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The Outdoor Chums on a Houseboat; Or, The Rivals of the Mississippi


Word Count: 2371    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

somebody, I'm

ctually pretend to fall over against Will, who

the houseboat, on board of which they expected to make the voyage down th

e had known about it all along, and wished to spring a surprise on his mates by keeping still. That was what his smiles mea

d catch his breath. "Why, say, I've seen some shantyboats that could give this one a handicap, and still win out. Do you mean

fairy story to please yourselves. If you knew my uncle, you'd never think of him wasting his money on a floating palace. Fact is

because I do feel sort of weak af

he boat builder, Mr. Whittaker; "I'd like to hear that myself. You see, all I know is that Mr. Milton left this boat in my charge, and I was to keep constant watch over it, for which he agreed to pay in fu

this houseboat. I guess at that time it was called a shantyboat, Bluff, for a fact. Well, it seems that my uncle, who does lots of queer things, I'm told, thought so much of the boat that he bought her from the

on account of having his life saved by her

e'd have her towed up again. Few shantyboats ever come back again, you know. Once they get South, they're sold, and broken up for firewood.

to laughter, doubl

picture the finest thing that ever was built. And now to see this old boat gives me a fit. Where do you suppose the silk-covered eiderdown quilts are stowed away; eh? And the mahogany trimmings; with the

d captured his two chums. That queer little smile on Will's face had warned him against

r gave you to understand that this was going to be a voyage in a floating palace; you just chose to picture all that

rank," said Will

the face. The boat is still in good condition, and as staunch as anything. There's plenty of room for getting around, and for s

ormer scratched his head, and then the disa

st ordinary comforts. Leave the millionaire boats for the sons of rich men, who are so soft and pampered that they just can't rough it

Stackpole would want to sneak aboard a palatial craft to steal something, or get away with the boat itself, now wha

ir heads in the negative, as though

I'm stumped when you want me to say why anybody would spend good hard-earned dollars to have this old boat guarde

dden aboard, that this other fellow knew about, and wanted. I still sti

ay the whole inside planking piece by piece, in hopes of making a discovery. Ther

ut when do we get our duffle aboard, fello

t ideas concerning the luxuries they expected to find on board a houseboat owned by a rich man like Uncl

ear them on the long voyage; plenty of money with which to purchase p

the rest. They could anticipate all manner of glorious adventur

o settle that mat

ll our stuff aboard, while some of the rest accompanied me to buy the provisions. They'll deliver the stuff here right a

k that lot of bags down here in a jiffy," decla

is summer; and if I was some years younger I'd just like to be along with you. From the

looked at each

you a few of the good times we've had together. But we've got to get a hustle on if we want to drop down the river this afternoon; because ther

he business in hand with the energy boys can alw

'd never hear the last of it. And then, however would we get any pictures of the queer things that happen by the way? I exp

not a few of them, often in rather undignified attitudes, for instance where the wide-

oatyard; and Bluff, with the help of Jerry, manage

o the deck of the boat; "because we carry enough duffle to sink a small boat-guns, cooking utensils, blankets, clothes bags with

e that may take four or six weeks?" demanded Jerry, in dismay,

cked up on the way here; fruit and cakes, and some things we happened

ink I can make away with the entire collection at a sitting. Bring on your whole ham, and a dozen or two fried eggs. Think of the delic

long in having Mr. Whittaker set us afloat on the river. After that

do all the work?" exclaimed Jerry, throwing up his hands. "

Bluff?" asked

r setting my eyes on the condition of affairs here, it struck me that names like those would be sort of out of order. And while Jerry was waiting to see the rest of our things loaded on the

ard free, presently Bluff held it up to the very spot where he had declared he meant to fasten it with nails. And as the others


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