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Torchy, Private Sec.


Word Count: 4026    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

t measure had swelled an inch or so, and I wouldn't say my heels wa'n't

n' head of the Corrugated Trust for the time being-well, I was it. Anyway, I'd passed along some confidential dope to our Western sales manager, stood by to take a report

matchin' Piddie for the lunches to orderin' a new stock issue. What if the asphalt over on Fifth-ave. was softenin' up, wit

the right place. You know, I guess? You're there with the goods. You ain't the whole works maybe; but you're a special, pa

tout old party wearin' a generous-built pongee suit and a high-crowned Panama. Also there's something familiar ab

s I. "I thought you wa

en banished for life

goes on, "didn't l

baths until I turned into a crocodile. I know. I'm a gouty, rheumatic old wreck, I suppose; but I'll be

Marjorie and Son-in-Law Ferdie are up to Bar Harbor, and hi

m going to spend the rest of the season sitting on a

thout Old Hickory for quite some time now, while he's been away. First off he tried to keep in touch with things by night letters, then he had

n' around sort of aimless. Then he pulls out a drawer and shuffles over some old papers th

sings ou

y had put him wise to the change, I didn't feel like announcin' it myself. So I f

he mail!" sa

d over for Mr. Robert, opened what was doubtful, and sent off a few answers accordin' to orders. But, after all, he was the big bo

I glances up to find Old Hickory wanderin' around the room absent-minded. He's starin' hard at a letter he holds in one paw. All of

t the hyphenated maledict

t to him as gen

h?" he snort

e secretary to the president

organization," says he

" says I, "faked up to

he g

it, you know, by dissolvin'-on paper. Had to have somebody

ger an office boy, eh? But I had you

left in me," says I, "spec

'll see. As office boy you had your good points, I remember; but as--" Then he bre

as Piddie comes out he's still explainin' how he's sure he do

d Hickory. "He isn't here, is he? And I

scentin' trouble and

ple refusing to renew that Mani

been just as full of information. But from what Piddie's dra

ondence on that?" says I, and

had sent back word that in due course the matter would be taken up, and that's all until this notice

will be back Monday,"

nywhere on the Great Lakes. What does Mr. Robert intend to do then-transport by a?roplane? Just asked pleasant and polite for

ook so much like an invalid, after all. There's good color in his cheeks, and behind the d

cago. This is from Broadway, International Utilities Buildi

" says I. "Been liste

Gedney Nash. Well, so be it. He and I have fought out other differences. We'll try again. And

shop, from little Vincent up to the head of the bond department, doin' flipflops

s is a rush order for the old man. Sure he

ffic superintendent, sayin' how he'd been notified to remove his wharf sp

on," growls Old Hickory over his shoulder. "And 'phone Peabody, Frost

ch I indulged in was two bites of a cheese sandwich that Vincent split wi

along," says he. "I think we're r

er,-but you don't see him. Anyway, I never knew of anyone who did. He's the man behind, the one that pulls the strings. Course, he's supposed to be at the head of International Utilities, but he claims not to hold any office. And you know what happened when Congress tried to get him before

ade and begins to ask for him, up slides a smooth-talkin' buildin' detective who listens polite what I feed him and suggests that if we wait a minute he'll call up the gen'ral

ey Nash never took a vacation in hi

ndred or more diff'rent corporations, all tied up some way or other with I. U. interests; but on the doors never the name of one shows: just "Mr. So-and-So," "Mr. Whadye Callum," "Mr. This-and-That." Clerks hurry by you with papers in their hands, walkin' soft on rubber heels. They tap respectful

sh before. When Old Hickory cuts loose with the tabasco remarks at him he only smiles patient and insists that if he can l

n his heel, and he cusses eloquent a

how Mr. Nash uses a priv

ys Old Hickory. "Thi

ake a stab

re reporters, not to mention relays of court deputies, have raked New York with a fine-tooth comb, loo

or twice, while I tear off a few

sh would fix it up so he could do the unseen duck off Broadway into his private office. Was it a tunnel from the subway through the boiler basement, or a bridge fr

Skinny. Hop in here. Ah, what for would we be kidnappin' a remnant like you? It's your birt

messenger climbs in after it. A chunky, round-faced kid he was too. I pus

o you run from,


of the Exchange. And is old Co


get back," says I, "and tell h

rins enth

s he sendin' out with the Nash

says he, "L

grown kids when I wore the stripes. Well, well! Cagy old duf

gster, "and he near

d out, didn't

and rolls his eyes. "M-m-m-m

unted that way? There'd be no harm in your givin' a guess, and if it was right

and passes me a

s I, wavin'

his fingers. "All I know," says he, "is that Loppy allus g

me within two numbers of backin

the right, just beyond the teller's window. But you can

ur number. So here's your five. Invest it in baby bonds, and don't

Hickory. "Shall we

," says I. "No. What we got to frame up now is a good excuse.

edney's," says Old Hickor

oints?" says I. "Know

l interested in landscape gardening, and

Ain't there a store down near Fulto

e Farmers' National half an hour later I has a wicker cage in each hand and Mr. Ellins has both fists full of poultry literature displayed prominent. Sur

ys I casual, makin' a

eppin' square across t

I. "There ain't clusters of 'em, ar

says he. "Try ar

ountry," and I nods to Old Hickory, "just send word up to Mr. Nash that Mr. Skel

ch?" says

Ain't they some birds? Gold

lieve me, they was the fanciest poultry specimens I'd ever seen! Honest,

, "said Mr. Skellings was

im; for in his high-crowned Panama the boss does look more li

producin' a 'phone. He was havin' some trouble to

s," says I. "Silver-slashed

through a windin' passage that fin'lly ends in front of a cir

," says t

t of office rooms I was ever in. A mahogany door opens, and in comes a wispy, yellow-skinned, dried-up little o

"I don't recall having--" Then he gets a good look at Old Hickory, and his t

ol chickens,"

on Mr. Nash, "that you were in

haired young friend here to smuggle me into the sacred presence. Great Zachari

ssary," says he, "to avoid interruptions. I presume,

I want to get a renewal of t

n not to know a thing about it. Well, perhaps it was true that International Utilities did control thos

between us, Nash. You know what those terminal privileges mean to us. We can't ge

ays Mr. Nash, "but

hey happen to be first lien bonds too. And M., K. & T. defaulted on its last interest coupons. Entirel

Mr. Nash. "Er-wo

d gone hoarse over it; but not these two plutes. Gedney Nash asks Old Hickory only three

of condition too. I have a few Orpingtons on my place; but

compliments," s

hackles! And-er-just leave that terminal lease, will you? I'll have it renewe

or the last office we passes through was where the gra

emarks, givin' him the passin' grin.

ver bats

time up comes a secretary with the lease all sig

I. "You don't need any m

r in the mouth corners. "Young man," says he,


asional lapses into sanity while I was away. What a

what I'm wo

something for the stockholders, you know. Suppose

is that broad I has to go

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