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The Secret of Lonesome Cove


Word Count: 2646    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ch end of the crossing threaten financial penalties against any vehicle traversing the bridge faster than a walk. Now, the measure of a walk for an automobile is dubious; but the most rigorous const

e on the brink of the pool. Presently the figure came to the posture of all fours. The face turne

something lost?" aske

e reply. "Ver

t, if it's not an im

red the other cordially.

t smiled. "When w

w of thoughtful consideration. "About f

perceive that you are an opt

sent I'm a l


he banks of small bodies of water. It is a fascinating study, I

re the incumbent?" ask

of certain neuropterous insects. We know the insects, and we know they lay eggs; but how

an entomolo

ome e

nterest, away from it. I've entirely dropped my reading in the last year. By the way, we

t. What was the f

e appearance. You kno

on me

d, the


of his car, from which he had descended, the other studied him, his quiet but forceful voice, his severely handsome face, with its high brows, hars

he hotel, may I take you al

glad of a lift. My n

ssor Kent of t

that you had more of a hand in Ramsay's death than

n stand a little plain speaking. For all that, on my word, Professor

fully. "Well, I believe you," said h

tunate chance for me,"

mured Kent in

but immediately resumed

said the motorist. "W

agreed Kent.

as been troubling me a good deal. I haven't been able to look into it personally, because of the serious illness of

it?" as

president of the Kinsella Mills. We've been having a great deal of trouble this spring, and our super


ight for Co

his ear. "Give me until three o'clock this after

dgerow Hous

how far f

the hotel to conclude arrangements. And I think," he added sig

cquainted with this part o

en coming her

an army po

in a hund

ers on special

o far as

of cloth hanging to it. "This may or may not be an importan

," said the other indifferently.

struggle. This star was found

of an officer. I should say positively t

"Otherwise I should say positively that no officer, going to a dubious rendezvous, would wear a uniform


ny fragment whether or not t

a quick sweep, and the car drew up before a drug

" he announced

or navy officer

y s

e all-wool garments-and get

mething in the nature of a worsted batiste, I should judge, from what I

ne troublesome hypothesis for me. I'll tel

t went direct to the Martindale Center li

griculture Depart


Bureau of Entomology, Helmund on Th

quired for only yest

e interested in the

haven't seen him here for a long time until two days ag

y within three months. That casual meeting with me was well carried out, and you called it chance. A very palpably manufactured chance! But why am I worth so much trouble to know? And why does Alexander Blair leave a desperately ill son to arrange an errand for me at this particular time?

nt returned to the Eyrie, called up Hedger

rs and exhibited unmistakable signs of human interest when he heard the name; for the suspicion attachi

you can't see him, sir

about th

strict orders not to be disturbed; but he's in his special room. Is it

I want Mr. K

esponsibility. But I think I had

p of its run, they mounted a flight of stairs

walked. "Turned all the furniture out. Special lock on the door. Som

ame. Somewhat less timidity characterized his next effort.

he clerk. Raising his voice he

!" cried a voice from inside

Sedgwick. I've

silence of s

want?" asked

ome at once if an

chase that infernal bell-boy to

eted with white sheets. There was no furniture of any kind, unless a narrow mattress in one corner could be so reckoned. Beside the mattress lay a sm

ened!" he

gainst the wall and make yourse

retorted the artist,

If I'm to have a report, it must be from a sane man, not from one in

of white silence. Have

s the retreat of my mind. I t

ed Sedgwick, intereste

ge days. Do you remember th

s. The poor chap wen

one. You know we used to force numbers or playing-car

d the object we were thinking of would rise before him visually agai

f you throw off the clutch of the brain, as it were, and let it work along its own lines


o do my hard thinking in. When your affair promised to become difficult for

cular kind

t they aren't going out of their way to fight-to fight-to-to-" Kent's jaw was sagging down. His lean fingers pulled savagely at the lobe of his long-su

't mentio

what was it she said about the planet

Jupiter? How

other planet conspicuous over the sea at that hour, from where yo

star and find happiness, and that perhaps

been!" he cried. He thrust the bit of embroidery bac

your tempe

he pre

about i

cture of the face?" said

uld easily

fternoon I went out, leaving the glass sheet, backed against a light board, on my easel. The door was locked with a heavy spring. There's

rong hands. They were clenched on hi

ntist with conviction. "You mustn't,

with me abou

nough trouble clearing you of a supposed murder of your

an out of m

ything else in yo

pay much attention to anything els

ell, I'm with yo

d only long enough to send some telegrams. The sun was still a few minutes short of its

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