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The Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders; Or, the Fighting Canadians of Vimy Ridge


Word Count: 1259    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

German secret service. Elegantly dressed women and well groomed and handsome officers danced and sang, and from the general

ng and her daughter. Mrs. Schweiring's husband announced that he would

risking so much. He had a well-conceived plan in mind. The details he had worked out in the days following his interview

iss minister and to the latter's wife. A few moments later he encountered Hal, and e

resent that paper," and he indicated a second, "to Herr Baumgartner in Washington. You will find him still at the Austrian emb


ll, sir,

rther," said General Rentzel, "except t

hat, sir," retur

then. Good l

eral mo

his watch as he passed along slowly and wi

nd I may require an hour and a half. You get word to Gladys and her mothe

g with you?" d

sage must be delivered to Mrs. Schweiring or her daught

" said Ches

he found McKenzie, whom he motioned t

l. He leaped in and McKenzie followed. Hal gave quick directions t

r while the lad hurried into the house. He returned a moment later, car

," he told the chauffeur. "You will drive us the

ere so many queer things going on in Berl

ing McKenzie to follow him, Hal hastened up the steps. The chauffeur, in accordan

f the vestibule,

aid. "Lucky we

e little gri

other, and these two now shadowed General Rentzel every place he moved, for they were fearf

s nerves would have been as hard as steel, but the inaction while

he Swiss minister and paid his adieu

intercepted by Mrs. S

o soon, your excelle


work to do at my office that will

he reply. "Have yo


e had some business with you; p

move on, but Mrs. Schweiring had prev

ave you, you

zel glanced

t eleven,

aid Mrs. Schweiring. "Why, we ha

t this juncture, "I must ask you

hout laying herself open to suspicion. She stepped

d been unsuccessful. In their minds they could see General Rentz

oing to do?" c

warned!' cried

t h

ys to the general's quarters. He will be

should be

ders and was gone before

he Schweiring automobile a

entzel's quar

prang forward

out as they passed what she took to be General, Rent

top and then to take up position down a side street, where it was dar

ried towar

aid a hand on the door knob. Nevertheless the girl moved sile

t a sound. Gladys adva

was so afraid that General Rentzel might arrive before s

peered into the darkness, and in what appeared t

. She knew that she had found what she

uddenly tripped over an obstacle hidden by

that resounded thr

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