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The Circus Boys in Dixie Land; Or, Winning the Plaudits of the Sunny South


Word Count: 2176    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

rooping into the sawdust arena, th

other in mirth-provoking antics so aptly described by the circus press agent as a "

o the

smiled a dignified approval of the grotesque, paint

near to the bandstand, a dignified figure all in white, emerged and tripped along the grassy way, halting now and then to gaze fixed

fun maker and character clown of all tha

ton he had conceived the idea of making a full-fledged clown of Teddy. The permission of the manager had been obtained and this was Teddy's first appearance as assistant to Shivers. Teddy was considerably smaller, of cour

iff ruffles of a three-quarter waist. A broad turnover collar of the nurse style was set off with a large bow of bright red ribbon

nny!" direc

ct like you," retorted Tedd

f his snow-white waist, poising with crossed legs on one toe. Tedd

ats-the same rope, by the way, that he had been falling over twice each day for the past month. Then he blew

acefully swung off into space, soaring lightly

the clown for the moment, for he dearly loved this little mother

new, and Zoraya was the acknowle

e trapeze bar, described a graceful "two-and-a-half" in the air, and, shooting downward, hi

Teddy so far forgot himself as to stub his

nced up from the impact, kicking her little feet together and turning a somersault on the swaying net.

aya ran lightly up a rope ladder to the platfo

do stunts like tha

the painted clown, turning a handspring and piv

loud, uproarious buffoonery as he bowed before the blue, fifty cent seats where his auditors w

on their families and told them all about the other performers

this rapid-fire clowning, and the perspiration

others-a scream of alarm. Shivers had heard such a cry many times before during his twenty years in t

on with his work. He knew, by the strains of the music, exactly what Zoraya should be doing at the moment when the cry came-that her supple body was

er troupe was working in the air. The cold sweat stood out upon him. Zoraya was not with them. His eyes s

lender, pink-clad figure was darting

g to catch her," shou

uck him. A throng of ring attendants gathered about them, and in a

when things about him were topsy-turvy, when the circus tent came tumbling do

while the long rows of blue seats appeared to be tilted up at a dangerous angle. Then slowly the clown's bewilderment m

a hand acros

e both killed," h

of the head clown

nds harv

didel do


iver, vo

lk und

associates looked down from their perches high in the air, gazing in wonder upon the clown who was

d first. Hurry!" panted a belated clown, r

so!" grumb

rved seats on the grandstand, his voice again rang out

oodle, ke


music and

your feet

unny. Under the spell of his merriment, the audience qui

d their courses down through the makeup of the clown's cheeks

nging glance toward the crimson curtains that shut off the view of the paddock and the dressing tents, vaguely wondering what lay beyond for him and for little Zora

eep up with the clown's rapid progress by doing the same things. Te

the dressing tent. And how he did run! Such sprinting never had been seen in the

t cleverly landed on his shoulders and the back of hi

y the time Teddy Tucker had succeeded in picking

r head slightly elevated on a saddle pad, they found Zoraya

ng his head in his hands, for he

ss soon she may live," anno

his knees by the side of the child, folding Zoraya te

tinseled breast, while groups of curious, sorrowful

e cap between his hand

u see? Look, she is smili

, pressing his painted cheek close to hers, while the dull roar of the circus, off

scene, which was broken, at last, by

ut, but she will perform no more, I am afraid, for bone

the clown. "I'll do that for her. You put that do

the lips that we


but faint as it was, it sent the blood pounding to his templ

u-r-Zory got an

hins in hands, gazing down into the face of the little pe

spoke up the surgeon. "Had it not b

opping about on one foot, vigorously kicking a shin with

t help it," he sobbed, wheeling suddenl

callboy, thrusting his head inside the entranc


ps and bounded away to take his cue, the circus band out there by the crimson curtains swing

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