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Princess Zara

Princess Zara



Word Count: 2025    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

an who attracted unusual attention for the reason that she was accompanied by a considerable suite of retainers and servants who were for a time as busy as flies around a honey pot, ca

ers. Many there were who sought eagerly an opportunity to scan the features of this young woman's face, for that s

the curious might penetrate; and as if insolently disdainful of the attention she attracted, her face rem

told that; the air with which she moved about among her servitors; the simple gestures she made in giving her directions, and the quiet but resourceful and effective methods she used

nd even the maid who attended upon her immediate wants was more elaborately gowned

eces of baggage soon to be taken from the hold of the vessel; and this immediate party departed from the pier in carriages, for the hotel where accommodations had already been secu

which occupied the greater part of one entire floor and which included every convenience which the most illust

ght the hotel office an

Princess Zara

e, St. P

that the names of the entire party were requ

all the persons who comprise her highness' suite,

tably after a sea voyage, a few hours of fatigue which nothing but restful quiet and utter idleness will overcome; and therefore an hour or more later, wh

y that I will not receive

to discover that it was yet barely noon-time, crossed to the book stall where he secured something to read and thereby while away the time, and then having sought a comfortable chair

the princess; at half past four

for their admiring curiosity concerning her. It is trite to speak of a woman as being radiantly beautiful, commonplace to refer to it at all, save by implication, since feminine beauty is a composite attribute, vague an

icity itself, and inasmuch as her servants had found time during the hours since their arrival, to decorate the rooms according to the princess' tastes, she was surrounded by much the same settings that would have been contained in her own palatial home at St. Petersburg. When it is said that she was ba

fectly formed hand upon which gleamed a solitary ring; the only jewel she wore that afternoon save a

ion of him. One wondered why such a man as this had been contented to endure five idle hours of waiting upon her serene pleasure; and yet if one had looked past h

kly after my arrival," she said to him in

room and standing tall and straight-before her in his commanding manhood. He was a handsome man, past f

d I kept yo

waiting, if Princess Zara be the o

you be

k you

rsonal effects had already been arranged. Among them was a box of Russian cigarettes which she now indicated by a gestur

hould arrive in this country; but little thinking that you would be the first to greet me. You will pardon me for not indulging in one of them myself, for you know that I have

o his native environment, not so much by the odor and flavor of the cigarette he puffed with such calm enjoyment, as by the presence of this magnificent creature who confronted him so daintily, and who received him so sim

ong in making yourself known to me after my arrival, for I knew that the papers would announce it, and that y

ers, indulging himself in a

wishing that there were no such things as duties to be performed. When I look at you, Zara, I wish that I we

it was certain, came into her eyes, and s

always wish to hear such expressions as that; and com

d only of what might have been were the disparity of our years less, and if the

from her impatience, "if the world had been created a

he replied,

not have kept you waiting so long. Tell me something about yourself, Saberevski; and why it is that you have deemed it wise, or per

ling at that. St. Petersburg has tired of me. I am better aw

czar? Is he also of th

s, to approve of my present plans and conduct," re

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