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The Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders; Or, the Fighting Canadians of Vimy Ridge

The Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders; Or, the Fighting Canadians of Vimy Ridge



Word Count: 1374    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

Crawford, taking advantage of the inky blackness of the night, crept from the

ectator it would have seemed that the occupants wer

e from his trenches in another of the night raids that had marked this particular sector for the last few weeks; but the ever vigilant sentinels stood watch

an trenches with full knowledge of these se

ward the German trenches less than a hundred feet away-just the distance from

driving back the legions of the German Emperor, who still clung tenaciously to territory he had conquered in the early stages of the great war. These b

he outbreak of hostilities, when they were separated from Hal's mother. They made their way to Belgium, where, for a time, the

reat assistance in training men Uncle Sam had selected to officer his troops. They had relinquished their rank in the Bri

ican expeditionary forces. In one hand Chester carried a little hardwood box, to which were attached coils of wire. In the other hand the lad held a

s-to get in their work, and the voices of the big guns, which, almost incessantly for the last few wee

ed close

epy out her

ng myself. It forebodes, trouble, this silence, to my way of

ft of it, with that thing you have u

ply, and he added: "We'r

their way witho

nce, suddenly uttered

hester touc

tter?" he aske

we have come to a barbed-wire entanglem

ht your 'nippers' along," s

the work of a moment to nip the wires,

le hardwood box upon the top of the trench, and scraped over it several handfuls of earth. The lad now took the coil of wire in his

nt. Before their own trenches the

he command. "W

," retur

recognized th

said with a br

boys were safe back

ful as our own sentries, we would

eply. "I saw a German sentinel, but

ess to see, howev

's listen and seen if we can ov

ttle receiver to his e

ester removed the re

hear some of the men talking, but

ten a while

eard nothing save the jabbering jargon of German troopers apparently interested in a card game.

old Chester that something

the German trenches, which was carried

lonel Blucher to open with all his guns at the mome

t, sir," wa

t is

es becam

ed to Chester what

Captain O'Neill," said

ced at h

10 o'

ttered. "Well, I guess

troops were in their present positions for "seasoning" purposes. They had been the first to be given this post of h

n O'Neill, Hal made hi

and approached the qua

nced that he bore a co


ad delivered his message. "So they will attack us in t

a moment. T

vance ten yards and then move one hundred yards north. You may tell him that I will post a fo

d reported to C

idn't understand the situation fully. Ho

e said. "I guess he knows what he

from the trenches in silence. There was a suppressed air of excitemen

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