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Winter Fun


Word Count: 2594    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

h two yoke of oxen, merely to have them stand still in the snow while he did some chopping. Such fires as he kept up

expressed her wonder if her uncle and Vosh would be str

do it, Pen, not

ll show you how they do it: it's dr

sy for Pen and Susie as it seem

long, strong pieces of wood that Vosh called "skids:" that made an inclined plane, and it was nothing but good hard work to roll the logs up, and into their places on the sleigh.

t burns," said Vosh. "I like

truth, for she was beginning to think she li

and Susie'll climb up, we'll se

r father c

, I guess

ere and chop tr

being alone. There's a man at the house to help V

in that, but P

sie?-Vosh, help Susie: sh


orn much.-Now, Pen, do you think th

rse the

lling. They seemed to know exactly what to do, with a little help from Vosh and his long whip. When all was ready, and they bowed th

, beneath the wide, smooth runners of the sleigh. Vosh walked beside his team, and drove it away around in a semic

as that the report of a gun, or was i

one of the boys shooting at something

have heard a similar sound before, although the place where the bo

best they could; but he had not stirred up f

s here," s

ry; "but this isn't the place. We're

-aren't th

e in. Father says a gun's a

on the ground while he spoke,

self. "I might have known that much. The

. Still he tried to make quick work of it; and, when Corry began to push down a wad of paper after the powder,

it! So will I,"

measure 'em for you. You'll know next time.

better put in, or whether he should try the big shot from on

" he asked, when he saw Cor

l almost any thing with bu

d 'em. Thought they w

he imitated Corry in putting on the caps for both barrels, as

ached the swam

ace for rabbits, when you get there. Hal

t little animal the dog had disturbed from his seat a

is!" shout


ou try

, and in another second the bri

didn't stop running

oo many trees, and it w


as over the snow: it was more'

fast as the snow would let them. They had not far to go before

asn't tr

Why, do you mea

that tree's hollow. See that hole at t

we ge

't pay if it takes too

new how to go to work for it; but he felt very warm indeed while his cousin stooped down and poked his arm deeper

hollow tr

only a lit

ou fee

't long

saying. That was probably not the first runaway game which had disa

t! Here h

im, ha

re h

poke, and held up in triumph a

id rea

he hole of his own weight. Don't you see? They didn't strike h

d Porter: "he won'

most in his mind was that he could not go home happy unless he coul

n, and on they went; but

the swamp

mp: it's all trees a

ces. You can't get through here at all in the spring,

that fact, for he was dashing

ould now plainly see; but they crossed each other in all dire

which one of them he

ort: you

behind trees and in among the nearest bushes. Suddenly he saw something, or t

bbit," he thought, "si

ard about it was from both barrels of his cousin's g

is it,

him! I'v

thick hazel-bushes. A moment more, and he was out again, with a r

, Port! Was

g still, and liste

rabbit unless it was running. It would have been a pity to have d

and looked at it, until

the charge in rightly. Besides, there was Ponto racing across the farther side of the swamp, with a big rabbit just ahead of him. H

fired, but Ponto's m

y one," s

rels every time, though, or you may lose some of 'em. F

ad more and more serious doubts, however, about his ability to hit a rabbit on the run. The first time he actually tried to do it, he doubte

and looked after the rabbit he had fired at, and whic

said Corry, "he hasn

find out he was hit til

fter that one again! He's turned him around those sumach-bushes. He

t, and he felt himself blushing as he raised his gun; but he tried to

done it! A good l

ad strayed in the direction of that rabbit,-just one, but it was as good as a dozen, for it had struc

n with y

ly had practice, you'

lled another sitting rabbit; but Corry was again one ahead of him, and was feeling h

o! Hark! A


It isn't any r

it? Wha

g? Hear Ponto's y

ay it was a deer

! Lis

ut any deer of good common sense would get away from his neighborhood, all the same.

nds brought him out from among the forest-trees into the more open ground in the edge of the swamp.

Corry turned ruefully to h

and I fire both barr

o hit t

t too? If they'd reached him, they'd

following the buck, and came panting along at the heels of his master.

s. I did my duty. No dog of m

wade through the snow until they reached the road; and Porter Hudson knew much more about

avier all the way, until he almost w

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