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The Boy Ranchers in Camp; Or, The Water Fight at Diamond X

Chapter 8 DRY AGAIN

Word Count: 1098    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

he had set his foot. "Has Nort or Dick lost their bottle of paregoric?" and he chuckled as he recalled what use his cousins

new cowboy, Pocut Pete, must have dropped it. Hope it wasn't any medicine he needed. Smells mighty queer, though!" and

bottle. The little phial appeared to have been filled with

medicine. Guess I'll ask Snake what he knows of Pocut Pete before I make any inquiries on my own hook. And

d Old Billee Dobb, as B

turn in," wa

early," declared the old cowboy.

uld be necessary to ride herd, as so many cattle in a bunch might engender a stampede. And

aving been induced to open some cans of peaches, a form of fruit much

ass you left in the bunk tent,

other, and there was in his voice a

epped on," Bud resumed, for he did not

ny bottle!" decl

to cut your feet you'd better bury it," and he hurried off to wash from

id Pocut Pete. "But I'll tell

r," Bud flung back

driving before them the cattle that were to be doubled up with

, who looked tired and weary, for the trail had been long and dry, a

ow many your dad has lost, but I guess now, what with those we've brought here and them sent to Diamond X a

ringing the water over from Pocut River

of the cowboys who had helped "haze" over the stee

those in which Bud, Nort and Dick had an interest. The doubled-up herd wa

othly. There was no further sign, or evidence, of mysterious warnings. The cattle throve, and those from Square M, which we

cousins, "dad'll be wishing he'd kept this ranc

, not taking advantage of his bad lu

" remarked Bud. "Not that black rabbits have anything

Snake Purdee had reported he had found a calf killed. There was a suspicion that rustlers had been at work, but

ey were within sight of the camp w

ulled his pony aside quickly, t

ving his hat for us to hi

ath his hands held in front of his eyes

g out to meet them, it was made plain, in a momen

blazed and snapped and he shook the reins

ious warning

was the answer.

line?" a

e other. "Water's stop

r. "And with a double lot of st

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