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The Young Ranchers; Or, Fighting the Sioux


Word Count: 2281    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

rk speck swiftly approaching the horseman. At the first glance, the object suggested a cannon-ball rolling with great speed toward the pony, t

t that it was aiming to reach the rider with the least possible delay. The latter drew his Winchester around in fro

ife were at stake. The next instant young Starr perceived something protruding from th

riving to reach me before he dies. By gracious, it's Bruno!" he added, as a cl

anied him on many a hunting excursion, and wh

gathering his energies pressed on with the last strength he could summon, and with a low moan rolled languidly on his side, and loo

him. Stooping down, he placed one arm under the head of the noble

urmured, with tears in his eyes. "I would g

ith crimson. To attempt to withdraw the missile was useless. It could only deepen the agony of th

emitted a low moan, gave a slight quiver and gasp, and

d resting on his arm, while the tears fell from his eyes on the form that could never respond ag

us, and no man could do more. No one shall take from me the faith that we sha

h to this point for the purpose of bringing him a message. He had been discovered while on the road, and fired upon by the Indians, who were so near that they used bows and arrows t

d have done under any circumstance to keep as a remembrance of his voiceless friend-and there, carefully


hem this afternoon, and learned enough to make sure of their intention. We shall mount our horses and start for Fort Meade. We dare not use the regular trail, along which I suppose you are making your way, but must be guided by circ

day or two shall pass without our coming in, perhaps it may be well to ask the colonel to send out a squad of cavalry to help us, for it is idle to fancy we are not in great peril. It is my prayer that


once more on the inanimate form. "Bruno did his duty,

way, motionless, and apparently a deeply

master, who never resorted to the pre

the ridge, which had been such a cause for solicitude to the youth, was now diml

and pressed his ear to the ground. If horsemen were appr

ould not persuade himself that that was the best thing to do. To follow his parent's wishes would require him to look after his own safety, and to forget those whose lives were dearer to him than his own. To return to the fort, and secure the ai

ed the coward, and I'm not going to begin when my folks are concerned. My first duty is

o one will deny him credit; but it was altogether a diffic

met them; but his father had notified him that not only would he not take that route, but he could not say which one he would adopt. He in

in a mantle of white. Once more he glanced in the direction of the elevation, now invisible in the gathering darkn

"they saw me from a long way, and must

oked like a wheel of fire. Then it reversed, whirling as swiftly in the opposite di

e answer, but if it was made, the state of the atmosphere prevented his seeing it. Once he fancied he caught

atching his coming, while yet a long way off, now telegraphed his arrival to their confederates on the more dis

en would not remain idle while the object of their

when, to Warren's astonishment, he heard the sound of firing ahead. Probably eight or ten

that as it may, the fact was impressed on him that he was doing an imprudent thing by remaining in the path along which the warriors were liable to burst at any moment. He turned Jack to t

ble to see objects more than twenty feet distant. Warren checked

approach of strangers. His rider could discern nothing through the gloom, and resorted to the resource tried before, which is a common one among

brief while for the youth to learn that he was coming from the direction of the ridge. Furthermore, there was

ell aware that if the stranger kept to the trail he would be invisible in the gloom, but he was now so near th

ight be called a leisurely pace, though it was quite rapid. The horse was o

coming, when to his amazement he caught the outlines of the man and his

to make ready to fire, for the truth was apparent that if he sa

the other was directly opposite. A collision now seemed certain

utes beyond hearing did the start

ite man, and n

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