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The Rover Boys in Business; Or, The Search for the Missing Bonds

The Rover Boys in Business; Or, The Search for the Missing Bonds


Chapter 1 AT THE RIVER

Word Count: 2573    |    Released on: 01/12/2017



't you listen fo

k of worry on his face, glanced up for a moment from his writing

nlight, and to-night it is going to be equally clear. Why can't we get out the auto and pay a visi

supper, could we get there in time? You know a

e finish eating. Can't you finish the them

ly. "Tom, you don't know what you are talki

an help you

heory Concerning t

when we have to get at it. There goes the supper bell. Now, downstairs

g up a number of sheets of paper, Sam thru

t get any letter to-day from Dic

r brother's name, Tom'

ad news. I think if everything was going along all right in New York, Dick would surely let

responded Sam, as the brother

y did all they could to mix matters up, and I doubt v

r students on the way to the dining hall. "I think I ought to have given up college and gone to New York City to help Dick straighten out that

haps, it would be not only a good thing for Dick, but it would, also, be a good

s Sam nodded, he added: "Oh, don't you worry. I am all right now, my head doesn't bother me a bit. But I do wi

t you know how father felt about it. He was too s

am going to square accounts with Mr. Jesse P

way to the dining hall. Here the majority of the students were rapidly assembl

e addressed a tall, scholarly-looking individual who wore hi

nown as Songbird because of his numerous efforts to compose wh

ng to get out tha

ok is th

volume of 'Original International Poems for the Grave and Gay;' five hundred p

rd, his face flushing. "Just because I write a poem now

ay, and you'll make a fortune out

r student clapped the fun-loving Rover on the shoul

his arm through that of Will Jackson, otherwise "Spud," Tom led the way

r to-night?" asked Songbi

ake a little run in the a

one eye knowingly. "Going up the

hey always do!" came

Sam. "You would go there your

bound for the Sanderson cottage," put in Tom. "You see, in

ird, growing decidedly red in the face. "Miss San

ividual, who wore a reddish-brown suit, cut in the most up-to-date fashion, and who sported patent-leather s

lisped, looking around at the others. "I have been throu

, my dearly beloved William Philander, you don't mean to say that you have been del

one with the green stripe, don't you know,-the one I had made last September-or mayb

ner. Isn't that the same suit you took down to the pawnbroker's last Wednesday night at fifteen minutes past seven

ooked aghast. "You know well enough I

t was the blue one with the black stripes. Really, my dearest Philander, it is immaterial to

broker!" pleaded the dudish student. "I wo

ctor. When he died they closed up the college for three days and gave him a funeral over two miles long. And after that, the students raised a fund of sixteen thousand dollars with which to erect a monument to his memory. Now, that i

he story-teller of the college a nudge in th

ill struggling with the difficulties of the language. "Only I tinks bod of dem va

" came from Bob Grimes, another student. "Do you realize that i

that is going to interest me particularly.

, has promised to play if h

aid Tom. "That is, prov

y you are going to leave

thout you, Tom,

from Bob Grimes. "We need T

. To-night we are in a hurry." And thus speaking, Tom tappe

s kept in one of the new garages on the place, which was presided over by Abner

tioned Tom, as the young man

p with gas and oil, and s

surprise. "You must have gi

into the driver's seat of the new touring car. Then Sam took his place beside his brother, and in a moment more the car was gliding

owing over the distant hills. Swinging into the highway, Tom increased

veral dangerous curves in it, and remember, too, a good many of

the lights, I think some of the countrymen ought to be

noise is that?" interr

f the road, shot the beams from a single headlight perched on a heavy auto-truck. This huge truck was coming along at

ed from his amazement. "Did you ever see such a

hat must have weighed four or five tons. I wo

. That bridge isn't any too strong. It shakes fearfully every

speed once more and the auto

er. In the bright moonlight the boys could see the stream flowing like a sheet of silve

be mistaken, but that bri

ht the automobile to a standstill. Bo

boys made a startling discovery, which was to the effect that the opposite end of the

. "Why, Tom, this is positively dangero

ey had left but a moment before, came the sounds of an approaching automobile. A

s, when they saw that such a course might be impossible. The strange automobile was coming down th

Sam, and put up his hand in warning. Tom did l

eaked, and the car swept slightly to one side, thus avoiding the Rovers' machine. Then, with power thrown off and the hand-brake set, it rolled out on the

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