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The Rover Boys at College; Or, The Right Road and the Wrong

The Rover Boys at College; Or, The Right Road and the Wrong


Chapter 1 ON THE TRAIN

Word Count: 2627    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

king time

r window at the telegraph poles flashing past. "I should sa

hird boy of the party in the parlor car. "I think the engineer

ow we are rocking!" he added as the train rushed arou

rked Tom Rover. "I want to take a look

, that you don't get into disgrace the first thing, as you did when we went to Putnam Hall Don't you

g a wry face. "But I got the best of old Crabtre

as many friends at col

over. "Those were joll

nd the hazings, and th

h the Pornell stude

of the hazing at the college we're bo

hat comes, Sam," answered his bi

m, "At the same time if-Great

ping of the air brakes on the car wheels, and the express came to a stop with a shock that pitched all the pa

!" spluttered Sam,

to another train?" asked Tom as he

e older brother. "Something

d Tom as he helped the yo

g reply. "Say, we stopped in

had fainted. Everybody wanted to know what was the matter, but nobody could answer the question. The color

the track," announced Tom.

d it is," returned Dick. "Maybe th

get to the college just as soon as pos

older brother. "If our engineer hadn't stopped the

ked forward to learn the full extent of the damage done

Rover Boys Series" let me state that the brothers were three in number, Dick being the oldest, fun-loving Tom coming next and Sam the youngest. They were

as related in the first book of the series, called "The Rover Boys at School." At this place, called Putnam H

Rover, who was a captive of a savage tribe of natives. After that came trips out West, and to the Great Lakes, and to the mountains, and, returning to school

be. They took a house-boat trip down the Ohio and the Mississippi rivers, had a number of adventures on the

to some business for his father, Dick had fallen somewhat behind in his studies, and Tom and Sam did their best

estion Mr. Rover came forward with a proposition that was as novel as it was inviting. This was nothing less than to visit a spot in the West I

ed with him. The lads were filled with excitement over the prospect, an

the Rover boys, and Dick thought that Dora Stanhope, the daughter, was the finest girl in the whole world. There was also another relative, a Mrs. Laning-the lat

e," said Tom. "Think of what it mea

brother Sam. It may be added here that the Rovers were

' school chums, Mrs. Stanhope and Dora and Mrs. Laning and Grace and Nellie. The steam yacht carri

and failed. With Merrick was Tad Sobber, his nephew, a youth who at Putnam Hall had been a bitter foe to Dick, Tom and Sam. Sobber had sent the Rovers a box containing a live poisonous s

into the hands of the Rovers and their friends. But the Rovers won out in the quest and sailed away with the treasure on board the

was true that Sid Merrick had been drowned, but Tad Sobber was alive, having been rescued by a schooner bound for London, and he was now on his way back to the United States, more bitter than ever against the

he sailors who had aided in the search were suitably rewarded. Later on the balance of the treasure was divided according to the terms of Mr. Stanhope's will. This pla

ut not so the Lanings. John Laning was a farmer,

wife, "whatever will you and

ace, you are not going to work so hard and in the next

"About eddication, if they want it-well, it's their

ol and Nellie and Grace want to g

is Dora

inary. Her mother knows the

n the gals can go too. But it will b

he girls to be somebody, now

answered Mr. L

on, in one of the Central States. In the meantime the Rover boys were speculating on what college they were to

father one day. "That's a fine institution-not quite so large

re is that?

ope Seminary, the school Dora Stanhope and the Laning

d Sam promptly and in a manne

be near Grac

o be near Nellie?" reto

the fun-loving Rover with a sly wink. "Of course it's nice enough to write letters and send boxes of cho

sked Dick, but his face

wide, wide wor

y sentimental broth

exclaimed Sam. "Maybe

f the steam yacht th

, who had been called from the room for a moment. "If y

suit me, to

other is because I happen to know the president, Dr. John Wallington, quite well; in fact, we went to school t

d Putnam Hall, I shall be w

satisfied to g


ately it was found that their diplomas from Putnam Hall would admit them to the freshmen class

the seminary, so that to journey to Ash

k. "I hope they like it at Hope and we like it at B

answered Sam, and

uit cases were packed, and not only their father but also their Unc

are of yourselves," sai

le Randolph. "Remember that kn

my head full of learn

ith a

u do, get a doctor right away." And then she gave each of the boys a warm, moth

already mentioned. Then they had dinner in the diner and went back to the other car to read and to look at the scenery. Thus

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