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Unveiling a Parallel: A Romance


Word Count: 4844    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

essed to her sleigh, which was in the form of an immense swan, with a head and neck of frosted silver. The body of it was padded outside with white varnished

sical and merry tone; and all the trappings and accoutrement

l part of my enjoyment. The mere sight of her roused the imagination and quickened the pulse. Her eyes were unusually dark, but they had blue rays, and were as clear and beautiful as agates held under water. In fact they seemed to swim in an invisible liquid. Her complexion had the effect of alabast

cold, it was simply bracing,-hardly

drove into the country. The horses flew over t

nced that he was ready, I was greatly disappointed to find that we were not

Severnius gave dire

ublic Square at precisely three o'clock," said he,

rade?" I

is The Auroras' Annual,-a great day

bout The Auroras' Annual, when three o'clock came. I had seen parades in New York City, until the spectacle had ca

soon. There was a sudden burst of music, infinitely mellowed by distance; and as far up the street as the eye could well reach there appeared a mounted procession,

er it was some quality of the atmosphere that made the strains so ravishing, but they swept over one's soul with a rapture that was almost painf

ement; and I unconsciously kept time with the drums, w

y step adow

ey climb

y eyes. You will remember that everything about us was white; the buildings all of white stone or brick, the gro

and each company wore distinguishing badges an

blue, and of the third sky-pink. The uniforms of the riders were inconceivably splendid; fantastic and gorgeous head-gear, glittering

ost my grip on myself and half started to my

e were afraid I was going to leap out

added, "Yes, that is Elodia in front; she is th


laughed; "the word means n

n the centre, shooting rays like the sun. Her expression was grave and lofty; she glanced neither to right nor left, but gazed straight ahead-at nothing, or at something infinitely beyond mortal vis

s sister is a sorceress; a-I don't know what! But no woman could preserve that majestic mien

ll women. Their faces had all borrowed, or had tried to borrow, Elodia's qu

off,-Giddo threading his way with consummate skill, which redounded much to

at the right time. I never knew him to break in upon another's mood for his own entertai

ernius, what

you may drive round for half an hour, and then take us

rowd. It was growing late and the air was filled with fine arrows of frost, touched by the last sunb

hem in a sorry condition. Some of the wealthiest women of the country banded themselves together and worked systematically for the relief of the sufferers. Their faces appeared so beautiful, and beamed with

table organization?" I

ears. Finally, when there was no more need of it, the State having undertaken

d elaborate senti

who, like Elodia, have plenty of money, it does not matter; but some of the women we saw in those costly robes a

t allow such a waste of money," I said,

returned he. "They argue, of course, that they need the recreation, and also that membership in suc

the question with which he topped out every ex

of the sort on the

en?-we have no

t specify

ted; "I belong to one such organ

guard t

rd it against at present. It

o you

e are certain great anniversaries in

not you

ew York ladies I knew, arrayed in gorgeous habiliment

ntirely new to me. I think they w

hat way of his which I was often in doubt abou

hey appear to look upon us with pride. And they present us with an elaborate silken banner about once a year, stitched together by

ch to convince my

us, a grand conception in chiseled marble, glinting in the brilliant lights shot upon it from various hig

steps leading up to the magnificent arched entrance. The great carved doors,-the carvings were emblematic,-swung back and admitted us. The Temple was splendidly

I did not wonder at that; nothing that appertains to such an establishment was lacking. Chairs and sofas that we would call "Turkish," thick, soft rugs and

ided from each other by costly portieres, into which the var

connected with the baths; and the decorations, I thought,

nstrument resembling a harp. She dropped her han

e intruding?"

y; "no one could be more welcome here th

as a distinguished s

with a slight blush. "Severnius i

reluctance, I thought, said, "Will you allow me,

tep toward me and

eat curiosity to meet

that her curiosity could not possibly e

I believe she thought he had told me somethi

you are her

have not been well lately, and I thought-or my husband thought

sparent complexion. If Elodia had not filled all space in my consciousness I think I should have been considerably interes

he subject. He told me, however, that her husband, Massilia, was one of h

ot women here ever take

ed with, I thought, some severity. And then he imme

ernalia of the members of the Order. In one of these closets a skeleton was suspended from the ceiling and underneath

e initiation of new members. It seemed incredible. I thought that,

ed in marble that looked like frozen lace, with an awful stillness in their ghostly folds. There was a magnificent canopied throne on an elevation like an old-fashioned pulpit, and seats for satellites on either side, and at the base. If I had been alone, I

officials, and the walls were adorned with innumerable cabalistic

d in surprise. "Only the initi

en keep their s

sure they do

agnificent banquet hall. A servant who stood near the door opened it as though it had been the door of a shrine

t. The tables, set for a banquet, held everything that c

styles and patterns, including the thin, flaring goblets, as delic

ampagne at their banquet

, wouldn't it? The Auroras are not much given to drink, ordinarily,

ld say no more than thi

-and costly drinks are typical, in a way, of the highest refine

replied in a tone which the whole commonweal

s-social as well as political-to apply separately to members of an identical community. I don't see how you can d

tious," I ret

our country ever do these things,-parade and drink wine,

ith conside

rpose of being seen and making a sensation, except in circuses. And circus women,-well, they don't count. And of course we have a class of women

in position and the music burst forth, and simultaneously the banqueters began to march in. They had put off their heavy outside garments but retained their ornaments and insignia. Their white ne

gged the doorway and we were crowded backward, and in the interest of self-preservation we took r

l we do?" cried Severniu

odor of the blossoms in front of us was overpowering. There was a bench in the alcove, and we seated ours

grace if we were f

isgrace, but it would be considered highly improper. Or, to put it so that you can

ng New York girls of my acquaintance secreting themselves in

away by the scent of the flowers, I sometimes half fancied

me or two all around, there came a change with which I was very familiar. Jokes abounded and jolly little songs were sung,-O, nothing you would take exception to, you know, if they had been men; but women! beautiful, cultivated, charming women, with eyes like stars, with cheeks that matched

have imagined. The elegant candelabra were a cunningly contrived system of electric lights, and, as sometimes happens with us, they went out suddenly and left the place in darkness for a few

rse I made none. At my suggestion we stopped at the observatory and spent a few hours there. Lost among the stars, my so

attended her everywhere, and stationed herself about like a dummy. She was the sign always that Elodia was not far off; and I am sure she would have laid down her life for her mistress, and would have

s did not get up, nor did she go down town to attend to business at all during the

er message; "but I am sorry to hear it. If there is

her obeisanc

our fun," said Sev

'fun'!" I retorted as a kind of relief to my hurt se

icular?" returned he w

omen,-why do they do such things? It

and for the first time I saw a f

t! That term may have a different significat

is pardon and trie

irection,-it is against their very nature. And if you will forgive me for saying so, I cannot but think that such indulgence as

ough she had an exclusive title to those qualities. My dear sir, it is impossible! you are all born of woman and are one flesh and one blood, whether you are male or female. I admit all you say about the unwholesome influence of such indulgence as wine drinking, late hours, questionable stories and songs,-a night's debauch, in fact, w

e tenderest consideration. We men are their slaves, in reality, though they call us their lords; we work for them, endure hardships for them, give them all

ghts, and it follows that their social rights should be similarly limited. Long abstinence from the indul

for their abstine

at in the first place it was forced upon them, and that was an

us for the injustic

in other ways by man's authority, or his wishes, or by fear of his disfavor perhaps, have acquired these gentle qualities at the expense of-or in the place of

h I longed to say, but my position was de

encies and unaccountable ways, their whimsical fancies and petty tempers, their emotions and their susceptibility to new isms and religion

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