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Winter Fun


Word Count: 2390    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ry early Friday afternoon, and his ch

good deal of a mechanical genius, or, as she expressed it, "he had a nateral turn for tools;" and he had more than once ast

to show 'em a new wrinkle. Wait ti

, Vosh. Mebbe I could

e, however, and it may be he had

more or less in climbing them. There was not enough of travelling on any of them to interfere seriously with the free use of sleds, and you could almost always see whether or not the track was clear. Just now, however, the very depth of the snow was in the way, for the he

t all the low and broken fences were now snowed under, and it was easy to take the top rails from the two or three high ones, so as to leave wide gaps. With very little trouble, therefore, the boys prepared for their fun a clear, slippery descent, almost level in some places

rt, if we stick on hard; b

lide Susie,

upon her all the time, and she went out to look at Corry's sled in the mor

must be s

of rompin', tom-boy business a

p, aunt Judith:

he city too; and that there mite of a

n Corry

ing to slide down

te, sorrel colt, red b

have the girls walk up hill

udith. "They ain't a-goin'. I

y sled. They've got one like it over in Cobbleville

ive! But what have

e old pair of bobs, and you've rigged a b

s my r

eer with it: a rudder

it, so it turns easy. See how I've rigged that yoke to the front bob? See the two arms a-standing up? You pull on one of those

one arm of that yoke a hard push to see if it wo

ive! It'l

-morning to Vosh; and there she was

and get your things on? We

flash, and Corry

ust great, if

bleville 'ripper.' That's what they call it. All

," said aunt Judith wit

Port, "we'll make Vosh haul u

me I ever had a horse and a m

in begging permission for Susie and Pen to go. Even Mrs. Farnham had her objections, and the deacon himsel

nd boys, and slid down hill, and had a good time, and wasn't a mite the worse for it. Vosh, he's been a-hammerin' away at that thing til

on. "Get in, Susie.-Don't yo

l break all their

won't. I'l

t doing, after the cutter turned the corner of the road below the house, with the ripper b

th twice as many boys, were already at work upon it. The sliding-down that slope was something to wonder at; but the climbing back again was another thing altogether. It was easy enoug

exclaimed Susie, after a long l

said Corry. "I don't believe you girls'd ev

that; but he had had some experience on that sl

h helped the girls out of the cutter, and

Benton: that's w

s. It was light but strong, and the box on the rear half of it was well supplied with blankets. When the girls were i

, "it's awful. We

back upon her seat, and looked out upon the great glittering expanse of white that spread ou

e before starting when she a

hadn't you better c

There's plenty of room. We'll b

other boy in sight was envying him. There had be

had a sled of his own had, at the same t

little hand-sled, darting down over the slipper

sie, with a half-shuddering idea that when

We'll make the longest trip

xclaimed Pen. "Hold you

at she was turning a little pale; but they moved s

s it steer

ther boys did not guess why the new contrivance made so ma

I can twist her i

ad!" excla

, gi

aster. And there was no need to tell the young-lady passengers to hold t

ppery crust, and the rippe

ss the level reaches; and all the while there was Vosh Stebbins b

ter all; and if he and his cargo should happen to miss one of these, and be dashed against

d pilot," as Port had called him before starting, an

on either side was but a streak of white. Nob

e village!"

r!" whisp

into what she saw was a road lined

nt them down it instead of across. In a moment more they were slipping smoothly along over the wind-swept surface of the fr

e alight, "that's the longest slide down hill anybody ev

ill," she said; and P

it, Vosh. We'd just

down the road for; and they were speedi

Judith was here n

n this thing," said Vosh. "I'

not after knot of curious spectators came out of the village "to see how

a cute

r built

eller in Cobbleville. He be

of him. For all that, he was tired enough by dinner-time,

t was splendid! You never saw

d it was all true; but it was not easy for

in the middle of the mill-pond?" asked aunt Judith; and four young peo

such sliding down hill before up this way. I'd like to see it done just

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