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The Boy Allies at Verdun; Or, Saving France from the Enemy


Word Count: 1589    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ued when Hal and Chester r

e another enemy,

is chum's reply. "It had

t's happened

ing around some place. H

lves to sleep when the flap to the tent was lifted and Stubbs

p?" he

th too sleepy to care to enter into a conversation

Stubbs, "if you're aslee

s clothing an

ng and when the lads arose entertained

I've stumbled across a

" repeate

wspaper man's way of ex

o with the batt

ubbs. "It may have something to do with t

Stubbs?" as

nked one

snooping," he said, "and as you don't think much

aid Chester, "you kno

fooling now, for all

tubbs was obdurate and took his departure, announcing that he w

was none other than the young French boy whom Hal had r

y aid," he said to Hal, "so


that I was ill last night. Jul

extended it to Hal. As he did so, two small objects fell from his pocket. Apparently Jul

two little objects and now he called to Jule

want these things, any

Hal, who had not seen

s' p

d one of the

t it is?"

urned Hal,



aw a pea l

e rather rare. A black

id you

ed it out of

favor, I am just going to keep this. I guess h

y the mate to i

nd pea in his pocket

d it, these two little peas were to be the me

even-mile front. For some reason or other Hal and Chester did not get to the front, their duties confining them close to General Petain's

sit up a while and talk with Stubbs, who ann

and there are many men in the French army implicated in it. Most likely in


any of the leaders and I wouldn't know what to do if I did learn who they are. Thi

tell General Petain a

tubbs, as he drew out his pi

e ran his fingers in his v

t I?" he demanded, forgett

matter now

n never keep a match

't carry them, as a rule, having no use for them, b

s and the little man caught it. He would have returned it to Chester, but as he started to do so he took a close look at it. He gav

lf. "I wonder. I suppose it wou

matches and proceeded to lig

pe puffing," said Hal, "what's t

Stubbs calmly, "I have dec

g to tell us?" d

e's your black pea," for Chester ha

e pea and dropping it in his pock

. "Pretty scarce articles. I don't suppose

ld," said Hal. "I

dded to himself: "I thought s

Stubbs examined it careful

ay, they are scarce and it never does a fellow any

they fell from the pocket of Jules Clemenceau? Stubbs, who had been watching the tw

Chester, "tell us the res

" He added under his breath: "The young cubs! Trying

even going to tell t

t I mean,"

tle man so suddenly. Stubbs caught the interchange of glances and again he

shook h

to turn i

s, on his cot, did not sleep immediately. Covertly he watched the two lads a

hear 'em," he told himself. "I

ver and wen

whole lot different from what Stubbs thought it

ong with him,

al. "Talks like we had of

wants to keep

oesn't tell us to-morrow, I'm goin

n't talk,"

him mad enough to make

hester. "We'll have a try at i

. I've a feeling it's going to

ot strenuous in the

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