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His Last Bow

Chapter 4 The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans

Word Count: 10746    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

ever possible from our windows in Baker Street to see the loom of the opposite houses. The first day Holmes had spent in cross-indexing his huge book

condensing in oily drops upon the windowpanes, my comrade's impatient and active nature could endure this drab existence no longer. He pac

est in the paper,

possible war, and of an impending change of government; but these did not come within the horizon of my companion. I could see

t of this window, Watson. See how the figures loom up, are dimly seen, and then blend once more into the cloudbank. The thief or the

d I, "been numero

orted his

g more worthy than that," said he. "It is fortun

eed!" said

survive against my own pursuit? A summons, a bogus appointment, and all would be over. It is well they don't have days of fo

legram. Holmes tore it op

?" said he. "Brother M

ot?" I

and he runs on them. His Pall Mall lodgings, the Diogenes Club, Whitehall - that is his c

e not e

me his broth

er Cadogan West


t? I have he

reak out in this erratic fashion! A planet might as well

n explanation at the time of the A

some small office under

s chu

igh matters of state. You are right in thinking that he is under the British government. Yo

ear H

a year, remains a subordinate, has no ambitions of any kind, will receive nei

t h

h makes out the balance. All other men are specialists, but his specialism is omniscience. We will suppose that a minister needs information as to a point which involves the Navy, India, Canada and the bimetallic question; he could get his separate advices from various departments upon each, but only Mycroft can focus them all, and say offhand how each factor would affect the other. They began by using him as a short-cut, a convenience; now he has

he sofa. "Yes, yes, here he is, sure enough! Cadogan West was the y

tention, his pipe h

world can he have to do with it? The case was featureless as I remember it. The young man had apparently fallen out of th

y fresh facts have come out. Looked at more closely,

it must be a most extraordinary one." He snuggled dow

. He was twenty-seven years of age, unm

Behold the link wi

out 7:30 that evening. There was no quarrel between them and she can give no motive for his action. The next thing heard of him was


emerges from the tunnel in which it runs. The head was badly crushed - an injury which might well have been caused by a fall from the train. The body could only have come on the line

, dead or alive, either fell or was precipitated

Metropolitan, and some from Willesden and outlying junctions. It can be stated for certain that this young man when he met his death

of course, wo

o ticket in

thout exhibiting one's ticket. Presumably, then, the young man had one. Was it taken from him in order to conceal the station from which he came? It is p

ok on the Woolwich branch of the Capital and Counties Bank. Through this his identity was established. There were also t

exclamation o

Arsenal - technical papers - Brother Mycroft, the chain is complet

al inertia in the figure, but above this unwieldy frame there was perched a head so masterful in its brow, so alert in its steel-gray, deep-set eyes, so

avity of both their faces foretold some weighty quest. The detective shook hands witho

ial. In the present state of Siam it is most awkward that I should be away from the office. But it is a real crisis. I have neve

so. What were the

would be furious if it did. The papers which this wretched youth h

h showed his sense of the importance of th

of it? I thought ever

as a

oly of the invention. Every effort has been made to keep the secret. The plans, which are exceedingly intricate, comprising some thirty separate patents, each essential to the working of the whole, are kept in an elaborate safe in a confidential office adjoining the arsenal, with burglarproof doors and windows. Under no conce

ave recove

st drop everything, Sherlock. Never mind your usual petty puzzles of the police-court. It's a vital international problem that you have to solve. Why did Cadogan West take the papers, where are t

t yourself, Mycroft? Yo

ent expert opinion. But to run here and run there, to cross-question railway guards, and lie on my face with a lens to my eye - it i

iled and sho

problem certainly presents some points of interest, and I sha

l two lines of a book of reference. He has grown gray in the service, is a gentleman, a favoured guest in the most exalted houses, and, above all, a man whose patriotism is beyond suspicion. He is one of two who have a key of the safe. I may add that the papers

fact been

departure from Woolwich, and Admiral Sinclair to his arrival in

e other man

whole, an excellent record in the public service. He is unpopular with his colleagues, but a hard worker. According to his own account, corroborated only

about Cad

mpetuous, but a straight, honest man. We have nothing against him. He was next to Sidney Johnson in the offic

the plans up

ohnson, the s

. They are actually found upon the person of this juni

aves so much unexplained. In the

they were

several thousands f

motive for taking the papers t

I can

thesis. Young West took the papers. Now thi

He had to open the bu

intending, no doubt, to have the plans themselves back in the safe next morning be


ng back to Woolwich when he was kille

siderably past the station for London Brid

hom he was having an absorbing interview. This interview led to a violent scene in which he lost his life. Possibly he tried to leave

nt's sake, that young Cadogan West had determined to convey these papers to London. He would naturally have made an appointment with the foreign agen

had sat listening with some

apers before morning or the loss will be discovered. He took away ten. Only seven were in his pocket. What had become of the other three? He certainly woul

saw the agent. They could not agree as to price. He started home again, but the agent went with him. In the train the agent murd

d he no

was nearest the agent's house. Therefore

n the case is at an end. On the one hand, the traitor is dead. On the other, the plans of the B

his explanation. Use your powers! Go to the scene of the crime! See the people concerned! Leave no

your company for an hour or two? We will begin our investigation by a visit to Aldgate Station. Good-bye, Myc

t the point where it emerges from the tunnel immediately before Aldgate St

could not have fallen from above, for these, as you see, are all blank walls. Therefore, it could only ha

been examined for an

signs, and no tic

a door being


11:40 on Monday night declares that he heard a heavy thud, as of a body striking the line, just before the train reached the station. T

e tunnel. Aldgate is a junction, and there was a network of points. On these his eager, questioning eyes were fixed, and I saw on his ke

muttered, "

t? What do

great number of points o

re are v

ts, and a curve. By Jov

r. Holmes? Hav

grows in interest. Unique, perfectly unique, and yet why n

ere hard

that there was a c

, but there was no gr

be possible for me to inspect the train which contained

n has been broken up before now,

strade, "that every carriage has been c

weaknesses that he was impatient with

I desired to examine. Watson, we have done all we can here. We need not trouble you

ram to his brother, which he handed to

ase send by messenger, to await return at Baker Street, a complete list of all


the Woolwich train. "We certainly owe Brother Mycroft a debt for havin

ith hanging ears and drooping tail as it lolls about the kennels, and compare it with the same hound as, with gleaming eyes and straining muscles, it runs upon a breast-high scent - such was the chang

pe," said he. "I am dull indeed not t

they are d

idea which may lead us far. The man met his death el


here an object upon the roof might be expected to fall off? The points would affect no object inside the train. Either the body fell from the roof, or a very curious coincidence has occurred. B

icket, too

absence of a ticket. This would exp

ever from unravelling the mystery of his death

t reverie, which lasted until the slow train drew up at last in Woolwich

calls to make," said he. "I think that Si

etching down to the Thames. As we reached it the fog was lifting, and a

e with solemn face. "Sir

d Holmes in amazemen

step in, sir, and see his b

had bes

ht-bearded man of fifty, the younger brother of the dead scientist. His wild eyes, stained cheeks, and unkempt h

ensitive honour, and he could not survive such an affair. It broke his heart. He was

en us some indications which would h

He had already put all his knowledge at the disposal of the police. Naturally h

w any new light

be discourteous, but you can understand, Mr. Holmes, that we are much dis

was natural, or whether the poor old fellow killed himself! If the latter, may it be taken as some sign of self-

oo dazed with grief to be of any use to us, but at her side was a white-faced young lady, who introduced h

hat the true meaning of it can be. Arthur was the most single-minded, chivalrous, patriotic man upon earth. He would have cut his righ

acts, Miss

dmit I cannot

any want

salary ample. He had saved a few hundred

tement? Come, Miss Westbury,

ad noted some change in her man

I had a feeling that there

r l

He admitted that there was something, and that it was concerned with his official life. '


seems to tell against him, go on.

of telling me something. He spoke one evening of the importance of the secret, and I have s

face grew


such matters - that it would be ea

ently that he ma

uite re

s of that l

t a cab was useless. We walked, and our way took us clo

out a

xt morning, after the office opened, they came to inquire. About twelve o'clock we heard the

ook his h

elsewhere. Our next station must be the

ed off. "His coming marriage gives a motive for the crime. He naturally wanted money. The idea was in his head, since

ng? Then, again, why should he leave the girl i

bjections. But it is a formidab

ch my companion's card always commanded. He was a thin, gruff, bespectacled man of middle age, h

ery bad! Have you heard o

st come fro

we closed our door on Monday evening, we were as efficient an office as any in the government se

re of his g

f it. And yet I would have tr

as the office c


ou clo

ys the las

were th

. I put them

watchman to t

ell. He is an old soldier and a most trustworthy man. He s

nto the building after hours; he would need three k

outer door, the key of the of

Walter and you

f the doors - on

man who was order

hose three keys are concerned he kept them on

g went with h


never left you


s body. One other point: if a clerk in this office desired to sell the plans, would it not

echnical knowledge to copy th

James, or you, or West had

e matter, Mr. Holmes. What is the use of our speculating in

e risk of taking originals if he could safely have ta

doubt - and

explicable. Now there are three papers still mis

that i

three papers and without the seven others, c

e double valves with the automatic self-adjusting slots are drawn in one of the papers which have been returned. Until the

sing drawings are


ke a stroll round me premises. I do not recal

bush outside the window, and several of the branches bore signs of having been twisted or snapped. He examined them carefully with his lens, and then some dim and vague marks upon the earth beneath. Finall

r nothing. Well, Watson, I do not think that Woolwich can help us further. It i

ight, and that he went to London by the 8:15 to London Bridge. He was alone and took a single third-class ticket. The clerk was struck at the time by his excited and nervous manner. So shaky was he that he could

our joint researches we have ever had a case which was more difficult to get at. Every fresh advance

him from speaking of it, and yet would have affected his thoughts in the direction indicated by his remarks to his fiancee. Very good. We will now suppose that as he went to the theatre with the young lady he suddenly, in the fog, caught a glimpse of this same agent going in the direction of the office. He was an impetuous

the nex

ve given West the slip in the fog, and West started at once to London to head him off from his own rooms, presuming that he knew where the rooms were? The call must have been very pressing, since he left his girl standing in the fog and made no effort to communicate with her. Our scent runs cold here, and

. A government messenger had brought it post-has

sions, Notting Hill; and Hugo Oberstein, 13 Caulfield Gardens, Kensington. The latter was known to be in town on Monday and is now reported as having left. Glad to hear you have seen some light.


, "things are turning a little in our direction at last. Why Watson, I do honestly believe that we are going to pull it off, after all." He slapped me on the shoulder with a sudden burst of hilarity. "I am going out now. It is only a reconnaissance. I wi

sual austerity of demeanour unless there was good cause for exultation. All the long November evening I waited,

ington. Please come at once and join me there. Bring wit


ts. I stowed them all discreetly away in my overcoat and drove straight to the address given

and curacao. Try one of the proprietor's cigars. They are

here, in m

w it must be evident to you, Watson, that this young man's body was placed on the roof of the train. That was clear

ave been droppe

that they are slightly rounded, and there is no railing round them. Ther

he be pla

unnels at some points in the West End. I had a vague memory that as I have travelled by it I have occasionally seen windows just

most imp

uth. Here all other contingencies have failed. When I found that the leading international agent, who had just left London, lived

t was it

cial walked with me along the track and allowed me to satisfy myself not only that the back-stair windows of Caulfield Gardens open on the line but the even more es

olmes! You h

d, so far as I could judge, in the upper rooms. Oberstein lived there with a single valet, who was probably a confederate entirely in his confidence. We must bear in mind that Oberstein has gone to the Continent to dispo

et a warrant an

on the e

n we hop

what corresponde

like it

t. It's not a time to stick at trifles. Think of Mycroft's note, of the Admir

s to rise fr

, Holmes. We a

and shook m

saw something in his eyes which was nearer to tenderness than I had eve

said he. "Don't drop the instruments, I beg. Your arrest as a

in the West End of London. Next door there appeared to be a children's party, for the merry buzz of young voices and the clatter of a piano resounde

would do better in the area. There is an excellent archway down yonder in case a too z

rhythm died away, Holmes set to work upon the lower door. I saw him stoop and strain until with a sharp crash it flew open. We sprang through into the da

ing steadily into a loud roar as a train dashed past us in the darkness. Holmes swept his light along the window-sil

s a blood mark." He was pointing to faint discolourations along the woodwork of the window. "Here it i

the open, and then, with a creaking of brakes, pulled up immediately beneath us. It was not f

d," said he. "What do y

have never risen t

not a very abstruse one, all the rest was inevitable. If it were not for the grave interests involved the affair up to this

lank. The remaining room appeared more promising, and my companion settled down to a systematic examination. It was littered with books and papers, and was evidently used as a study. Swiftly and methodicall

left nothing to incriminate him. His dangerous corresponden

y note to show to what they referred. The recurring words "water pressure" and "pressure to the square inch" suggested some possible relation to a submarine. Holmes tossed them all impat

ements of a paper. Daily Telegraph agony column by the print and paper. Right-hand to

rms agreed to. Write full


t co

Must have full report. Stuff a


n co

ess contract completed. Make appointment



y ourselves. Do not be so suspicious. P


the man at the other end!" He sat lost in thought, tappin

re to be done here, Watson. I think we might drive round to the offices

next day and Sherlock Holmes had recounted to them our proceedings of th

nder you get results that are beyond us. But some of these days you'

son? Martyrs on the altar of our countr

Admirable! But what us

Daily Telegraph whi

Pierrot's adver



e. Two taps. Most vitally impor


strade. "If he answer

ake it convenient to come with us about eight o'clock to Caulfi

Lassus. For my own part I had none of this power of detachment, and the day, in consequence, appeared to be interminable. The great national importance of the issue, the suspense in high quarters, the direct nature of the experiment which we were trying - all combined to work upon my nerve. It was a relief to me when at last, after a light dinner, we set out upon our expeditio

rge of our hopes. Lestrade and Mycroft were fidgeting in their seats and looking twice a minute at their watches. Holm


and fastened it. "This way!" we heard him say, and a moment later our man stood before us. Holmes had followed him closely, and as the man turned with a cry of surprise and alarm he caught him by the collar and threw him back into the room. Before our prisoner had recovered his balance the door was shut and Ho

a whistle

time, Watson," said he. "This was n

" asked Myc

Submarine Department. Yes, yes; I see the fall of the cards. He i

t up, looked round him with a horror-stricken face, and passed his

ked. "I came here to

orrespondence and relations with Oberstein are within our knowledge. So also are the circumstances connected with the death of young Cadogan West. Let m

his face in his hands. We

ly Telegraph. We are aware that you went down to the office in the fog on Monday night, but that you were seen and followed by young Cadogan West, who had probably some previous reason to suspect you. He saw your theft, but could not give the alarm, as it was just possible that you were taking the papers

God I swear that I did not!"

et his end before you laid him upo

. A Stock Exchange debt had to be paid. I needed the money badly. Oberstein offered me fi


he lay in the hall, and we were at our wit's end what to do. Then Oberstein had this idea about the trains which halted under his back window. But first he examined the papers which I had brought. He said that three of them were essential, and that he must keep them. 'You cannot keep them,' said I. 'There will be a dreadful row at Woolwich if they are not returned.' 'I must keep them,' said he, 'for they are so technical that it is impossible in the time to make copies.' 'Then they must all go back together tonight,' sa

our br

and I think that he suspected. I read in his eyes that he

the room. It was brok

It would ease your conscience,

aration c

erstein with


ive you n

e Hotel du Louvre, Paris, w

ill within your power,

is fellow no particular good-will.

rite to my dictation. Direct the envelope to th


ver, and I must ask you for a further advance of five hundred pounds. I will not trust it to the post, nor will I take anything but gold or notes. I would come to you abroad, but it would excite rema

all be very much surprised i

chronicles - that Oberstein, eager to complete the coup of his lifetime, came to the lure and was safely engulfed for fifteen years in a Brit

the subject. Some weeks afterwards I learned incidentally that my friend spent a day at Windsor, whence he returned with a remarkably fine emerald tie-pin. When I asked him if he had bought it, he answered that it was a present from a certain gracious lady in whose interests

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