Indian Birds: Being a Key to the Common Birds of the Plains of India
Author: Douglas Dewar Genre: LiteratureIndian Birds: Being a Key to the Common Birds of the Plains of India
-9). (Small flocks
dian Whit
hatches (2
ts (39-41). (
rikes (42 and 43
ed Starling (48).
dian Star
(The other species of Myna frequently, but b
Birds (70-73).
4-79). (Especiall
mmon Rose-
83-85). (Feed on t
s (121 and 122).
wifts (12
een Parrot
35). (Very small flocks;
1-143). (Only when f
Peafowl (170).
Cranes (177 and 179). (The Sar
overs (185
ittle Sti
ndian Ski
attle Egr
Night He
mmon Flami
eese (227
ulls and Terns go