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The Rainbow Book: Tales of Fun & Fancy


Word Count: 1456    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ut 'a Winking, Blinking, silly Periwinkle,' which upset me very much at the time, but now it does seem absurd," and she laughed. Then she told of her escape from the net, and

at-was it my last? That idea never came to me in the net; I never thoug

re's mine?"


ooked at one a

and I was too miserable to think about the real Wishes-and never noticed or thought about not having changed-and oh! if I

ently, for her voice verged very near a whimper. "Much better smile and thank you

mpt reply, wistfully a

he only way back must be the way we came, and yo

idn't relish the prospect. The very

id, cross the Brook-and you could see he meant it. So it's impossible, unless we roam about till we

" said Dulcie disconsolately; "we d

e tea-time,"

sun's too ho

e if we can make it all out," said C

ugh their various experi

e catseyes left, instead of none and no bracelets at all!" he concluded

ount five more for getting back

stake, and the fact being brough

the end; then we could have crossed the Brook as animals or something and ta

have had the power on the ot

of the case. The chi

in a nice fix,"

ay back, and try and dodge the Wizard if they could. They wandered off, not particularly hopeful, and very nervous. Cyril thought he s

would come and

uld bring me my tea

Dulcie, who had begun to find out that it was of no use rely

ere, so cheer up, do," a

was no sight or sound of anything living. Nevertheless, they hurried on, until they broke into a smart run, and ran, and ran.... They halted abruptly. Cyril hadn't the slightest idea whereabouts they were, or which dire

Town," observed the boy thoughtfully; "and t

hat after the Town comes the Wo

ible, that's all-out and out imposs

ll, it looks gloomy enough here for anything, so it may turn out all right, and after all, we may be nea

already in the daisy glade once more. They were positively in the beautiful Wood again. The first object that caught their eye was

I've brought you back so ea

h had reigned around, a peculiar rustling now attracted their attention. Dulcie hung back, and Cyril held her hand as he advanced cau

and he led them-not through the Wood and along the country road-but

took off his spectacles and scratched his nose with them. "I see you

w forth the two bracelets

r things, thought they could change back the other side of my domain!

xingly after his hilarity was over

-I'm sure he woul


you. You would have been more useful as a Crab. But now you shall both tend my little Zoological Collection-they are not always so still, oh no! You shall he

e astonished Wizard stopped in his flow of eloquence. He walked round and round them. His face grew bla

red the Wizard, "or shoul

and girl by a h

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