Ragnarok : the Age of Fire and Gravel
arth with one of these wandering luminaries of space, the question can not but occur to him, Was this the first and only occasion, during all the
must be in
same phenomena which we have learned to recognize as pecu
rust oscillated at a rate not to exceed one foot in a century.[1] It was an age of peace. Then came a
ssures were opened in the earth's crust," like the fiords or great rock-cracks which accompanied the Diluvial
into architectural and statuary marble. Bituminous
following cut, showing the extent to wh
; 4, Hudson River; 5, Oneida and Niagara; 7, Lower Helderberg; 8, 10, 11
ressure of some kind which came from the ea
having taken place just as it might in paper or
ondition, drove the volatile gases out of the bituminous coal and changed it into anthraci
t universal slaughter
ne of the most extensive in all geological history; . . . no f
d., p.
Age, by tremendous floods of water; the evaporat
of denudation, which has been c
striking confirm
,--but actually melted and metamorphosed; the heat, as in the Drift Age, sucked up the waters of the seas, to cast them down again in great floods; it wiped
n; here is heat, not ice; combustion, not cold; and yet all these phenomena are but the
ged the very texture of the solid rocks, we find in the geological record the evidences of repeated visitations when Drift was
are found, combinations of stones and har
Scotland, large blocks and bowlders (f
anite, etc., none of which belong
ie s
ave come from some ancient Atl
mation in the north of England and in Scotland, we are t
conglomerate was found nearly
h it is difficult to believe are other than ancient morainic débris. They are frequently quite unstratif
-scratched and blunted ston
rs. In the Eocene of Switzerland, erratics have been found, some angular and some rounded. They often attain great size; one measured one hundred and five fe
ie s
al character of the Eocene fossils is taken into account, for these have a somewhat tropical a
reat Ice A
peak to us of tropical and sub-tropical cli
prevailed in Spitzbergen and North Greenland that th
ferous,--that is to say, containing no traces of animal or vegetable life,--so these strange
ve been found. In the conglomerates of Turin, belonging to the
sion is for
f the planet, are the records of repeated visitations
stratified, unfossiliferous deposits of clay and stones and bow
t returns to us it fills a large part of the orbit which the earth describes around the sun, and showers down upon us deluges of débris, while it fills the world with flame? And ar
reat Ice A
d., p.
f these different conglomerates. No secret can escape discovery wh
umble over a still
s the molten crust of the original glowing ball o
dation of all our rocks, this ancient globe-crust, is itself made up of sedimentary rocks, which wer
the waters to form the rocks melted up in this granite; there were countless ages; possibly there were
eternity? Who shall say how often this planet has been developed up to the highe
one great t
but a handfu
ber in it
--birth, life, development, destruction.