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My Neighbors / Stories of the Welsh People


Word Count: 1582    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ickness, he reasoned: "Blackish has been his dealings. And tricki

, and put beeswax on the dwindling points of his mustache, and he came out

ou," said

las asked. "Talk the n

ish," John answered in a little v

ed: "I am pleazed to see you. Take the bowler off your head and

same pray-yer. And we talked the same temperance dialogue in Capel Zion. I was always the temperan

ght a cold going to the City to get ztok. I w

of your trouble. Sick y

ning a shop in Richmo

u think too much of that shop; Death is

halted into the room, a

nit, Silas," John cried. "I a

at day; naming each article that had been

last year?" her


are a cow, with your gamey le

d she spoke this greeting: "How are you, Nuncle Silas. It's long since I've seen you." She thrust o

mpty a dose of the med

the Lord is calling you home. Calling you home. Shall I read you a piece from the Be

edicine. "Unfortunate was the row about the Mermaid Agency. I was sorry to take it

at me and you are brought together before the day of

ful. I shall shift

an at stations where the train stop, but the fare is big and the shop is without a assistant.

Here he is once per day and charging for

las. "The railway need a lot of money for to carry a corpse. I feel qu

id not

"making his peace with the Big Man he is"; a

nd. Paid have I the rent for one year in advance. Serious will the loss be. Be not of two thinks. Send Lisha to breathe breathings into my inside-in the belly where the heart is. Forgive me that I go to the Capel English. Go there I do for the trade. Generous am I in the collections. Ask the preacher. Take some one else to sit in my chair in the Palace. Amen. Amen and amen

, nor have his face covered by a bedsheet; and he would not stret

to provoke his br

re letting like a

d John. "I was lucky to get one

's a new boot shop in King's Row a

took. I have

up at once and make a case. Wear

say this and that to the owner of the

offered his brother John: a tin of lobster, a tin of sardines, a tin of salmon, and a tin

said, "and good

nd butter and vinegar to supper. Very much obliged. It was not

ermaid. You keep her. I got the


s' laces and three dozen ladies' ditto on the twenty-fif

to her he said: "H

nine gents and four

he'll drop her in the Zity. Pay

sought out the manager. "My brother J. Owen and Co. Tho

dying and how that the shop was his brother's legacy to him. "Send you the goods for this o

s, and the sardines and was sick, he did not die. A week expired and a sound reached him

enough, dad

eech was right. He came back; and he did not eat or drink or rest until he had removed all that was in his window and had placed therein no other boots than the Mermaids; and on each pair he put a ticket

ir of Mermaids, please"; and inasmuch as he had no more to sel

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