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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 4745    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

fort, which, built many years before, had recently been greatly strengthened, and

and hardships, a series of fierce battles had been waged, and here they were compelled to fight, not only men, but the country, the climate, the immobility and barrenness of this mountainous region, which pr

diately after the death of their leader and the return of his son, and now this son occupied his father's place and carried on a fierce, desperate warfare, in which all the cruel

em spiritual consolation and assistance. The sun shone hotly down upon the stone walls of the little fortress, but within their shelter it was comparatively cool. The pri

d with thirst, three quarters worn out by fatigue, and entirely roasted by the heat of

st, glancing at the young soldier's face--it was a little more sunburnt,

h for hours without seeing tree or bush, nothing but sky, rocks and sunshine, and by way of variety sometimes encounter a bora, during which one can see and hear nothing. If you were not here, your reverence, there would be

name, which fell in a perfectly barbarous accen

in one way and not another-- So you have reported that

in half an hour, and

wounded soldiers

ctly empty, and all at once there are the fellows, as if they had grown out of the rocks, and their bullets are whizzing around our heads. They never make a stand anywhere; if we try to catch them in a ravine they are on the heights, and when we climb up they ar

of Krivoscian campaigning brought a pa

," he replied. "Yet I was able to write to your parents a few days ago that their George distinguished

the eulogy bestowed upon him

insurgents he always sends them home with broken heads. Perhaps

and I think the lieute

ncast air. "The Baroness charged me to protect Herr Ge

son has so greatly di

reproved me for committing so many follies, and it's all true. But they do no harm, and they are far from being s

gh that the priest gazed at him

What is the matter

despairingly exclaimed.

e you in yo

attaro! So pretty, so bright, and merry that it cheers

d daughter, who ran away

ried indignantly. "She has brewed some witches' potion, these savage

d rose in utte

man, with his rigid sense of duty, possessed by such an i

p nearer and lowered his voice,

to go with him to bid the young lady good-bye. But we did not see her at all, not even Herr Gerald; instead of that his future father-in-law and he were alone

We part now, and you are going to encounter serious things; you will have ample time to test yourself. You have given me your word of honor that you will not write to your promised wife until you can say to her with en

suspense to this literal repetition of

l, a

ence, Herr Gerald

? Are y

the letters to the messenger; there wa

sign," said the priest

n she discovers it. Castle Steinach will be completely upset, and Moosbach Farm too, and the whole Tyrol

the news evidently affected him most painfull

e Lieutenant a hint tha

name Danira. Then he started up and looked at me with a pair of eyes--I did

lk with me. Meantime, keep silenc

they heard outside words of command and

r reverence, I must see whether they have brought Jovica; th

no answer, the young soldier had already darted out

ers openly expressed their satisfaction in having reached the place where they expected rest and refreshment after the fatiguing march. There was a pleasant bustle going on w

regiment were usually separated from each other. At the foot of the stairs Gerald came toward him, accompanied by the officer commanding the fort. The meeting was cordial, even affectionate,

ld you about h

I don't know a wo

im. He has set up for an adopted father, and intends to bring his protégée

his quarrelsome parishioner in the position intimated, but he was not to remain in doubt long, for j

, who was not at all prepared for this spe

great solemnity. "But you needn't be fright

girl, hardly beyond childhood, slender and shy as a chamois. The dark, southern face, with its childish features and dark eyes, had an express

the whole story; but this explanation did not satisfy the priest, who desired to know who Jo

nhabitants fled. There I found the poor thing, who had been left behind alone, hidden in a corner, half starved and almost frightened to death. She probably expected

her large eyes rested timidly and anxiously on the priest, and she pressed

with a party of fugitives from the frontier, and did not even know where her own home was. She made me comprehend: Fa

honestly that the priest could not rep

ill be best for you to

you'll have trouble with her, she is a terrible pagan. The very first day it came out that she was s

the frontier. If she is really an orphan and entirely deserted, we must, of

a paternal tone. "That can be done at once

first be instructed in the precepts of Christianity, and

remony, in which he expected to play so important a part,

rence, but the poor thing can't

help in caring for the wounded, and as one of them speaks Slav

her from her protector. Clinging anxiously to him, she began to weep bitterly, saying in an imploring tone a few Slavonic word

ll cry, and I can't stand that. The poor thing is as timid as one of our chamois, and shrinks from e

words he had picked up somewhere. It sounded more barbaric than fatherly, yet Jovica was evidently quieted. She no longer resisted when he at last led her to Fath

away. George looked after them very calmly. He had now placed both the affairs that lay near his heart in the hands of

his comrade Bartel entered on hi

?" he asked, in a jeering tone. "What does Father

e my friend and countryman, but if you don't

the warning, but c

e chosen! A pagan witch, brow

arm and dealt the scoffer so violent a blow that he staggered back a

e and tell our comrades, that they may govern themselves accordingly. If necessary, I'll knock down th

e found time to do so. He was now standing at the window of the small apartment gazing at the dr

corching heat of the sun, and his light brown hair lay in thicker, more dishevelled locks on his brow and temples, but ot

ned a change which, though only in th

nces, discussed the chances of the campaign, spoken of his home and his mother, but had never uttered a syllable in allusion to his promised bride, and had even avoided mentioning Cattaro, though the city was the real point of departure of all military operations. His manner of speaking was also changed, it had become hasty and abrupt, as th

. He turned, and when he saw the priest's questioning gaze f

the weather; it seems as if we were going to have a bora. I'm glad I have sheltered

"Especially you, Gerald; you have been almos

much time to breathe. You know it is Joan Obrevi

iety, Gerald. You have told me your experiences, but you have not mentioned how often that vengeance has already threat

r merely shrugge

--I have been of late so often and so wonderfully pre

ers is your custom, also defies Providence. Your life does

slowly. "I sometimes forget

r promis

ently fixed his e

er? Our mail communication with

the priest's glance that he knew more th

l Arlow wri

ned from another source what

and seemed to wish to close the conversation. Father Le

w years, but surely you know that I am no stranger there. Will

warning, and did not fail to produce an eff

iscord with my own nature. Had Edith and her father trusted to my honor, they would not have repent

est earnestly. "She asks his love, and with perfect justice. Besides, as I understand, the colonel has

ald, in a slow



is impossible-

epths of the soul, wholly unsuspected, till suddenly a flash of lightning came to illumine the darkness, that such a light could alter the whole nature until a man no longer recognized himself in his thoughts and feelings. In Cattaro I might still have conquered it; now that I have been alone for weeks I know I ca

e had indeed taken place in the quiet man, and the priest

aid with mingled reproof and sorrow. "So it has

il our meeting by such discussions. I wanted to speak to you of other matters. George has already entrusted his charge to you, I he

escape the former topic of conversation, and Father Leonhard m

about Jovica, but neither felt at ease, and Ge

d heavily as he

ne might almost, like George, believe in witchcraft. To be sure, when a spark o

up to their well deserved repose, but it was not to be long granted. Day was just beginning

--it was needful here to be always prepared for the sudden outbreak of danger--and, rising, left

once. He hasn't any time, and I must be down below in five minutes. Didn't I say so! Scarcel

er? Are the insurgent

alone against the superior force, and has sent for reinforcements. We are to join him. I only wanted to ask you to tak

g girl is under my protect

aternal duties to have any thought of anything

here's the signal again, and that confounded bora is beginning to whistle. But it makes no difference, out we must go! I wish I could wri

tress gates opened. George was already standing in the ranks; Gerald, who was at the head of his men, waved a fa

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