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Grace Harlowe's Junior Year at High School / Or, Fast Friends in the Sororities


Word Count: 2486    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

three chums as they strolled down High School Street one sunny afternoon in

and never see them again," grumbled N

d Anne Pierson, "but I'll put pleasure

ou, Jessica?"

e me home," replie

we are all of the same mind, let

es were beginning to lose their green and put on their dresses of red and gold. Though the sun shone brightly, the air was c

e chums unconsciously hea

n mind," laughed Grace. "I was thinking

in the same channe

here since the spread

slight shudder. "I am not l

," said Nora, referring to Grace's encounter with an escaped lunati

nly exclaimed: "Look, girls. Some one is over at th

n a figure appeared, stared at the approaching girls and began w

c," screamed Jessica

ou see him? Just wait until I get near enough to tell him that you

ere is Mrs. Harlowe's little girl and some of her juvenile frie

very spot we had our eye on?" asked

have it sent home for the winter," re

in a disappointed tone. "I'm so sorry. You s

worth a cent to-day. I shall have to give it a complete overhauling whe

was too nice to stay indoors," said Anne.

am," replied David, loo

wn account. Object, to become a light weight. Is there any one who will encourage me

be perfectly fine!" exclaimed N

ve a conniption. She always has them when an

to David and Reddy, "or I won't

because I'm afraid of you two long, slim persons,

on Wood and back. My sister would be glad to go with us, so that will settle the matter of having an older person along. We can have the whole day in the woods, and t

ll write to Tom Gray, and see if he can't come, too. T

aid David. "I certainly should

always feel hungry after such strenuous exerc

k until he reaches the skeleton stage, and the next

etorted Hippy. "I merely stated that there

aid Jessica, "and le

lay them?" innoc

not good," said Nora

following Saturday was agreed upon, the w

ine o'clock the entire party were

ay, as he glanced at his watch. "Ever

O'Malley, hustled down the steps, waving good-bye to Mrs. Harl

sack fitted to her back with two cross straps. "There's nothing in it but some walnut fudge that I made last night, but

Tom Gray to Grace as they entered Up

in the woods wouldn't be half th

laimed, taking a deep breath and looking ab

said Grace, "almost enoug

own a few burrs from the chestnut trees they occasionally found along the way. Once they stopped and played h

eace," exclaimed Nora. "I'm hungry,

tablecloth at the foot of a great oak. The hungry young folks gathered around it and i

avid. "We still have a mile to go before we are through the wo

race. "Hippy, you are on the end, so you can begin it, then after you have gone a little w

id Hippy.

ived a most beautiful prince. He had all that heart could

continue. Nora thereupon took up the narrative and convulsed her hearers with the remedies tried by the fat prince to reduce his weight. Then the s

to a princess who was a golf fiend and w

hat he even rose and chased them in his sleep. He lost flesh at an alarming rate, and three months after his wedding d

dibly until David and Reddy pounced upon him and he was

"I don't believe we'd better go on through the wood. We'll

s large as a Japanese lantern and a beautiful silver-gray color. Anne stopped to pick some ground berries she found nestling under the leaves. Then they all started in

med Jessica, as they again took

rm coming, too. I think we had better hurry. I don't fancy b

ly astir. There were strange sounds from every direction. The branches creaked and the dry leaves fell

tened," called

almost blew them off their feet and black darkness settled down over the woods. They could jus

's hands tightly and keep together. Frequent flashes of lightning revealed the woods in a tremendous sta

fell headlong over a tree that had been blown across the path, and t

torm had grown so furious that they could only

to his mouth and blowing a strange kind of hollo

calls, "but the hunter who taught me this, told me never to use it unless I was i

it before," aske

e it's only superstition, but I love hunt

a voice seemingly c

e you?" c

evealing to them a man waving a lantern with one hand and beckoning with the

panted Tom, "and he has

ld Jean. Their blind wandering had tak

take my lantern and go out to my trap I have set this morning. Then I hear a strange whistle, many times

n," replied Tom, "and you hea

Horn, but I hear whistle, anyhow, an

hers l

d, "but I am afraid your Elf's Horn and

dly, "my faith in the fairy horn is now unsha

e party dried themselves. The old hunter listened to the story of th

ted sufficiently to allow them to sally for

ere telling Mr. and Mrs. Har

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