The Young Farmer: Some Things He Should Know
y introducing a legume at regular intervals, and (2) the prevention of injury to the crops from fungous diseases, insect enemies, weeds
. Reasons for modifying the rotations are: (1) To change the kind or proportion of crops grown, (
7; oats, $14.49; wheat, $18.49; and hay, $18.05. It will be noted that during 25 years the average income from an acre of maize has been almost exactly twice that from an acre of oats. The region where these results were obtained is relatively unfavorable to a large yield of maize. It is obvious, therefore, that a modification in the rotation may modify the ave
aize, oats, wheat, each one year, and hay three years, one-half the area would produce hay. If it is desired to still further reduce the area in oats and wheat, a seven-course rotation could be arranged with maize, two years in succession. This is the rotation that would be desira
le without plowing and where occasionally a rotation is practiced of maize, oats and mammoth clover. The clover is plowed for maize, the oats are disked in upon the corn stubble
s of the land must be plowed, while in the six-course rotation one-half is plowed each year. In other ways the character of the rotation modifies th
potato district the rotation is potatoes, oats and clover. The chief purpose of the oats and clover is
egumes occur with sufficient frequency to keep up the supply of nitrogen without the purchase of a considerable quantity in chemical fertilizers. The lease should be so drawn as to make i
ary with circumstances, but the following system of tenant farming which has bee
maize and wheat equally, but the clover for hay or pasture goes entirely to the tenant, unless hay is sold, when it is divided equally.
se are such that it is necessary for the tenant to keep live stock to consume these clover crops in order to secure the most profitab
to wheat. On the limestone soils of the eastern states 50 pounds each of phosphoric acid and potash per acre applied to the wheat, an
decided upon the number of years the rotation is to run and having adjusted the fields or tracts accordingly, it is quite possible to modify the proportion of crops by adding one
aize Maize
ize Maize
ats Oats W
y Clov
hy Al
hy Ti
othy Timothy T
f crops above outlined. The point is that a definite adjustment of the farm to some general method of rotation and a definite system of fertilization and soil renovation do not prevent a considerable latitude
nct rotations of crops. For example, if the farm lends itself to be divided into eight tracts, a five-course rotation of maize, oats, wh