsily extr

g is hurt!" ex

"a herring-bone stitch i

as only used to make dress things look pretty; I never heard

y party, and thought perhaps they ought to be saying good-bye. Their kind host wouldn't

s?" asked Cyril as t

replied hi

aces and of the sports?"

he races and win the prizes

you won, yo

o many in all these years, and they get so m

nly just-" co

ulling at her brother's sleev

she stumbled and fell before her companions could warn her that the Cable was lying in her path. She was soon up, and it was the Fish-King now who was lying prone on the ground, but his attitude was intentional; he was listening

The Twins stared at one a

rejoined him. "Some one's at the bottom of that business, I'll be bound," he grumbled. "I'm afraid I'm too green, and ye gods and little fishes alone know how I manage to be, for I've a fit

have, Sire," remarked Dulcie t

nking in. One for not thinking in. And a host of others. There is one which takes me eighteen hours to reach, where I go at

ssented the T

st to me when my ship comes home. I don't whistle for it; I squall for it. Look ou

eeding neither the little coughs, the little fidgetings, or the little hints, entreaties, regrets, or excuses of the Twins, until, exasperated at his sudden and unaccountable oblivion to their existence, they murmured broken words of thanks for his past kindness, and, not a little indignant, they w

eminding him of blubber, which he hated, as he had told them before, so he must have preferred ignoring them altoge

ril; "I vote we have a shy at another catseye, so as to

ch a magnificent pros

owned head!" exclai

wned head!" repeated

any a quai

hange had come. Dulcie was the f

pid of us! It's a Bird, Beast, or Fish

urn head over ... wriggling in a very upside down fashion. Tired of watching it, they la

a thing as a Sea-serpent, litt

e sometimes, when t

. And the only season they are in i

uing. I do think it would be nice," she added, glancing round, "to b

er already gone, and a stupid-looking, closed-up oyster in her

, "in the middle of a conversation too." However, s

his laconic welcome, accompani

nificent pearl. I felt so horribly ill-as though I had some dreadful

pearls is

to let me have it. You

ou were just the same over that wretched mole. I do wish you woul

's the Wishes tha

bracelet, Dulcie, whe

and formed a sort of little boundary all round me inside my shell; it's here all right now. I can't think-let me see, what


ust be Sea-serpents, 'cos you remember it being

s all stuff

t was

n find out, little Duffer.

looked like the end of a wriggling tail-a tail so long that it stretched right out of

g. So, in her anxiety she clambered on top of it, sat down, and found to her surprise that its undulating movement of progress f

"But whatever will occur when I get to the end! A

; when she got there it stopped her progress. It turned its head round-which resembled that of a giraffe-and its mi

rious ride

e huge creature took her up, up, until, with her still on its back, gracefully recli

now would have tak

owing in her face, brightening her cheeks, and tossing her fair hair about. Above, th

ild ride

to be a ship with broken mast, broken by the waves which leaped over its deck ag

face in her hands to escape the blinding glare of the second flash. Starting suddenly at the terrifying clap of thunder that followed, she lost her balance and fell off the Sea-serpent's back headlong into the surging waters. For some time she was tossed

for she felt so miserably helpless and lonely, and a heavy sob now and again escaped her. Here indeed was a lack of freedom and no mistake, for the poor fish as well as for herself! Never, never again, she said to herself, would she beg for fish for tea if this was what they had to endure. Round and

rew, and her impatience with it, till the sound of men's

hat the little swimming creatures darting about in terrified jerks

Ain't it heavy!" s

t be sorry," an

lcie, beating against it with her arms and s

t rucked up-the c

think-to be something ver

uld now see the boat and t

to be one of-no, I forgot, they can'

St. Pa

?" exclaimed both men,

e!" gasped Du

open. The big fishes and little were quick to seize that golden opportunity of their captors' careless handling of the net-and escaped, do

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