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Princess Zara


Word Count: 2881    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

never know, for at that instant we were interrupted by Prince Michael,

nor is it wise for one to burn a bridge until it has been crossed; be

murmured, in reply. Then P

hich would return and wait for him after it had deposited me at my door; but when I left the house the storm had lulled almost to stopping and as the distance was not great I decided to walk. That decision very nearly co

ng to this place after the experiences I have undergone in Siberia, for even the life of an officer there is little better than tha

be there?

e palace guard. Have you


ave met the prin

ppearance of indifference, but it had a directly opposite effect upon me, for it was palpably a mask

s is my first acqu

consider yourself

intended to suggest that I should have understood some obscure meaning behind his words; but I chose not to see it. Then, as we shook hands at parting he honored me by a pressure or his thumb which Morét had taught me to understand as the very faintest kind of a

d night were still in evidence, however, so that the streets between the widely separated lamps were dark and lonely. The distance I had to go was something more than a mile, and I had traversed more than

rooms, while beside the couch upon which I had been placed wer

what's up?" I

n av me own cabs this night, owin' to the sudden death av wan av me min," he replied. "The doctor s

bout it,"

as goin' to the princess' afther me fare, whin I heard a shot.

the bullet

n an' hit ye a welt that made ye see stars this cloudy night. Now I'm goin'. Maybe I'll have a rep

oing no damage; but I could not help connecting the attempt on my life with the experiences of the night; in other words, with the woman whose guest I had been and whose secrets I had overheard. I had cherishe

nk me dead." Concerning the woman for whose sake he became a nihilist, he never spoke. But the experiences I had passed through at the home of the princess, the preceding night, made me wise concerning the identity of the woman who had influenced him. Indeed I had had it from her own lips that she had played with this man, even as she had hoodwinked the prince. What the relations between her and Morét might ha

ealize that my desire found its source more in personal resentment against any confidential passa

innumerable channels. If I had been charged with jealousy at that moment, I wou

was no nearer to a determination regarding what I should say to him, when I entered the room he occupied in the pri

aken any further advantage of my promise

h whom I care to com

sked the question idly, watching

nd without a trace of surprise or resent

everia," I s

not kn

he kno

honor to be know

that she is responsible for

rview me on the subject." He was thor

were dead. Would you not like to hea

care to

you would have betrayed all your friends-includin

w her, it makes no difference." Nothing could

not disc

d, but I do not kn

now rejoiced to learn that you are dead, and out of her way, with the dangerous secrets you

were the cause of his agony. I knew that I was prodding him deeply and severely, thrusting the iron into his soul with as little compunction a

ng that interval Morét was greater than I; more chivalrous than I; for he remained loyal to his duty towards her, as he saw it, in spite of the terrible ac

he said; "that is, if she

I waited, knowing that I had tried this man

ed his eyes again

that the woman's personality and name should form no part of our future discussions. You have chosen, at this time, to mention a princess, to whom you give the name of Zara de Echeveria, and I have told you that I know no such person; that the name means nothing to me. What you may surmise, Mr. D

ental anguish he was undergoing. I knew that it was far worse than physical torture, an

half hour I was anno

a Jove would have degenerated to a Hermes, or Mars have cast away his sword and shield for the wings of Apollo. To enter it, was like awaking from a vivid dream of battle to find the soft arms of love around you, and to feel the lethargy of infinite content. Add to this the personality of the Princess Zara, her half hesitating smile of welcome in which pleasure and dread were equally mingled; suffuse her face with a quick blush, and instantly replace it with a touch of pallor; render her manner with a suggestion of ha

am grateful," she murmure

had felt before r

would have known the r

should have

have be


pt upon my life did not succeed, th

your life! I do

where the plaster hid the wound made

e compelled me to break my e

gently turned my face towards hers; yet she did it in a way that was devoid of intimacy. Somehow she changed what might have been suggesti

le for this?" she asked, relea

but made

ad doubtless thrown it after reading, secured a crumpled wad of pa

," sh

de ourselves,'" I read, aloud. "'One of them, fortunately, was

ned. It did not occur to me to doubt that you would be prompt until I read that. I did not doubt you, Mr. Dubravnik.

e was no other theory. At all events,


know you ha

nd is here. He must have brought some one with him last night-somebody who listened to everything. Do you know what that note means, my friend

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