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Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 5338    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

se-road-house-of Greensleeve, did not run as smoothly as it might have, and was not unmixed with carping reflections and so

disquieting tales of her son's doings. They came to her right and left, from dance

awning fear, bluntly informed her that she'd better look o

and set her thinking with all the implaca

ut to do.... And of all things on earth she dreaded mo

bts concerning the propriety or expediency of their comp

out excuse or embarrassment on either side. She continued to charm and surprise him; and to dis

ey met. On no two days was she exactly the same-or so he seemed to think. And yet her basic qualities were, it appeared to him, characteristic and unvarying,-directnes

t the theatre and stood waiting for his small limousine car, she in her pretty furs held close to her throat, humming under her breath a refrain from the delightful fi

ide-step the Regina and try Broad

sparkled in the electri

I feel ver


e. Where sh

que?... The name

pped porter opened the door;-so he directed his

alie, drawing the fur robe over her kne

ou. I don't have to su

akes because nobody would ever make m

ase remind me of it when I'm in ag

emind me too," he said, stil


prang out and aided h

retty as you are to-night," he whi

ng more beautiful or

d, happily; "I'll tell

laughing whisper: "Clive, I feel beautiful to-ni

two children, the focus of sympathetic, amused, or envious glances f

made a lane for the fair young girl who came forward with the ghost of a smile on her lips as t

u are the most beautiful thin

spoil me

at pos

me that has never been disturbed, never been brough

they laughed. But what she had said so lightly in jest remained

overlook the main floor where a wide lane for dancing had be

and female imbeciles took advantage of it to exercise the only porti

r unamused and almost expressionless gaze swept the tables below with a leisurely absence of interest whi

nsleeves?" he sa

She remained a moment in the same attitude-leisurely inspecting the throng belo

ame mind concerning my

u!" he concluded,

me-to hear you say

dear girl! Nothing c

sual rite was silently completed. They were hungry; her appetite was always a

ning forward, elbows on the cloth, and his hands clasped under his chin; "a goo

the company

d with a groan; "you've tasted adula

he dinner and the show? Do you! If so why ment

ayers-so that whoever listens will

iant but they grew more serious when she said: "


ed in her eye

at all," she remarked, loo

gs I happen to do," he

nsidering the subject of prayer and wondering whether the habit had become too mechanical wit

y came back to earth and to each other with slight smiles of recognition-delicate salutes ackn

rs listening to him alone. Particularly now; for his mood had changed and he was drifting back toward something she had said earlier in the e

No doubt, dormant within me lies every besetting sin, every human failing. Pe

ranged on one side and the white on the other, ready to move, to advance, skirmish, threaten, man?uvre, attac

clever, she made him a pretty complime

intrude or threaten, then there is always the better thought, represent

himself. And as for Athalie, she admired his

yet told me anything about your busines

and Willis. Willis is dead, Reeve out of i

e repeated,

rmanently. He has a son her

il R

o you k

ster Catha

Cecil Reeve and I were at Harvard toge

rt is he

port;-a good deal of a sport.


ttle one with the baby


ed him. Presently without looking up he said: "Yes, Cecil Reeve is a very decent sp

irl n

a way-I'm not knocking him, you understand-but a young-inexperienced girl-m

nk so.... Are yo

es: "Do you thin

times-how you can find me as-as companionable as you say

st as long

o find me out soone


ty for entertaining you, extract the last

! What n


as you? I scarcely even know you yet. I don't begin to know you.

"I supposed you had discove

ime we meet you are different. You always have interesting view

character which I only partly know and admire-capabilities, capacities of whic

mplex as th

re only a wonderfully interesting and charming girl who brings out the bes

hat," she said in a low voice. "You sum me

you are more vita

don't k

it is a straight, clean, ardent friendship that insp

your loveliness and grace and that inexplicable charm you seem to radia

l have been merely a matter of sentiment


er made lo

. Her eyes were f

thalie?" h

e," she s

very deep, solidly founded, and vita

lways make me very happy; you say I please you-interest and amuse y

with emphasis. "Do you suppose for a moment that your regard for me is

s. But she had nothing mo

little impatiently,-on a dire

ompletely you have filled it.... And what it would be if you went out of it. Y

e reaction came in a faint glow through every vein and a sudden impulse to respond to her with an assurance o

y and an understanding that satisfies. Had I my way I would be with you al

all the charming

. None like

lief would be to shorten them.... I don't know. I often wonder where you are; what you are doing; with what stately and beautiful creature you are talking,

expression on his face, and the next second he reddened

g into space, not noticing her, and finally she bent forward and r

right," he

the morning," she pleaded.

you wouldn't go t

youthful visage remained sober and flushed. And when they were seated

tired of th


arters-your having to work all day long in that

plexed: "But it can't be he


do you

what's the use of me, if I can

you think I ever had


l uneasily perplexed,

nothing further to say on a subject that h

receiving none, settled back thoughtfully in

row of houses, of which yours is one, b


investment.... I've reduced

ked up

y per cent.," he said carelessly; "so your rent i

culous!" she began, hotly; but

ng my business met

t is too

ning and taking her by both shoulders. She looke

uch things, Clive; you have simply covered my dressing-table with silver; my bureau is full of pretty things, all gifts from you; you've given me the lovel

of being with y

h a delightfully different girl, take entire charge and possession of me.... I don't want you to give me anything more-do anything more for me.... When you first began to give me beautiful things I didn't want to take them. D

ed out, aided Athalie to descend; and started

med Athalie, stopping short. "W

want to show you how I've had

ng me to inspect a new apartment house at

night porter opened, recognis

the top, Mik

u the ke


age and it shot up

: "This is Michael Daly who will do an

id the big Irishman, ti

wildered, still clinging to his

ubduing the excitement in his voice

e," he added, "unti

turned, obeying the guiding pressure of his arm, into a big square

wide, comfortable chairs and lounges, bookcases, a picture or two in deep

good taste, Ath

ing. Is it y

r; and first she was invited to observe a very modern and glistening bathroom, then a bedroo

man's room!" she

th twin beds, a maid's room, a big clothes press, and finally, a completely

of all this, Atha

uisite, Clive

the first time I saw you after those four years,-that first evening when I came

ushing as she always did when he

ght to have an open fir


lat gold case, struck it, and lighted the nest of pine shavin

onless, staring at the flames, then with a sudden, nervous gesture she

over and touched her; and the girl caught his hand convul

s, Clive? How can

uld do as much

that. You know you are. How can I take all this

be here. You saw th

can I explain? They know we can

the rent is

and me-that you are so dear and generous and kind just because you are my friend-and no

s long as it isn't

oming sullen with me when I try to advise her or curb her.... And it's so with Doris, too.... I'd like to keep my influence.... But if they e

older t

o have the authori

e threw open his fur coat and seated h

ect planned this house I had him design a place for you. Ultimately all the row of old houses are to be torn down and rep

g of his coat where it fell against his arm. He looked down at he

re, Athalie?" he

ld be heavenly. Do yo

salary, too. You might as well begin, now. You will be




t gives me

e exclaimed with partly restrained passion-"because you are you-and

city and candour of her quick and ardent gratitude corroborated and satisfied whatever was in him of youthful self-esteem. Everything about her seemed to minister to

ng the effect his generosity might have on a cynical world which looked on out of wearied and incredulous eyes; unscrupulous

eared. And had people ventured to question him, and had they escaped alive his righteous violence, they would have learned th

, her flushed cheek against the fur of his coat, his

this has been anot

he felt the lightest poss



e fireplace, and then came back to where she now stood, looking very intently at the opposite wall.

and under her arm; and stepped back, surprised, as she freed herself

atter, Athalie

Don't touch

not.... But wha

back at the empty corner of the room; and remain so, motionless for a moment. Then

e you thinki


you saw somethi

as si

u looking at?

don't care to

me, At

I don't want

sh to

lmost pleadingly, and looked up at him out of eyes so dark that only the

perplexed. "Several times since I have known you the same expression


ed, "I did not see.


ther blankly: "Why


ere an

egged; but he went on

you to-not to be frank wi

ll you ... if you will und


king nervously at his fur coa

I-I see


ttle more clearly than-so


g her white-gloved finger

voyant," sh



ound facing the light, and she looked up at him in her lovely abashed way, yet so honestly, th

at you are clair



people.... Mother knew it.... She merely explained and gave a name to this-this-

urprise and incredulity in conflict with uneasiness and with the belief he could not avoid

was such a thing as real cla

ilent, her can

t you believe

ed, then

re in it to me. I w

, you ought to fi


would!-if you can see-thing

care to s


often-and I seldom



y ever spe


find out wh

Yes, I think so;-i

er use any ef

tell you I had rather

, half smiling, half serious,

except to ta

one more que


e whoever it was you s


s it, A


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