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The Thoughts of Blaise Pascal

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 1857    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

it consis

in our p

gift of

ses, but not con

source of the whole lif

ntradictory tr

s professi

only, duplicity, a

ed feeling

tion, 1

hould recogn

and not to

is born o

comes from

e sou

hat the Jewis

ilated in presence

on our desire not t

er man incapable of

s he is a, by dint

their v


our fa



man, t

have a true, and to

exists by concea

the world, li


als, chap

oughts occupie

d by chance, caused the acco

he two, of Jes

in Old Testament designe

ersion foretold by J

saiah on convers

reserved for the gra

never teach

al quality

ns, t

is a mark of the vileness


ho hideth

sensible mark of

himself two

e is our ha

e Christians,

e run who seek, apart

ly good, the only rest

ow, without knowi

in wagering that there is a

is in ignoranc


mself cannot

master of

aw heres

s spoke by

own by his conduct

he true religion,

on commands that we sho

ss it is not incredible that,

to, and hides him

e, without

end he is the

dden in his fi

self, and that the religion

o sway the will tha

itted many relig

eless to know, witho


st love,

r life either in plea

his mercy and his jud

o bring war a

to, is usually dis

ngs implicitly, and

ive faith to C

dge and l

men into error

doctrine which dest

rders which the Chur

hose who k

Devil without a stronge

conscious of, no

lmost u

do not know what

meaning of

, its adva


gument against

ies cited in th

rked unconsciously for

the, their a

reference to J

s action

gure of g

and na

make a man

ed to na

e felt must b

ttle have the sa

ied to the

y of, most obvious


ts in knowing he

even in se

consists in knowing h

or those who seek



s, 19


his prop

man, in what

men s

s once in m

an with

men and of saints, but the

y man can

self nec

rue and onl

comparison betwe

e, do not understand the

ruth by, as well

for its own

hat it

their manner o

a slip

fear o

the source

ay to hi


seen by

on of a truth a

suits hinder the


the book


ot contemporaneous is

tholic and heretic

the miracl

e drawn from the m


itings, ro

errors concerni

ght for the


nsists in my

does it r

enemy of al

number and

al, is the best

f ma

, the

all men un

ry life

deceptive pow



placency of

objects and belit

rds o

soul, importance to

ed people only

old, man de

f man to at

to prove

ows man the greatnes

e, things which

ancy of

s cau


ess of men who live i

in religion not


y among men, but opens

ould be a stran

e, noth

the nature of t

of self-

hould attach the



the, and th

ility of


and exper

an, which r

, marks of tw

he, believes

human, in the order of

own, is a sour

s, Sai


lation of a p

of several pr

ld the Me

miracles would no

, 120


th-bed pro

e coming of Je


nd the ancien

cs, and J


ning the reprobation of the T


tion of a

nd Jansen

three notes o

ike here

he laws of t

pt relig

to false p

ustice and h

greater than tha

ty of t

heir judges they m

o the spirit

ion they have of t

t their deeds sho

pleasing because they hav

city of

es and follow reason, compare

on by, one of the fund

an has no commun

and the centre to


between, and

can do wha

by the Jewis

of charity, not of

d announced by

n his begi


he time and the sta

terpretation of the Ol

ured by J

s of Scripture are br

to carnal C

nced by

f the divin

the circumstanc

great renown, none

r our sakes, to enable


d and fore

in a visible manner

o sanctify an

nothing but ven

rophecies re

ved in not having done

by contempora

simplicity of the

weak in hi

the two Tes

men their misery, and

s and lowli

r all

red to M

deemer of

ve the testimon

ut to death with the

wicked in thei

in his

nce compl

all persons and

himself in c

of, to

s, and admitted us int

as witnesses of t

is miracles that he

les not blameworthy

s of, source of c

onsists in, an

to bring

e of stum

emned without

tribunal from tha

ie for all,

tion in the midst

ctation of a

cient nation k

from one m

t all the world

slaves o

the prophecies into all

carnal p

eligion th

ted by the, according to t

rist has given an addi

tion of Scriptur

the chosen

w and misunderstoo

ace between Christi


uity of

d by the care with which t

e as witnesses of

nity by their pre

true, is the same as

iah afforded a fin

nd miserable state pr

destruction wi

ve the miracles o

f the Jesuits sur

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