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Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X


Word Count: 1646    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

menace. He ate a hasty breakfast, then drove to his private laboratory at Enterprises. He instructed the

, and another belt extending eastward from the Mediterranean through Asia and on into the East Indies. Often these quake lines are vi

these earth faults to produce a man-made q

oject for national defense?" the young inventor mused. He felt a gr

n artificial

aboratory and found Tom hunched over a jumb

, skipper?"

yes blazing. "Bud, I thin

arian rebel scientists have invented some sort of shock-wave producer-a devi

e they have,"

Let's say they set up two or three stations around the world for sending out such waves in a d

s that how those rats trig

lared. "It's the only

utton every so often and you could blow up another country bit

make every American s

do about it

deflector, Bud. It must be done in a hurry, too. Our enemy may s

ent scientist in Washington who was a member of the N

ser at once," the man promised. "I'll try to set up a m

tend church with Mrs. Swift and Sandy. Then, after the Sunday midday meal,

to inspect the damage to the Sunspot. Tom had arranged wit

were a select group of top government scientists. Tom and Bud greeted them as they disemba

ves," said Bernt Ahlgren, a tall, hawk-faced man with a shock of red hair. He was a member

set up a warning system to alert us of the enemy shock waves in time." The young inventor sketched out the sort of shock-wave deflector which he had in mind. The go

points around the country. Tom would choose the exact spots. Detection data from the check points would be fe

he Bureau of Mines, agreed to take on

ration," Tom said, smiling gra

h a plan to cope with this fiendish threat,"

his laboratory when the telephone rang. It wa

fast, Tom," Slater said. "Sa

o urging. "R

agent would reveal. Was it possible that he might tip off t

g," Slater told Tom, "so I notified the Central Intelligence Agency. They're flying

me?" To

the government will promise to deport him at

en he gets back to Brungaria! His bosses aren't stupid. T

police headquarters, and the CIA official was ushere

aid, after an exchange of handshakes. "

rom his cot as the turnke

o Thurston. "Very well. I presume the polic

for spying!" he snapped. "In your own country

ated. Beads of sweat bu

ly. "Why should I lie to you with my life at stake? After all, I am only an insignificant agent

"Very well," the CIA man d

up at the three Americans. "Your nation's capital, Washingt

ief Slater and John Thurston stared a

suppose they're going to fly a plane over and drop

story. Any such bold move by the Brungarians

shouted. "Do not forget

im with dismay. He called the other two aside and gave them a quick whispered briefing on the

icial shock waves, Tom pointed out, they could easily de

they grilled him for clues. But it seemed obvious that the Brungaria

look of disgust. "But I made a promise in the name of th

over to the FBI and have them take him to New York. I'

o Enterprises. Bud was waitin

ne up to your space outpost," Bud reported. "He has to do s

above the earth. It was a production factory for his famous solar batteri

at's going on," Tom decided. "He may have

amed out a code call through the automatic scrambler.

or's voice came through, the r

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