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The Submarine Boys' Trial Trip / Making Good" as Young Experts"


Word Count: 2601    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

know!" cried David

ith the fever of t

bottom. In the cabin, besides the three submarin

and carried forward to working order by Mr. Pollard. By the aid of this automatic mechanism it was believed that the last man aboard a torpedo boat could let himself into the tube, relying upon the automatic device first to close the rear por

e the effort. He now stood, in hi

very careful to set the device just rig

e torpedo tube, the rear port of which stood open. Sixty seconds

d counted up

o get clear of the boat,

, take us to

ost, the "Pollard"

wn on the beach," reported Capt

thers had joined him on shore. "That little charge of compressed air shot

sely. "I don't care what any other inventor may have discovered, I'm satisfied tha

en, while Eph rowed out to the craft to dry himself and get into uniform, Jacob Farnum ran

ine, party and the blowing of the whistle, were all noted by a spy

Pollard had been working day and nig

hought Don, sick with rage. "What can it be? I'm going to kn

ttered Don, vindictively, "but his joy

evolved the whole plan by which Jack was to be ruined. Don even stooped

ce," said Broughton Emerson, dropping in up

room. "Emerson, you remember my telling you that Farnum's crew are


ike to see t

anxiety in his eyes, for he had finally determined to use his ow

doing a little watchi


in the

d well out of town," replied George Melville, "young

hat pu

al value. Young Benson has promised Don to steal the drawings and descriptions

akable!" gasped Mr.

u in investing with those people. If you go with me, to the appointed place, ahead of time, and we hide cl

ickly. His whole soul revolted at the treach

le, be in as bad a light through pr

s Don has dismissed the young blackguard, Benson, my son will touch a lighted match

ted Broughton Emerson, hoarsely. "But-yes, I'll go, for if

He hated the whole business, and yet he admitted to himself that he must know the truth ere he invested a fortune in other folks' business game. Y

hat something is to happen, to-nig

the boatbuilder, a

ou won't breathe a word of this, until afterwards, to anyone, not even to Pollard. Jus

omised Mr

s for late the coming evening. He did not explain who was to be spie

t's walk. Just follow us both, without letting your presence be known at any stage. I kn

er's heart was, somehow, heavy with undefine

of his father's Italian workmen, laid the last stone in the edific

rom the village, when his steps we


kman, beckoning mysteriously.

alian, speaking fairly good English. "You are in dan

n, aren't you?" asked Captain Jack

bad, wicked enemies

be true enough," s

ave friend who works also for Melville. My friend knows all about what Don would do against you. It is wicked-very. Meet my

I will," nodde

der friends. Until you have seen my frie

d wholly honest and earnest. Moreover, he appeared as though greatly trou

n of any trap against him in the person of this seemingly very honest Italian, a

companions. Swinging out onto the road, and down past the new Melville yard, he w

at Don is putting up some mean game against me down at the yard, or that he's saying something mighty mean against me. Whatever it is, these Italians are honest enough to feel disgusted, and they want to warn

n his way, feeling tha

founded and ther

the Farnum home, that evening, and missing his friend, t

re was a sudden, scurrying sound inside. Though he was a man of very nervous temperament the invent

p!" thundered the inve

truder did

. Mr. Pollard hauled the book out, dropping it, and, in a tric

ground by the time that Mr

d up, or I'll shoot!"

tting from the muzzle of his revolver. But the figure still continued in

boys wear. If it weren't so absurd, I might be tempted to believe, despite the

ith the servants, for the sh

nything is missing fro

ard searched and expla

halted before his

departed with the drawings of a most important new device, originated by Benson and his

He waited there, in hiding, for a long time, ere Messrs. Melville and Emerson came along. He let t

derable disgust with himself. "Confound it, it's unmanly, this spying on someone else! It makes me feel like a rubber-soled detective, a thug or a

se. When it did come up above the horizon it was certain

rced to keep behind bushes and other natural objects of cover, which increased the

off the road, concealing themselves in a clump

t," reflected the boatbuilder, after having crep

hen Don Melville, narro

suddenly before his f

e, as he held his watch close to his eyes. "I'll slip right down

bushes, Jacob Farnum mutter

lle this. I like it still less, now that I fi

tes thus passed, when there came the sound of a low whistle. Tossin

ough hidden for that, and so did Jacob Farnum, whose prese

stepped a boy of sixteen, in a unifor

Don, in a low voice that was y

arse whisper, from

ded Don. "That's right. Here's

led through the filter of clouds, the lig

gh he had been shot. There w

By the Great Shark, are my ey

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