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The Root of Evil


Word Count: 3406    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

nveloped the city. Somehow the chill found his heart. The windows of Nan's room were dark. For the first time in his life he had called and

and ushered him into t

home, Berta?"

nish maid smi

Meesis Pr

s absence. The entire house had been redecorated. An oriental rug of dazzling medallion pattern was on the newly polished floor. Instead of the set of Chippendale mahogany t

vens. She was too shrewd for that. But she had borrowed it beyond a doubt, and she had evidently gone the limit of her credit without a moment's hesitation. He wondered how far she had gotten with Bivens. Could it be

him with unu

she will be heartbroken to have missed you even for a half hour. My dear, dear bo

me too, Mr

you, Jim! You've come

line accents. Stuart felt his nerves quiver as the imaginary cl

ce of you t

You know I've always l

sinister. She evidently felt sure of his ruin. He was t

ix up. We've had the good luck to rent o


u know?" she ask

mportant letter from him dated here


, with sudden anger in spit

little box party at t

, Mr. John C. Calhoun

e Nan this chance to return some courtesies she has received from rich friends. I need Mr. Bivens's money to

," Stuart said, with an unconscious sneer. "They

u know as well as I do his origin in North Carolina. His

did you k

u've never mentioned his nam

vens to

e pride that you were friends. He thinks you are going to be the greate

his head to

ay make to pass the limits of acquaintance. The men who associate with Nan must belong to her father's world-to your world, Jim-the world of good breed

art suppressed a laugh

nspiration to me, Mrs. Primrose. I

stopped a

xclaimed, rising to go. "I'll l

n evening's perfect happiness shining in her great dark eyes. He watched her a moment, unobserved, as

led at the picture she saw reflected. The smile was one of conscious power. The corners of the full sensuous lips curved the slightest bit as the smile faded and a gleam of something like cruelty flashed from th

pring to her side when she caught the flash o

ise me like this!" she cr

ur pride a

ht, sir?" she asked, with a sh

lorious. I do

h his hands, s

You do the same thing when you


kee girls all love you at first sight-the tall, straight, sinewy figure, strong and swift in every movement, the fi

her in his arms and k

on't like the w

m I too

s of yourself. I wish you loved me a l

erfect day. Oh, Jim, I've been so happy to-night! Seated in that big stage box, I fel

in that blue cotton one, the

, Jim. But the world w


e craning necks, the glances, the whispered

ere proud

ke, Jim,-yes-and h

rtled for the first time by a strange similar

uddenly broken by a quick to

o tell you, something wonderful-something that will bring o

on e

ivens-John C. C

evenly, controlling h

econd floor, I had a long


im that you were the very man for the place and that you were going to be the greatest lawyer in New York. Imagine my joy-when he not only agreed with me, but said he would double the salary if you would accept it. He thought you wouldn't, merely because you lived in the h


't be so

I c


d away in mo

attentions of this distingu

n cultiva


olish, jealous boy! You can't be in earnest wh

nest," was t

hy, wh

eling of a corporation, to say nothing of

e a hireling. You would lay th

th body and soul for the wages he receives. I am a lawyer of the old school. My work i

t lawyers in America are

ep clean. Lawyers once constituted o

prevent injustice by

y standard is gold-hard, ringing metallic gold! I can't prostitute my talents to a work I don't believ

in the girl's face and the curves of he

to be rich and

grade myself with work I hate, or take orders from men I despise. The world i

e degraded," Nan broke in, earn

h a fair share of money. It requires more stamina, more character, more manhood to

bitious, Jim!" the girl

to satisfy me, though it's made of gold. I must have the real thing-the thing inside. I hope to have the ap

gently on the girl's white round

r your last s

were you

nsciously or unconsciously, of my home-

on whether Love

talents mean this. When you came to New York I was more sure of you than ever. You've simply got to make money, Jim! Nothing else coun

ld the touch of your little finger of greater va

riding behind a donkey if you can own a carriage. There can be no virtue in shivering in a thin dress if you can wear furs. Even the saints all dream of a Heaven with streets of

areer of crime with

ember of the church. And you kn

e. That's simply his insurance pol

e, Jim. The possession

the soul. Its roots must always strike one soil to live-the self

wish to live a life that's worth the struggl

ld life. I'd rather lead, organize and inspire, than follow. I ref

ly, "to sacrifice the happiness of all those you

Why, the one purpose of my

be rich. Oh, Jim, you shall be! Wealth is the only road

't wish to climb on

t be such

ve money. The only names in our history worth remembering-are there, because they did something else than make money. Washington was the richest man in America in his day. But nobody

re you

iant in mind and body-she a poor little, broken, withered invalid. He lost money and clients and never regained them. Did it pay? Does anything that's born of love pay? Surely not children. I was always a dea

cal? Why are you not willing to f

birds sing too sweetly. The treasures of earth are already mine, for Love has given me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to feel. Perhaps I'm

xcept that you are failing me when put to the first te

respect-and you call this

sudden gesture

tely to consider t


t these romantic fancies wait

ke with cold

y young manhood again. My ears will never be so keen again or eyes so clear again

ve shall live in poverty while her more fo

be to gratify every reasonabl

ble wish I express, yo

ld be s

! Mr. Bivens says he would make

tuart's face, and the square j

s patronage, I'll take my place in line with other henchm

ly extende


to draw her i

ke that

and repeated he


anger before. Of all the hours of my life this i

she turned tow

e called

rst step. He seized his hat and coat and gra

face was scarlet and two tears were creeping down he

ve me,

I've seemed unreasonab

on't you? just for my sake-jus

ou ask it-yes,

d home with a great sickening fe

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