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Grace Harlowe's Junior Year at High School / Or, Fast Friends in the Sororities


Word Count: 3111    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

t, swinging himself from his motorcycle and landing squarely in front of

"You know perfectly well that you've been shut up in your old laboratory all fall. We have scarcely seen you since

sorority. However, you folks are equally guilty, you've all gone mad over your sorority, and left Hippy and Reddy and me to wander about

l practice and has forgotten he ever knew Jessica. As for Hippy, Nora says that he is stud

same college next year, if all goes well. You know Hippy never bothered himself much about study, just managed to scrape

t you and Reddy!" said Grace severely. "You'll have t

irls to the football game next Thursday. It's Thanksgiving Day, you know, and Oakdale is

. I used to know nearly all the girls in school, but ever so many new ones have crept in, and some of them have come here from quite a distance, on account of the excellence of our High School. After we adopted Mabel Allison, we began looking about us for other fish to fry, and found out about t

se," continued Grace. "Mrs. Gray had planned a party for us, but when we told her what we were about to do, she gave up her p

d I'll do my best to give them a good time, although I'm generally anything but a success with new girls. However, Hippy makes up for what I

y, I suppose," sa

w how many tickets you want for the game." He raised h

with the boys again, won't it?" said

," replied Anne. "Why, this sorority business has taken up al

ly meet once in two weeks, for I must get my basketball team

served Anne, "for the team is absolutely harmon

not forgotten the way some of those girls performed last year. It was remarkable that

ad been crowded with many trials, some of them positive school t

oice, and the two girls turned with a start to

se range!" exclaimed Grace. "Admiring you

The duties of the class president are many and irksome. At the present moment I've a duty on hand that I

e and Anne in the same breath.

in need of discipline. You remember the hatchet th

," was th

to rattle us. Just as though it wouldn't upset your team as much as ours. It's an idiotic trick, at any rate, and anything but funny. Now I propose to take four of our class, and you must select four of yours. We

ed Anne. "Who are the girls, Juli

y'll be very much astonished to find us 'waiting at the church'-Omnibus H

" said Grace. "We don't want

use along all the better. I give you my word that the girls I overheard talking are not particul

't worry. We'll support you, only yo

freshness with a few well-chosen words," Ju

t her request, but nevertheless agreeing to be on hand when school closed. They were met at the ga

o say to each other during the walk. Julia was studying h

junior when I'm a freshman. You know, she was graduated from High School last June and she could help me a lot in getting use

d always be friends," said Juli

d Omnibus House they

old to-day or we might have a chilly vigil. Now listen, all ye faithful, while I set f

the hatchet we care for, it's the principle of

ase. Now we'd better dodge around the corner and keep out of sig

s at the side of the old house where they

ted long before

m. Form in line and when they get nicely started, we'll ci

rom time to time. "They have a spade. They've begun to dig, and they ar

marauders were energetically digging. Grace gave a

ng the spade

hole thing." For an instant Grace regretted making the promise to Julia, before learning the situation;

ut our acquaintance with Eleanor; besides, Eleanor has no business to

s glanced up from her digging with a sudden exclama

"what sort of a party is this? Are you making mud p

from girl to girl, and she curled her lip contemptuously as her eye rested on Grace and Anne. The other diggers looked sheepishl

tle girls?" asked Julia. "Has

oo much fo

though we were children?" she burst forth. "What business

lied Julia compo

e less rudely, "but we have a

difference. You are here to make mischief and we are he

" retorted Eleanor

ry spot and amicably disposed of a two-year-old class grudge. Emblematic of this they buried a hatchet, once occup

the purpose of flaunting it in the faces of the seniors at the opening basketball game. Therefore I decided

" said Edna Wright, "

y, "but never mind now about my amusing qualitie

pponent. It had its desired effect, for Edna fairly bristled with indignation and was about to make a fur

, because you are a new girl in High School and know nothing of past class matters except from hearsay. But you have with you seven girls who do know all about t

ad feeling all over again," she said, turning to the others. "There are sure to be some girls in the senior class who

sses would agree with us if they were present. Digging up a rusty old hatchet is nothing, but digging up a rusty old grudge is quite another matter. We didn't come h

ed speaking. What she had said evidently impr

ulver said sullenly. "The fun is all spoiled now, and ev

e of us will say anything about it. Why, we came out here simply to try to prevent your doing something that might stir up trouble again between

-principled, but you are nothing but a hypocrite and a sneak. I would not trust you as far as I could see you. I have no doubt Miss Crosby obtained her information about this affair to-day from you, an

trail tamely after you, either. And now I wish to say that I despise you and all your friends, and wish never to speak to any of you again. Come on, girls,"

ood. After an instant's hesitation, she was followed by Edna, Daisy Culver and those who ha

"Talk about your human whirlwinds! What

to speak and failed. "Never mind her, dear," said Julia, slipping her arm about Grace, while

" said Grace, with a sob. "S

name is Savell and that she's a recent arrival in Oakdale, but considering the plain and unc

alk along," replied Grace, wipin

le is over. No one has been killed and only one wound

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