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My Neighbors / Stories of the Welsh People

Chapter 10 A WIDOW WOMAN

Word Count: 1544    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ll the order of the service. Grand prayers pray last. Boys ordinary pray middle, and bad prayers pray first. Boys bach just beginning

regation sang, Josi placed his arms on the sill wh

e Big Seat and mouth what y

whispering this counsel: "Put to sha

. This is what he said: "Asking was I if I was relig

es that are very sensible," said Bern-Davydd.

bones scarlet, his mother said: "Keep your eyes clapped very close, or hap

pel Sion. He told the Big Man to pardon the weakness of his words, because the trousers of manhood had not been long upon him; he named t

olemn, dear me, amen. Piece quite tidy of prayer"; and th

master and be a servant in my farm. Wanting a prayer very bad do we in Capel Salem." Josi immediately asked leave of God to tell Bern-Davydd that which the man

ill I be. Go will I at the finish of my servant

" said Mali. "Serious pity t

osi rebuked his mother. "How go they: 'Sell

She fattened her pigs and sold them, and she sold also her heifer; and Josi went to the School of Grammar. Mali labored hard on the land, and she got therefrom all that there was to be got; and whatever that she earned she hid in a hole in the ground. "Handy is little money," sh

n, and Mali gave him all the money that she had, and prayed thus: "Big Man bach, terrible would affairs be if I p

e Kingdom of the Palace of White Shirts was within her. While at her labor she mumbled praises to the Big Man for His goodness, until an awful thought came

r knees for the stiffne

nister unto Capel Beulah in Carmarthen, and she boasted: "Bi

one admonished her. "Does

contain all the people who would hear his word; and he wrote a letter to his mother: "God has given me to

il from which you draw drinking water, and she brought forth her black garments and put them on her; and because of her age she could not weep. The day before that her son was to be buried, s

Mali. "An old woman very mad y

ter from me the widow fach shall have. And give ladlings

s, carrots, and a white-hearted cabbage, and she came to Josi's house in the darkness which is in the morning, and it was so that she rested on the threshold; and in the bright light Mary Ann open

d Mali. "Boy all grand was Jos

ou do not see that the house is full of muster? W

aching sh

now and help to prepare food

while a carpenter turned screws into the coffin, Mary Ann said to Mali: "Clear you the dishes now, and cut bread and spread butter for those who will return after the funer

assed over Towy Street-the public way which is set with stones-she saw that many people we

of Sara Eye Glass: "Large thanks, Sara fach. Home am I, and like pouring water were the tears. And there's preaching." She milked her cows and fed her pigs and her fowls, and then she stepped up t

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