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The Root of Evil


Word Count: 1247    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

extension which opened on the side street, he had established what he had laughingly called his "Life Line," a f

iest hours of his life he had spent here ministering to the wants of his neighbours. He had come to be

or's entrance the shadows suddenly lifted. Men and women smiled and called his n

big hand with the prescription. The young lawyer watched with curious interest the quickened step with which each one left. The medicine had begun

ant had gone, Stuart

h the distinguished young head of

t their own valuation and come int

wish my


gure did

n its cas

ill accept,

erms of dollars and cents. If I take stock in the American Chemica

rather harsh

's the

iled good

the retailer doomed? Isn't combination the new order o

ghts for the ri

ingly. "Bivens is not a man of broad culture

soda-fountain pip threatens me with ruin unless I join his gang and help him rob my neighbours. It happens that I like my neighbours. And the more I see of this city, the more thrilling its life becomes, the more wonderful its opportunities. Opportunity means one thing to me-quite another to Bivens. The world he lives in is a small one. I live in God's big world. I belong to no class. I know them all from the lonely multimillionaire on Murray Hill to his equally l

rget them," St

slaves of poverty, cruel and pitiless, who haven't enough clothes to keep warm, enough food to eat, and are utterly helpless and forsaken in illnes

r wealth for greater good if you j

heart and soul, manhood and womanhood, given in heroic service. We need leaders

de of Justice in this big business battle that's now on betwee

do you

the new steel structures of the Trust that are rising over the city, out-of-date. Won't they make drugs more economically th

be proven. I do

if you fight, it will be again

fight," was th

d my advice,"

led at his own

wished you to back me up. The

u are facing a bigger questio

ave you a glimpse to-night of the worl

you a cold-blooded b

d. I am one of them!" The stalwart figure rose in simple di

's nine o'clock-and some

ically. "I'm afraid I've not be

bent clos

ll ugliness the veil of the mystery of Love! The only real things to-night for you-the throb of triumph within your heart, the hovering presence of a woman's f

rt echoed w

s of barter and sale-could it?" The doct

unger man's face and his a


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