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The Shadow of the Czar


Word Count: 3527    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

s Paul Woodville and Noel Trevisa made

horse car, adopting by preconcerted arrangement a ro

his friend to the place of assignation, the path lying through a ser

dmiring the erect and stately c

"They sometimes devour the Russian sentinels. Who

track, they came to a

here through this glade. Yes;

e sides of which fronted the four cardinal points. On the northern face, deepl

left the stone in their rear, "and unless we keep a lookout we may expe

Russian sentries to take pot

one to provoke hostilities from Czernova. Ah! there's a sent

t, was a wild-looking Cossack, with Hessian boots, red breeches, and a small red turban-shaped cap. He w

n was well calculated to st

sentinels were keeping watch. The distance between the tw

he very idea was insanity. She would be but as an infant struggling in the hands of a giant. And the nations of Europe would look on unmoved, as they have often looked on and condoned the conquest of the W

rangers, turned his horse's head in their direction

is shaggy steed with such quickness as to

port, litt

cash," replied Trevisa, displaying some rouble-notes. "W

g those trees yonder," said the Cossack, indicating the direction with his lance. "The cap

ides, we have rouble-notes for him also. He has his price, I da

prevent the fight? He would take his chance of discovery at the hands of his captain. So having firs

muttered. "The fewer for our Czar to fi

arked Trevisa, referring to his watch. "Hu

lighted one himself, and paced leisurely to and

ry serious matter,

n die b

t matter much. I, however, am not anticipating your death, Paul, but t

t would be a good thing if the pr

ld fall Nicholas may accuse the Czernovese cabinet of being privy to the death of his kinsman, and with some show of justice, inasmuch as Radzivil, the premier, though cognizant of the coming duel, h

lected a

nt light. I cannot retire nor apologize without loss of honor, yet it is equally clear that I must do nothing to the hurt of the

ing, however, Paul's ability to make good his word, for was

ond, Baron Ostrova. They brought no surgeon with them, for Ostrova, in arrogant vein, had declared that his princi

e distance his second advanced, gr

e late,

n the way." Then, adopting a somewhat submissive air

amicably? His grace is willing to apologi

g the course of the day he had begun to realize the force of Radzivil's words,-that if the affa

for the first time in his career as duellist

red the delighted Trevisa. "You'll

d bent on chas

my cheek. And now does he deem that simply to express regret will be a sufficient satisfaction for an affront offered to the uniform of the Twenty-fourth? Well, I will accept the apology on this condition," continued Paul, breaki

e of bringing the weapons, smiled satirically

your c

to test their temper; and then, having made his selection, handed the same to Paul,

it for further preliminaries but snatched the remaining sabre from the hand of Ostrova, and with the fury of a

together, sparkling in the rays of the s

swords in the n

oman's voice,-a voice that s

ift backward step, and while maintaining his de

ess as if from hurrying. From what quarter she had so suddenly sprung none present could tell. Complete

everything. From sheer surprise

part, if it existed, was veiled at present in sorrowful reproach. In the light of that look how ignoble seemed his desire for ven

ernova, sternly hostile to duelling, was present, a spectator of their misdeed. True, she

this duel? Who iss

and with

he Duke of Bora bent his head, and

yon fellow to be in possess

d drawing her robe around her wit

found setting himself above the law. Marsh

er arm, perceived that she ha

l Zabern with folded arms, outwardly as inscrutable as th

abreast, was a posse of mounted lancers belonging to the Blue Legion. Fronting these troopers was the vehicle evident

instantly have summoned a party from the Russian guard-house, but as this might have led to the e

t your prisoner

uld arr

er to consider who he was. It was clear to her that relying on his kinship to the Czar, he set lit

erritory you now stand. I put myself under the prote

in appealing to the Czar for prot

icely you are playing into my hands! Yo

promised by an affair in which the great ones of Czernova were invol

t can take place here. Little mother, you are standing on Russian groun

ry passports," replied

must retire to her own

irst to maintain her ground,

your duty,"

ed, and took her statio

marshal. "I was five years in getting out of Rus

voice to a whisp

k would report the matter. In their present mood Russian ministers would gladly seize u

, "you will either return under guard to Slavowitz, or you will not return at all. Take y

letely confounded his grace of Bora. His first surprise over, he proceeded to take couns

mand more interest, more sympathy, more power as a prison

the duke, for he immediately

ourself," said the princess, "declare it a

he Czernovese territory," said

ord," sa

that this would follow, and that Zabern would be his successor. Very bitt

d, "the punishment you reserve for my opponent,

itz," said Barbara haughtily, p

ance at Paul, walked in

a airily, "I prefer liberty. I shake

decreed t

," replied the other, with a peculiar smile, adding to himse

over it as almost to touch the turf with his fingers, herein imi

f the dainty Lady

n walked off to a little distance,

insolence, but prudently refrained from c

services I remit the penalty due by law, but," and there wa

er showing how deeply he felt the loss of his offi

mured Zabern. "The cipher letter

for him," said Pau

the dark blue sea on the shore of Isola Sacra. The memory of

aded Paul, "that he has

she murmured faintly. "My serv

brief interv

aul, rising to his feet

here you stand,

remain where he was, and thus rel

take advanta

ed from the jurisdiction of

her to punish Paul, and yet, while meting punishment to others, ho

received extreme provocation from the duke, and when he accepted the

from Slavowitz to the frontier. She glanced at the weal that disfigured Paul's cheek,

boldly, "whether he would not have taken

that Paul should owe allegiance to a lady other than herself. Lowering his voice to a whisper, Zabern continued, "Your Highness has authority to imprison the duke, inasmuch as he is yo

a quick glance of i

the Russians will demand Cap

version of it. Always excepting your Highness and myself," continued Zabern with a grim smile, "there is no one upon whom the Russ

k. A new tie seemed to unite them. While she was contending with Russian i

gal ground for arresting you. And as I have not the authority, so neither have

de more beautiful by the love shining from her eyes, she whispered,

his ready acquiescence. The

neeling. "If I, the principal in this duel, am i

she added with a smile that brought back hope to the heart of

e then set in motion and vanished almost as mysteriously as it had appeared; and Paul was left

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