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His Last Bow

Chapter 8 His Last Bow An Epilogue of Sherlock Holmes

Word Count: 6153    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

ng heavy over a degenerate world, for there was an awesome hush and a feeling of vague expectancy in the sultry and stagnant air. The sun had long set, but one b

he beach at the foot of the great chalk cliff on which Von Bork, like some wandering eagle, had perched himself four years before. They stood with their heads close together,

important mission of all, but since he had taken it over those talents had become more and more manifest to the half-dozen people in the world who were really in touch with the truth. One of these

on Bork, I think you will be surprised at the welcome you will receive. I happen to know what is thought in the highest quarters of your work in this coun

ork l

e," he remarked. "A more docile,

irs which makes a trap for the stranger. One's first impression is that they are entirely soft. Then one comes suddenly upon something very hard, and you

sort of thing?" Von Bork sigh

afford to talk of my blunders, for you know my work well enough to be aware of my successes. It was on my first arrival. I

"I've been ther

smitted a remark which showed that he was aware of what had been said. This, of course, took the trail straight up to me. You've no idea the harm that it did me

an artificial thing. This is quite natu

h of boxing with the young officers. What is the result? Nobody takes you seriously. You are a 'good old sport,' 'quite a decent fellow for a German,' a hard-drinking, night-club, knock-about-town, devil-may-care yo

ears in this country have not been unproductive. I've never show

he electric light. He then closed the door behind the bulky form which followed him and carefully adjusted the heavy curtain over

d left yesterday for Flushing they took the less important with them.

es for you or your baggage. Of course, it is just possible that we may not have to go. Engl


d Belgiu

could be. There is a definite treaty there. S

east have peace

her h

Times, has not roused these people from their slumbers. Here and there one hears a question. It is my business to find an answer. Here and there also there is an irritation. It is my business to soothe it. But I can assure you that so far as the essentials go - the storage of munitions,

think of h

hn Bull. If he prefers to-day we are perfectly ready. If it is to-morrow we shall be more ready still. I should think they would be wiser to fight with allies than without them, but that is their

was drawn it disclosed a large, brass-bound safe. Von Bork detached a small key from his wat

anding clear, with

ch it was furnished. Each pigeonhole had its label, and his eyes as he glanced along them read a long series of such titles as "Fords", "Harbour defences",

y. Putting down his cigar he

ing country squire. But the gem of my collection is coming and there is the settin

a good dossier

ode has been changed. It was a blow, Baron - the worst setback in my whole campai

tch and gave a guttural ex

t present in Carlton Terrace and that we have all to be at our posts. I had

ushed over

il to-night and brin


ng plug

likely to come up is named after some spare part. If he talks of a radiator it is a

secretary, examining the superscriptio

is particular job. Of cours

seful, these traitors, but I

ods, to use his own phrase. Besides he is not a traitor. I assure you that our most pan-Germanic Jun


hardly understand him. He seems to have declared war on the King's English a

-morrow, and when you get that signal book through the little door on the Duke of Y

st-covered bottle which stood wi

u a glass befor

But it looks

t to the further end where at a touch from the Baron's chauffeur the great car shivered and chuckled. "Those are the lights of Harwich, I suppose," said the secretary, pulling on his dust coat. "How still and peaceful it al

ed at a table, was a dear old ruddy-faced woman in a country cap. She was bending over he

, the only serv


rang into the car, and a moment later the two golden cones from the headlights shot forward through the darkness. The secretary lay back in the cushions of the luxurious limousine, with his

ad lingered in the kitchen, he had the whole place to himself. There was a good deal of tidying up to do inside his study and he set himself to do it until his keen, handsome face was flushed with the heat of the burning papers. A leather valise stood beside his table, and into this he began to pack very neatly and systematically the precious contents of his safe. He had hardly got started with the work, however, when his quick ears cau

eagerly, running forw

small brown-paper parcel

o-night, mister," he cried. "I'm


d you, not the original. That was too dangerous. But it's the real goods, and you can lay to tha

s. Of course a copy is better than the original. If an original were missin

a general resemblance to the caricatures of Uncle Sam. A half-smoked, sodden cigar hung from the corner of his mouth, and as he sat down he struck a match and relit it. "Making ready for a

y n

Yankee crook would be into that with a canopener. If I'd known that any letter of mine

that safe," Von Bork answered. "You

the l

ombination lock. You

," said th

e lock to work." He rose and showed a double-radiating disc round the ke

ell, tha

was four years ago that I had it made, and wha


the word, and 1914 for the

e showed his surpr

mart! You had it do

e guessed the date. Here it is, and I

country all on my lonesome. In a week or less, from what I see, John Bull will

an America

ce with a British copper to tell him you're an American citizen. 'It's British law and order over here,'

ean?" Von Bork

u to see that they don't fall down. But they do fall do

u know that yourself. He was

- I give you that. T

an was

ghouse when he has to play a part from morning to night with a hundred g

ntly, and his ruddy fa

bout St

e all in Portsmouth jail. You'll go off and he, poor devil, will have to stand the racket, and

tained man, but it was easy to

to Steiner?" he muttered.

worse one, for I believe

n't mea

I want to know, mister, is how the coppers know these things? Steiner is the fifth man you've lost since I signed on with you, and I


ou speak in

ell you straight what is in my mind. I've heard that with you German politi

sprang to

est that I have give

omewhere, and it's up to you to find out where it is. Anyhow I am taking

ad mastere

ork and taken risks, and I can't forget it. By all means go to Holland, and you can get a boat from Rotterd

parcel in his hand, but ma

the dough?

e w

hundred dollars or it would have been nitsky for you and me. 'Nothin' doin'!' says he, and he meant it, too, but the last h

em to have a very high opinion of my honour," said

it is a busines

fter all, since we are to be on such terms, Mr. Altamont," said he, "I don't see why I should trust you any more than you trust me. Do you understand?" he add

blue book which lay before him. Across the cover was printed in golden letters Practical Handbook of Bee Culture. Only for one instant did the master spy glare at this

r. Sherlock Holmes as he extend

ted himself by the table pushed for

good wine

is from Franz Josef's special cellar at the Schoenbrunn Palace. Might I tr

eeping stertorously with a strap round his upper arms and another round his legs. "We need not hurry ourselves, Watson. We are safe from interruption. Would you mind touching the bell? There is

he curtseyed with a smile to Mr. Holmes, but glanced

Martha. He has not

n a kind master. He wanted me to go with his wife to Germany yeste

re here I was easy in my mind. We wait

he secret

is car pas

knew that it would not suit yo

until I saw your lamp go out and knew that the coast was clear. You


have everything

en letters to-day. I hav

ished, "are not of very great importance, for, of course, the information which they represent has been sent of

ey are o

eed not add are thoroughly untrustworthy. It would brighten my declining years to see a German cruiser navigating the Solent according to the mine-field plans which I have furnished. But

n I got your wire asking me to meet you at Harwich with the car. But you

adful memory. With my hair cut and a few other superficial changes I shall no doubt reappear at Claridge's tomorrow as I was before this

living the life of a hermit among your bees and

ead out the whole title, Practical Handbook of Bee Culture, with Some Observations upon the Segregation of the Queen. "Alone I did it. Beh

you get to

s evidence of some strong and secret central force. It was absolutely necessary to expose it. Strong pressure was brought upon me to look into the matter. It has cost me two years, Watson, but they have not been devoid of excitement. When I say that I started my pilgrimage at Chicago, graduated in an Irish secret society at Buffalo, gave serious trouble to the constabulary at Skibbareen, and so even

stening to Holmes's statement. He broke out now into a furious stream of German invective, his face convul

lo!" he added as he looked hard at the corner of a tracing before putting it in the box. "This should put another bird in the cage. I had n

nge mixture of amazement and hatred at his captor. I shall get level with you, Altamont," he s

s a favourite ditty of the late lamented Professor Moriarty. Colonel Sebastian Moran

he German, straining against his bonds a

g. "As my speech surely shows you, Mr. Altamont of Chic

who ar

, I may say that this is not my first acquaintance with the members of your family. I have

know it," said th

hen your cousin Heinrich was the Imperial Envoy. It was I also who saved from murder, by the

sat up in

nly one man

y," sai

of that information came through you," he cried. "What

checking and you have little time to check it. Your admiral may find the new

ed at his own t

you, who have outwitted so many other people, have at last been outwitted yourself. After all, you have done your best for your country, and I have done my best for mine, and what could be more natural? Besides," he added, not unkindly, as

the garden walk which he had trod with such proud confidence when he received the congratulations of the famous diplomatist only a few hours before. Aft

id Holmes when the final arrangements were made. "Should I be gui

were wasted upon

said he, "that if your government bears you ou

and all this treatment?" sai

o warrant for my arrest. The whole procee

ely," sa

g a German

ng his priv

your accomplice here. If I were to shout

and it would be as well not to try him too far. No, Mr. Von Bork, you will go with us in a quiet, sensible fashion to Scotland Yard, whence you can send for your friend, Baron Von Herling, and see if even now you may not fill that place which he has r

ays of the past, while their prisoner vainly wriggled to undo the bonds that held him. As

east wind co

Holmes. It i

and a good many of us may wither before its blast. But it's God's own wind none the less, and a cleaner, better, stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared. Star

The End<

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