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How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

Chapter 6 Remember Human Nature

Word Count: 873    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

nd here I must touch on the point whether the week should consist of six days or of seven. For many years - in fact, until I was approaching forty - my own week co

st. Nevertheless, had I my life to arrange over again, I would do again as I have done. Only those who have lived at the full stretch seven days a week for a long time can appreciate the full beauty of a re

yourself wishing to extend it, extend it, but only in proportion to your wish; and count the time extra as a windfall, not a

waste of days, half an hour at least on six mornings a week, and one hour

I am going to ask you to attempt an experience which, while perfectly natural and explicable, has all the air of a miracle. My contention is that the full use of those seven-and-a-half hours will quicken the whole life of the week, add zest to it, and increase the interest which you feel in even the most banal occupations. You practise physical exercises fo

. And in proportion as the time was longer the results would be gre

m the jungle is passably difficult. For some sacrifice has to be made. One may have spent one's time badly, but one did spend i

your old life, you are mistaken. I repeat that some sacrifice, and an immense deal of volition, will be necessary. And it is because I know the difficulty, it is because I know the almost disastrous effect of failure in such an enterprise, that I earnestly advise a ver

cultivation of your vitality for three months - then you may begin to sin

he evenings, to allow much more than an hour and a half in which to do the work of an hour and a half. Remember the

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