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The Shadow of the Czar


Word Count: 4360    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ha, who, after dressing, proceeded immediately to Barbara's room. Having tapped at

d talking to herself

Jacintha, and the latter perceived at

ght of reason quenched in her eye, was in a high state of fever. She was not speaking in Italian, t

n room to make it known to Lambro, wh

forest?" was his comment. "Fever! and she in that very chambe

language: she looks at me with piteous eyes as if m

la had given him a knowledge, more or less imperfect, of all the languages spoken from t

, nor Turkish, n

Jacintha, in a

sound there came at irregular intervals

rmured Jacintha

f the sea," said Lambro, indicating the direct

what the last one said when she raved. 'O R

oth turned simultaneously to the violet sealing-wax on

ning away uneasily. "There's something eerie about

subdued mien to the dining-hall, and arou

ever had t

ate, and not take it?" said Paul, somewhat

sk of taking it aga

now, and sprang in

e signorina has c

she cannot be removed now. And what will the Master say if he should return and find a fever-stricken person in his house? H

of commiseration for Lambro's position. Never had he been attracted by any maiden as he had been by

st doctor live? I mus

Jacintha, and she may recover; trust her to

ent, he foresaw that for the next month he would have to prepare his own meals, and likewise those of Paul, should the latter

e stairs Paul wa

angerous state. But leave her to me, and she shall recover. I was a nurse at Constantinople, remember; and in the mat

h in her own powers Paul felt that B

in at Castel Nuovo

assented to

nd therefore in some measure you are responsible for her safety. Yes, I say, safety. Captain Cressingham," she added, with

perceiving Lambro at t

your patient. I'll see t

ng eye of her partner, Jacint

appy time that Paul had ever known, for the fair maiden whom

noiseless tread, eagerly questioning Jacintha whenever she appeared. She began to pity this young Englishman with his haggard looks, so

he ecclesiastical authorities or the Austrian gendarmes should make their appearance during his absence, to say nothing

soldierly fellow like Paul to be fretting over a thing of a girl, when a Circassian equally lovely could be bought in the neighboring provinc

the crisis. The relief to Paul's overwrought mind was so great that he

he nurse, with a smile that had a hidden meaning in it, "tha

d Jacintha averred that some days must elap

aul did not fail to remind

l at the castle for the purpose of bringing Jacin

her delicacies, and these, accompanied by wishes for her welfare, he would send up to the patient thr

mewhat dull time for Paul, self-debarred as he

hearing the same stories, for there was but one theme upon which the Greek would converse, namely, the Hellenic War of Independence,-a w

yed upon him, grew more angry still; so that there was no pleasing him. In short, he was a somewhat trying individual to live with, and Paul was never sorry when he saw him setting off for a long tramp by the shore or through the woods, attended by his twelve mastiffs, br

ined that Barbara should not be surrendered to the authorities without opposition on his part; while Lambro, though disposed to look upon the fair fugitive somewhat in the light of an encumbrance, was neverthele

ite the sort of recrea

s here?" he asked

or papa? No? Then, what

uld not have asked that qu

That's what we did with them in the war." In Lambro's opinion there had on

urmured Paul, who did not wish to h

ut you cannot get at them, for that room is the Master's study; and o

y when Lambro was out of the way, and Jacintha occupied with her patient, Paul ascended the staircase leading to the upper portion of the tower. On the topmost landing of all he came upon a stout door of

prevent any one during his absence from entering without his knowledge, for the hinges

o pry thus upon the affairs of a stranger was conduct unworthy of a soldier and a gentleman; and yet a secret voice seemed to whisper that

in that locked room at the top of the tower, for," he added, proceeding beyon

s sufficiently evinced by the look of

st ask

l not t

I dar


n oath upon the Holy Sacrament itself to preserve silence. Do not speak of this matter again, I pray you

of reverting to a more pl

na is now strong enough to rise and be

than the baton of a general. He had very lit

me faithful attendant to an adjoining sitting-room, and comfortably installed in

er slender hand. How sweet the color that played over her cheek while she thanked him for the presents that he had sent up to

ature, Jacintha! It is not every woman who will rec

ee you recoveri

e become of me had I lain down in that wood. The fever w

o Jac

who will not take

usual flow of language gone. He longed to be

ting in the woods," he observe

hen. Have you remained at Castel N

y promise of seeing

red her grati

tting you to gre

s. I am on a long furlough. My time is m

aze. Why should this handsome young cap

ou have never quitted the

to guard against a surprise o

t its bright expre

off in my helpless state. But as six weeks have elapsed I think I may regard the pursuit-if pursuit there were-as over. But te

eplied Paul

hey had been a d

er windows are barred; there are abundant loopholes convenient for taking shots at the enemy. And besides there are the

an gendarmerie with contempt. Then her pleasure became lost in surprise. Was this Englishman really

but rather than expose them to such hazard

k muslin. A silver rope girdle was tied at one side and fell in two long, graceful tassels. Delicate antique lace fringed the slender wrists. Paul's quick eye observed that a small portio

t of her first meeting with him. Whence, then, di

n her wardrobe. It might have been expressly made for me, for it fits to a nicety without requiring the

e could not account for Jacintha's possession of such attire except on the suppositio

seemed to read

e no liking for the clothing of the drowned." And then displaying a pair of pretty satin shoes, she

n casement and survey

into the air outside I s

morrow, and sit out

o weak t

l carry you," rep

eased, half-reluctant. "Jacintha is an ideal nurse. She will have h

ined, and as she averred that Barbara had talked eno

ent of disappointment: Barbara had said nothing as to her previous history. Paul had hesitated to question her

and noted the sweet color that mantled her cheek. From her chamber he bore her down the staircase and out to a dismantled marble terrace, where he seated her in a lounge, whi

e; the atmosphere being tempered by the air flowing from the Dalmatian

reflected. Far off in the summer haze picturesque feluccas, with the

arbara, to whom Jacintha had imparted an additional charm by adorning her with the graceful pezzotto, or muslin scarf, which, pinn

noy when one is in a state of illness? And I am annoyed by

vertheless, to des

uld not be so, that the wax was immovably fixed to the panel, and that I was in bed; yet all the same, there was the circle of wax gliding onward with never-ending motion through the realm of air, and myself floating along in its wake like a disembodied spir

that such queer notions do occur. What is the color of this wax

to that chamber again," continued Barbara, "or I shall be driven mad, for the annoyance is d

n her patient's desire for a different sleeping-room; without

sought the room vacated by Barbara. He quickly discovered the piece of stamped wax, and

determined to watch there during the night to ascertain, if pos

stole in through the casement, and nothing had occurred to exc

bara downstairs to breathe the

e remarked. "With my new bedroom, and with th

ll of indefinable suspicion himself, he had no wish to alarm her mind; and he had laid b

the immediate vicinity of the castle. These promenades were soon lengthened into rambles along the seashore or through the fragrant

iculum, she was nevertheless well versed in mathematics, logic, and "the dismal science," to wit, political economy. Classic antiquity was almost a sealed book to her, but modern history and current continental politics she had at her finger-tips, and her knowledge of royal and noble genealogies with all their ramifications

o Paul that Barbara, in view of her extensive acquirements, must

of an ordinary young lady; and Paul puzzled himself to account for the aims of those who had directed her education, for B

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