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In Search of the Castaways

Part 1 South America Chapter 7 Jacques Paganel is Undeceived

Word Count: 2071    |    Released on: 10/11/2017

r all this was said in a most charming manner. Lord Glenarvan knew quite well who

Burton.”“I am not Captain Burton,” said John Mangles.“But the SCOTIA.”“This vessel is not the SCOTIA.”It would be impossible to depict the astonishment of Paganel. He stared first at one and then at another in the utmost bewilderment.Lord Glenarvan was perfectly grave, and Lady Helena and Mary showed their sympathy for his vexation by their looks. As for John Mangles, he could not suppress a smile; but the Major appeared as unconcerned as usual. At last the poor fellow shrugged his shoulders, pushed down his spectacles over his nose and said:“You are joking.”But just at that very moment his eye fell on the wheel of the ship, and he saw the two words on it:Duncan.Glasgow.“The Duncan! the DUNCAN!” he exclaimed, with a cry of despair, and forthwith rushed down the stairs, and away to his cabin.As soon as the unfortunate SAVANT had disappeared, every one, except the Major, broke out into such peals of laughter that the sound reached the ears of the sailors in the forecastle. To mistake a railway or to take the train to Edinburgh when you want to go to Dumbarton might happen; but to mistake a ship and be sailing for Chili when you meant to go to India — that is a blunder indeed!“However,” said Lord Glenarvan, “I am not much astonished at it in Paganel. He is quite famous for such misadventures. One day he published a celebrated map of America, and put Japan in it! But for all that, he is distinguished for his learning, and he is one of the best geographers in France.”“But what shall we do with the poor gentleman?” said Lady Helena; “we can’t take him with us to Patagonia.”“Why not?” replied McNabbs, gravely. “We are not responsible for his heedless mistakes. Suppose he were in a railway train, would they stop it for him?”“No, but he would get out at the first station.”“Well, that is just what he can do here, too, if he likes; he can disembark at the first place where we touch.”While they were talking, Paganel came up again on the poop, looking very woebegone and crestfallen. He had been making inquiry about his luggage, to assure himself that it was all on board, and kept repeating incessantly the unlucky words, “The Duncan! the DUNCAN!”He could find no others in his vocabulary. He paced restlessly up and down; sometimes stopping to examine the sails, or gaze inquiringly over the wide ocean, at the far horizon. At length he accosted Lord Glenarvan once more, and said —“And this Duncan — where is she going?”“To America, Monsieur Paganel,” was the reply.“And to what particular part?”“To Concepcion.”“To Chili! to Chili!” cried the unfortunate geographer. “And my mission to India. But what will M. de Quatre-fages, the President of the Central Commission, say? And M. d’ Avezac? And M. Cortanbert? And M. Vivien de Saint Martin? How shall I show my face at the SEANCES of the Society?”“Come, Monsieur Paganel, don’t despair. It can all be managed; you will only have to put up with a little delay, which is relatively of not much importance. The Yarou-Dzangbo-Tchou will wait for you still in the mountains of Thibet. We shall soon put in at Madeira, and you will get a ship there to take you back to Europe.”“Thanks, my Lord. I suppose I must resign myself to it; but people will say it is a most extraordinary adventure, and it is only to me such things happen. And then, too, there is a cabin taken for me on board the SCOTIA.”“Oh, as to the SCOTIA, you’ll have to give that up meantime.”“But the

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1 Introduction2 Part 1 South America Chapter 1 The Shark3 Part 1 South America Chapter 2 The Three Documents4 Part 1 South America Chapter 3 The Captain's Children5 Part 1 South America Chapter 4 Lady Glenarvan's Proposal6 Part 1 South America Chapter 5 The Departure of the "Duncan"7 Part 1 South America Chapter 6 An Unexpected Passenger8 Part 1 South America Chapter 7 Jacques Paganel is Undeceived9 Part 1 South America Chapter 8 The Geographer's Resolution10 Part 1 South America Chapter 9 Through the Straits of Magella11 Part 1 South America Chapter 10 The Course Decided12 Part 1 South America Chapter 11 Traveling in Chili13 Part 1 South America Chapter 12 Eleven Thousand Feet Aloft14 Part 1 South America Chapter 13 A Sudden Descent15 Part 1 South America Chapter 14 Providentially Rescued16 Part 1 South America Chapter 15 Thalcave17 Part 1 South America Chapter 16 The News of the Lost Captain18 Part 1 South America Chapter 17 A Serious Necessity19 Part 1 South America Chapter 18 In Search of Water20 Part 1 South America Chapter 19 The Red Wolves21 Part 1 South America Chapter 20 Strange Signs22 Part 1 South America Chapter 21 A False Trail23 Part 1 South America Chapter 22 The Flood24 Part 1 South America Chapter 23 A Singular Abode25 Part 1 South America Chapter 24 Paganel's Disclosure26 Part 1 South America Chapter 25 Between Fire and Water27 Part 1 South America Chapter 26 The Return on Board28 Part 2 Australia Chapter 1 A New Destination29 Part 2 Australia Chapter 2 Tristan D'acunha and the Isle of30 Part 2 Australia Chapter 3 Cape Town and M. Viot31 Part 2 Australia Chapter 4 A Wager and How Decided32 Part 2 Australia Chapter 5 The Storm on the Indian Ocean33 Part 2 Australia Chapter 6 A Hospitable Colonist34 Part 2 Australia Chapter 7 The Quartermaster of the "Britan35 Part 2 Australia Chapter 8 Preparation for the Journey36 Part 2 Australia Chapter 9 A Country of Paradoxes37 Part 2 Australia Chapter 10 An Accident38 Part 2 Australia Chapter 11 Crime or Calamity39 Part 2 Australia Chapter 12 Toline of the Lachlan40 Part 2 Australia Chapter 13 A Warning41 Part 2 Australia Chapter 14 Wealth in the Wilderness42 Part 2 Australia Chapter 15 Suspicious Occurrences43 Part 2 Australia Chapter 16 A Startling Discovery44 Part 2 Australia Chapter 17 The Plot Unveiled45 Part 2 Australia Chapter 18 Four Days of Anguish46 Part 2 Australia Chapter 19 Helpless and Hopeless47 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 1 A Rough Captain48 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 2 Navigators and Their Discoveries49 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 3 The Martyr-Roll of Navigators50 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 4 The Wreck of the "Macquarie"51 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 5 Cannibals52 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 6 A Dreaded Country53 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 7 The Maori War54 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 8 On the Road to Auckland55 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 9 Introduction to the Cannibals56 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 10 A Momentous Interview57 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 11 The Chief's Funeral58 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 12 Strangely Liberated59 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 13 The Sacred Mountain60 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 14 A Bold Stratagem61 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 15 From Peril to Safety62 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 16 Why the "Duncan" Went to Ne63 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 17 Ayrton's Obstinacy64 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 18 A Discouraging Confession65 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 19 A Cry in the Night66 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 20 Captain Grant's Story67 Part 3 New Zealand Chapter 21 Paganel's Last Entanglement