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The Rover Boys in New York; Or, Saving Their Father's Honor


Word Count: 1935    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

n the envelope and took out the letter it contained.

ioned both of his b

lied Dick. "He says father went


o far no answer has come back," went on Dick, ser

d Sam. "What cou

t run down by a street car, or an automobile, or be hurt in the su

ow that. I

once whether we have heard from

broke in Tom "I thought

ree talked the matter over. They were interrupt

't you?" he questioned. "H

mething I must attend to-this letter from my uncle,"

uch like it-now

do I,"

Uncle Randolph. Everything may be all right-and there is no use of th

come later," su

get word to my uncle

to give, Dick hurried downstairs again. In the hallway he ran in

uestioned Paul, good-naturedly

answered Dick. Then, struck by a sudden idea, h

," answered the other, readily. He had once been up in the Dartaway a

ch, I'll use it

I'll make sure tha

um, where bicycles, motorcycles, and other things were kept. Soon

nnounced. "I thou

e machine along the path towards the road, he

uld be handled, and soon he was well on his way and riding at a fair rate of speed. The road was good, and

graph office would be closed, but he f

I want to arrange to have it telephoned to ou

the operator at Oak Run," said the man

e depot for an answer. Quarter of an hour passed s

doesn't answer. I guess the o

aming another railroad station se

came a

t Spotstown, either,

d the oldest Rover boy. "I guess you can get New Y


write anoth

sually stopped at a large place on Broadway, which I shall call the Outlook Hot

? If so, have him telegraph me;

e turned in this telegram and paid for having it tran

st the instrument commenced to click in the telegraph office,

d. And the man nodded,

that made the youth's heart sink. With a hand that trembled in spite of hi

ntil yesterday morning. His baggage


enly. "'Left no word,' 'Bil

s he took the bankbill the youth handed out t

to make of this." Dick thought for a moment. "I

for you is the eight-

h there was a t

ter the youth left the depot, and jumping on t

y. What had taken his parent to New York

been bothering him so long," he mused. "But would that cause him to

ut he could reach no definite conclusion regarding his

ould pay his bill and look after his baggage. It's for some outside reason

he heard them returning just as he was on the point of going after them. As they came in, he motioned for them to close and

, Dick?" asked both

nd told them how he had tried to send word home a

om, after he and Sam had read the b

et with an acciden

know what

left behind," murmured Tom. Then of a sudden he drew a sharp

t, T

possible that dad got-got a little bit out

o get that way from business troubles, and

"But it's no use talking about that now. The question is, What a

ldn't study a t

nd see Uncle Rudolph. I'll send another message to that hotel manager, too, and then, unle

g!" cried each of

'll have to hunt the hospitals, and the police headquarters, and the-the--" Dick was going to add "morgue,"

Doctor Wallington, or Pr

d to the girl

is may turn out all right after all," he added. But he had his doub

he trip, and then turned out the lights and went to bed. But none of them slept well. All tumbled and toss

d it was Dick who took the liberty to knock

ng collegian told him. A moment later the head of

at has upset me and my brothers a great deal." And he briefly related the c

your father is speedily found and that nothing serious has happened to him. Yes,

Then he and his brothers got an early breakfast, and had Abner Filbury d

, boys!" cried St

out heart. Maybe it's all right, after a

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