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The Boy Allies at Verdun; Or, Saving France from the Enemy


Word Count: 1630    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ugle rang out from the German rear, sounding the recall. The attack was t

ded just in time to see a single form that had been struggling with a knot of the enemy crash to the

nt the German bugle

y troops, perceiving his approach, stayed their retreat and offered

, jumped to the rescue. Still more Germans turned and more French dashed forward. For a mo

he French troops came to his assistance. Again the recall was sounded from the German rear. The few of the foe who apparently had Hal at their mercy heeded this second

ge. Instead, the French commander apparently was satisfied with having broken down the German attack. He had no intentio

was buried in the dirt. He had almost suffocated, but this fact had saved him from the poisonous gases. Hal stripped the gas helmet from a dead French soldier

ran to his assistance. H

ds under his chum's hea

Chester's feet, and in

rom the d

nounced Chester little the worse for his experience. Two bay

eon. "In the meantime it would be well to keep hi

, and leaving Chester i

explained the cir

et him back to my own

omont. "I shall place an au

nd Chester, the latter having regained consciousness, were soon on their way t

ered General Domont's report; then he accompanied Chester to the

ter alone, when another figure

hester from his cot. "Where

bs, removing his overco


it your own way

en having a look ar

more about the cons

iracy?" dem

telling us about the


d at the lad

ay, weren't y

," return

er?" ask

aid Hal

ngs. What's this conspi

sat up i

ou don't remember what you t

with a significant ge

surgeon look a

ubbs-" began C

"You lie down there, Chester.

ubbs moved tow

be going now,

til you tell me what all this fo


ou, that you told us the other night you

elief that there is something wrong with both

ster, from his cot. "If you won't tell us, I've

n't do you any good. He probably would think your

keep the thing to yourself, whatever it is. Maybe you'

made no

would tell General Pet

aid Stubbs with something like a sigh. "Some of these d

aying all joking aside, are you going

g?" demand

Hal in exasperation. "Yo

smiling response. "Otherwise, I

en idea striking him, "have we

" was Stub

for that, Stubbs. We apologize.

uliar smile on his face. He was sil

n't kno


shoulders and star

after him, "are you go

tubbs briefly

nk of that?" demande

him," was Hal's reply. "I ha

we were poking fun at

elieve he would take a t

you can

ely to find out what it's all about un

he wants to. Well, old boy, I'll leave you alone now and go out and look

" said Chester with a smile. "All righ

n his side as Ha

not know, but it was dark in t

keeping Hal?" he m

tent. Chester was about to speak, for he thought at first that it was Hal, but

t the figure that had entered the ten

r who he is and what he wants here? He hasn't seen

upon which he had laid his clothes before going to bed. Without a soun

hatever happens,

as to command a view of the entrance, shielded from sigh

to himself. "Guess I

the tent. Chester saw the nocturnal visitor in the

n out of your hand, my f


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