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The Secret of Lonesome Cove

Chapter 4 AN INQUIRY

Word Count: 3536    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

s Sedgwick asked of himself when he emerged u

xcept for this plebeian touch he was of the most unimpeachable elegance. His white serge suit was freshly pressed. His lavender silk hose, descending without a wrinkle under his buckskin shoes, accorded with a lavender silk tie and

eams. Making a détour across the grass, he attained to a side view of the interloper's face. It repaid the trouble. It was a remarkable face, both in contour and in coloring. From chin to cheek, the skin was white, w

ding. The artist remembered having seen that type of physiognomy on the Venetian coins of the sixteenth century, the likenesses in bronze, of men who were of i

hen all but recoiled from the voice th

e late,"

Sedgwick, a bit nettled. "Am I to in

dn't go f

ou-before you leave?" sa

ly," said the man in another voice,


t are you, not to recognize a man simply becaus

letely changed. And

ther, astonished in his tu

l, except for being offens

o be assumed that I ought to be a frump? I'm fond of good clothes; I can afford good

, somewhat amused. "By the way, tho

ly," replied the o

atching smooth silk with ribbed silk, you

ld me something I never knew. I'll remember that.

g that walk

ater. I've re


it's ten o'clock? Howe

nk y

ion, it leaves out most

you a

lor, size, and trap

think; yes, certainly, black. Rather a

ize, and trappin

skin; tall-I should say quite tall-but so-so feminine that you wouldn't realize her tallness. She was dressed in a light brown

to me. I couldn't remember it all. Was she i


ars or


hough you seem to t


. Say twe

manded Sedgwic

iscount of romance. Did

that she was always spick

y warm the last week


he sho

lways looked fr

of the hill yonder, and a little copse in an open field where a motor-car has sto

the car?" asked

What is the latest she ever le

begged her to stay and dine; but she dr

ide, too. Now, we have, as your visitor, a woman of rather inadequate description eked out by some excellent sketches-young, passably good-looking (don't lose your temper, Sedgwick

"Do you mean that she is a

ailed to see it?" ret

is there t

woman might, who respected herself with full confidence, and knew, with the same confidence, that you would respect her. And, my dear boy," added Kent, with his

er matter is more than life or death. Is tha

acquaintance with men and

onal girl, such as she is. Why should

pth. But you'll note she doesn't seem to have told you any slightest thing about

s! It's true, though. But t

o them. And reverting to tangible fact, as clenching e

out her

w her left ha

ontinued Sedgwick, with a tinge of contempt in his voice,

you greater credit for powers of observation than you deserve. I'm afraid, Frank, that she is a married woman; and I'm sure, from reading between your lines, that s

gwick hoarsely, "to

art together," rep

and descended into a byway where stood a light runabout, empty. Throwing on the switch, Kent motioned his companion to get in. Twenty minutes of

set for eleven o

d Sedgwick with

alting his machine in a bit of shade, Kent surveyed the gathering. At one point it thick

"back from Cadystown. You'll


attack. Are you re

r surprise, or it wouldn

our head or your temper if the suspicion raised


g the sheriff knows that I don't know. Probably it is the identity of the body. To f

be ready f

the stand when you're called, and tel

the who

that. By the way, you have never kept among your artisti


only! Perhaps that is the very fact, though-Well, we shall know more when we're older; two hours older, say. Whether we s

me," said Sedgwi

d with the dropped jaw of stupefaction. One after another of

id Kent, and stepped out

gante as the bearded scientist whose strange actions had amu

he asked, nodding


em. Going to

replied Kent pleasantl

e's the medical officer, and he and the sheriff are

a lawyer might be premature, a fri

id; "from to

charge to-day," surmis

get on very well together, Mr.-"

counselor at law for thirty y

ready know my friend's name. What k

a doctor, and more of a horse trader than

the autopsy at

vening. Didn't even have an

er from repeated handling. "The body

ra Dennett. He viewed the corpse last night. That's why I

doesn't seem to be p

t's quite some time since Iry won any prizes for silent thought,

y li

as if he kinder cherished th

ed upon him with stolid intensity. A touch on his arm mad

ff," piped the old man. "Howdy, Professor!

d the scientist. "A

he other. "Hotter'

o in at once," said Kent. "Sit with us

rted. "Him?" he e

dded. "

" said the old seaman hastily

urprised to s

en quite a

ion, yo


connect Mr. Sedgwick wit

ennett's been tellin' his story. He's certain the woman he seen talkin

Has he contributed anyt

e-tongued as Iry i

," muttered Kent. "Well,

the building, while behind them a rising hum testi

ed cover stood on three sawhorses. On a chair near by slouched the sheriff, his face red and streaming. A few perspiring men and women were scatter

ossible. First we will hear witnesses. Anybody who thinks he can throw any light on this business can have a hearing. Then those as wants may view the remains

nt's ear, "is a great deal more

be," whispered the scientist.

. Others, following, testified to the position on the beach, the lashing of the body to the grating, the wounds, and the manacles. Doctor Breed announced bri

ood ways out," said Sailor Smith; "for t

ome to Lonesome Cove," said

The people felt a certain pr

ewly finished picture he had seen in Sedgwick's studio, depicting the moonlit charge of the wave-mounted corpse. He sketched out the encounter between the artist and the dead woman vividly. As he proceeded, the glances turned upon S

was under perfect control as he said, "I presume

ed you yet," gr

t is all true. But I do not know the woman who accosted me. I never saw her before that evening. She spoke st

the ocean from your house,

ut I never found the woman. And as for throwing her out of a ship, or any such fantastic no

h; but his eyes dilated w

lity will be shown that she w

in. "Form in line, ladies and gentlemen," said

left," said he, slipping the lid aside, "just as-" Of a sudden, his eyes stiffened. A convulsive shudder ran through h

ife!" cried a vo

edical officer, he whispered in his ear; not more

zed crowd, "the program will not be carried out as arranged. The-the-well,

ily to be balked of its food. It fo

the law, D

anting himself solidly between the crowd and the

" retorted the lawyer quie

e body wasn't fitten to be

ut the doc hasn't got the

f assent passed

duly viewed. Otherwise, and the deceased being buried with

," whispered K

luck at the sheriff's arm. There was a whispered colloquy betwe

be prepared. It ought to 'a' been looked to last night. But somehow I-we

swiftly, followed by the variable hum of excited conjecture.

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