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The Rover Boys in New York; Or, Saving Their Father's Honor


Word Count: 2057    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

quickly. "I hadn't thought of that,

e that Crabtree has made good use of his time. He may be hundreds

l the excitement is over, Look at those fellows who escaped from jail in New York City not long ago. The detective

think I'd be apt to put him in the hospital first and jail afterwards! He c

cisely, and you and Grace making goo-goo eyes at each other," added Tom, with a wink at his younger brother

swer. "I don't think I'll

not mind this. They did not fly high, and so kept the railroad and other familiar objects fairly well in view. They passed over several villages, the inhabitants gazing up at them in open-mouthed wonder, and finally came in sigh

ke long to get here," cried T

ching and he readily agreed, for a

n who escaped from the jai

was the reply. "Da


ago. The sheriff is out with a

the sherif's office," said Dick to his

let us in?"

want to go to the cells," answ

head keeper and one of the State detectives. The keeper had seen the Rover boys at the

a question Dick put. "But I can't ex

ere at the tim

w minutes it looked as if the old jail would burn to the ground. Of course the guards got excited, and all they thought of was to put out

"Have they any idea wh

't told it. By the way, boys, I'll tell you somet

aid Dick "I tho

ne of the men one day,-a

yer to defend him?"

ad a man out to see him, several t

h Crabtree had any friends, outside of the r

I guess that was false, for he acte

looking man wa

chin, and bushy black hair and heavy black eyebrows

their heads. They could think of nobody

man here last

the prisoners haven't been convicted of any crimes as yet I

rkspur and the othe

to get out of here if I can help it," a

d of how the prisoners had gotten away. Two of the men had kept together, but Crabtree had gone off by himsel

k around," suggested Dick, at last, and bid

some thinking there might be a reward offered for the capture of the criminal.

in a haystack," grumbled Tom, prese

nd see if we can learn anythin

w. At last they got word that a mysterious automobile had passed through the town about midnight of

caped in that,"

o came to see him at the ja

got away in an auto there is no use of our

got aboard of the Dartaway, and with Tom at the wheel, and Dick with a pair

last. "It is getting late. We might as wel

to go to Hope?" asked

answered his big broth

" put in Tom. "I think the girls ought to know about this, so as

pe. As before, the flying machine swung through the air at a good rate of speed

, as the biplane came to earth at t

wake the dead." And this was well expressed, for the motor, like many of the flying machine

n, and presently the boys saw thr

d Grace, as she rushed up and shook ha

y," put in Nellie, as she beamed

aight to Dick, who did not hesitate to give her the hear

kville," came from To

ed their big brother, and he looked

a, quickly. "We have h

e out of the Plankvil

grew suddenly pale. "

his?" deman

bout it," supp

t we have heard," answered Sam. "We

and answered innumerable questi

Dick. "She is afraid of Josiah Crabtree, and alway

, not for a while, Dora," he answered. "He knows onl

ws and the pointed chin must have helpe

ink," ans

he?" question

k he was waiting around with that auto, and as soon as the

started the fire

and the burning curtain fell into some excelsior in a box of new dishes. The excelsior made

ously Dick and Dora strolled off by themselves, down t

liberty," said the eldest Rover boy. "I wouldn't have him

out, too." And then, as he squeezed her hand, she added,

and Dick's face became

r father m

od health-he breaks down every once in a while.

ur uncle

he allowed those men to swindle him out of those bonds," went on Dick, referri

, Dick?" questioned

llege and take up the matter

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