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The Boy Allies with Uncle Sam's Cruisers


Word Count: 1318    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ack's eyes were fixed thoughtfully upon the strong if crudely constructed turret on the after deck, from which protruded the gliste

ire guns, each capable of spitting bullets at the rate of five hundred a minute,

rded Jack

your mind

my hands on one of those machine guns on the bridge, th

an?" sa

er I could rake this ship from stem to stern. There'd be a few less Germans

odded h

nly is," h

his study of

e thin masts sagged the wireless aerials. Immediately under the bridge and sheltered somewhat by it was the wireless

the direction

prepared, aren'

nly are," de

nothing yet. The time will come, though, and it is as we

why I am trying to impress a

nk, "we'll inter

aptain's cabin. The captain expre

g this morning, Cap

response. "What

German. "It must have required remarkable ingenuity to hav

captain. "I am glad. I di

most remarkable succ

ch to thank you for

ain Koenig. "I shall

lared Jack. "By the way, ho

ed officers and m

xclaimed Frank. "Surely

," declared Captain Koenig; "mostly men. Besides the

etty big loa

enig proudly, "has accommodation

but I had no idea it carried so many. By

the main deck," re

ell guarded

ndeed," was the

narmed and the door to

rmed men on guard wi

no pains to keep every

s, and it shall stay in my hands. No ship of war

be commended, Captai

eason to be

laimed Captain Koen

k again after some f

ed old pirate, if you

p to think of it he has some reason to be.

ob for the Alli

are here," declared Fr

I'll have a

Wheaton bowed and would have passe

moment, Miss Wheat

o do with German spies,"

on," said Frank,

beyond, however, she stopped,

mericans, aboard the A

ou are no

rank, "I am

enemies of your count

ooked around hurriedly. There was not a soul near, save

" exclaime

s. "Appearances are often d

some amazement. Then she said: "

has been engaged in her nefarious trade altogether too long.

nded a hand, whic

I doubted yo

all right,"

head and passed on.

," he said, indic

always were rather strong for the girls.

shing. "I simply told her she

presented ourselves to Captain Koenig," said Jack. "Now she'll pro

said Frank. "She

ou know s

ow it, but I don'

o be altogether different," declared Jack. "You

"she thought we were G

s? If she ignores us so much th


here for a single purpose, and it makes

'll have to keep a tight rein on my tongue. Howe

ack, and the co

e was a ship in the offing. Immediately the Vaterland altered her course sl

nother victim


ith a shake of his head. "I wish it w

land put a shot across

beyed this com


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