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The Rover Boys at College; Or, The Right Road and the Wrong


Word Count: 1934    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ress had cut into the last freight car a distance of several feet, smashing a number of boxes and barrels and likewise the he

flag or put a torpedo on the track?" he

ut he didn't go back far enough-hadn't ti

stop in a hundred feet

had not stopped in ma

could," grumbled t

itch and part of the cars were on one track and part on another. Two trucks were broken, an

eight," said one of the brakemen to Tom. "This se

s it to Ashton

e miles by t

n," came from Sam. "I shouldn't min

up the tracks for a quarter of a mile you'll come to a country road that will take yo

on that road


e a carriage to take us to Ashton and to the college. So

if the train moves

et," answered the brak

walk up to the country road that had been mentioned. Their trunks w

arry these," sai

ther. But this was impossible, for the baggage car was lo

t so heavy, and it is a fine day for walking," a

cool, with a faint breeze blowing from the west. On the way they passed an

ter than sitting in th

an apple. "I am gla

o stretch them too

pass anywhere near Hop

be on th

er brother. "The girls are not h

a view of the pl

me from Dick. "If that doesn't

"Father wouldn't send us there if he wasn't sure i

oad, the three boys soon discovered a farmhouse nestling between some trees and

ral times before their

ed the door several i

?" she demanded i

re somebody to drive us to Ashton? We were on th

smash-up, did you say

, ma

on Jimmie

killed or

wford yesterday an' was coming back this

nswered Dick. "Can we hire a


into the end of

t was the one we sent the cows away on.

't thi

l? But I always said it was risky to ride on the railroad; I told Jimmie so a hundred times. But he would go to Crawford

r the young man?" asked Tom,

allow if he was cut up the wart would be

ot?" demanded Dick. The talk was

y. "We never hire out our carriage.

e us to Brill College? We'll p

t a carriage over to

that?" a

tioned with her head as she spoke. "But no

d Sam and Tom did the same. The old lady continu

railroad accident, he'll be talked t

ow that Jimmie's got a

o dryly his brothers ha

ge when you can," he ad


use," said Sam. "I don't know that I want to walk

g at one place or another," said Dick. "Al

farmhouse, also set in among trees and bushes. A neat gravel pat

d Sam. "Some folks of the

azza and set down their baggage. On the

here," observed Dick as

tons," said Tom. "An electric runabout or a

then, as nobody came to answer their

said Sam. "Perhap

he back of the house,"

d while they did so all h

etter go around there. Some country folks don't use their fro

mhouse in the direction of the kitchen. The building was a low and rambling one and they had t

n a girl's voice. "I haven't done a thing this af

culine tones. "You like us to be here, you know you d

w, Mr. Floc

me Mr. Flockle

ll," broke in another masculine voice. "

ow, you really mus

he right kind of a way, eh, Dudd?" s

ntil you do that," answered the

ng to the kitchen, the Rover boys saw a pretty damsel of sixteen standing by a pantry door, facing two dudish young men

, won't you?" said Dudd Flockley with

l give us a kiss," sa

g over to give you

swered the girl coldly. Her face had

ckley, and stepping forward, he caught the girl by o

cried the girl. "Pleas

, don't-don

out it," growle

you a bit," add

let me go!" c

he arm and he was whirled around and sent into a corner with a crash. At the same time Jerry Koswell was tackled and sent down in a heap in another

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