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The Boy Ranchers in Camp; Or, The Water Fight at Diamond X


Word Count: 1183    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

l. Then, dismounting, Bud, Nort and Dick scrambled up the earth slope on one side until they could look into the

g!" said Bud, in b

le," added No

before that'll stop in a l

asked Bud, unconscious of the

wered. "I happened t' notice it whe

rt. "Can you get

iver, under th' mountain, though how they like the dark I can't

r confirmation, and their cousin,

gh the pipe. But if we don't get any

come back-as it did

iguring out something on the back of an

ter doesn't come back, we'll have to drive all the stock over to Diamond X. Can't take a cha

was plenty in Flume Valley, and, had the stream continued to come through the pipe, ther

pe, the other end being hidden in the opening of the nat

eat we received?" mused Bud, as he and his cousins went down th

as, who sent the wa

rom Pocut River?" asked Bud, in turn. "I mean Hank Fisher, and the

ion. "He couldn't do it at th' river end of th' pipe, without bein' found out, and he h

puzzle. Well, let's have grub, and talk about it later. It may

the grass, though some water was used to irrigate certain sections that would be called "meadows" in the east. This drinking water

But it was the absence of drinking places that caused it to be passed by, until, by artificial means, tapping the

concrete reservoir. When that was exhausted, unless the water again s

ed Nort, as, with his brother and Bud, he ascende

dry as an old buffalo skull

at the night was coming with its gloom to match their

Fisher or Del Pinzo has it in for us-can shut off the water w

tunnel where the old watercourse runs? I've been through i

ently ahead. There was a movement in

Bud sharply, his hand

om Pocut Pete, whose voice the boys recognized. "

't," spoke Bud

answer, and it was followed

the figure of the strange cowboy becoming more and more indistinct. Bud

a!" exclaimed

and he waved toward the reservoir which was strangely still

not investigate and see wh


he old undergrou

hrough the tun

y through, and the water itself doesn't occupy muc

miles, though we'd have to carry lanterns,

. "If there is a branch passage maybe that's where the

h you!"

y, there came the sudden sound of a shot, which shattered th

weird howling, and the startled steers

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