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Phyllis: A Twin


Word Count: 1799    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ng, and frowned as she heard the rain beat

," she said crossly; "but, after all, it doesn

ty white dressing table and the soft-colored print of Raphael's Madonna hanging in its gold frame beside it.

r she will like it or not. Of course she will, and oh, joy of joys, she will be here in less than

do," Miss Carter sighed later in the morning as Phyllis, growing more and more excited as

in," Phyllis confessed as she sat down at last and tried to concentrate on a book. B

otten something!

her aunt inquire

y are all wilted. Oh, I know you told me they w

ey will give you something to do. Hurry out and ge

e was disgusted to find that she had been gone only twenty minutes. But the morning passed somehow, and although Phyllis insiste

ed with people, and Phylli

in this mob we would never find her i

agreed calmly, "but Tom is with her, and i

"It would be hard to hide his six feet, wouldn't it? Oh, dear, th

yllis's eyes-"but sometimes, I must admit, you race too f

" Phyllis announced airily, "and so does

it down in his slow deliberate hand. From that minute to the time when the first porter came up the stai

rp-pointed umbrellas, and were in each other's arms. Phyllis, as usual, was doing all the talking, and Janet, a little confused, accepte

on of their eyes the girls were the image of each other. Even the difference in their dress did not disguise the

Tom directed, as they reached the

a cab and had joined the procession of slow-movi

hyllis sighed, as though the grea

y to pinch me all the way down in the train. I thought surely I would

ht the other people in the train might

ss Carter asked suddenl

bring Boru," she answered wit

You will be miserable without him, especially when everything is new to you. I will write up t

ut when she made up her mind to a thing

weet of you," Janet said gratefull

med you'd come without him. Why, I sent Sir Galahad to the hospita

that," Janet protested. "Poor k

or him, and of course I can go and see him any time. The hospi

y were children. Are you going to make household pets of

llis and Janet a

; "she is busy looking at the city, and I know she would rather do that than listen to yo

all very new and exciting to her. She had been to Boston sever

t it?" she said at last,

it?" Phyllis a

h it would stand still for just a minu

s Carter laughed. "But you won't find it noisy w

ds the west. "It's clearing, I k

the grass and the great trees, resplendent in their autumn dress, was comforting indeed. The sun was just visible between two

id, as she watched the last gl

last time that, without the aid of words, the Page twi

de walk to help with bags. She was a servant that Miss Carter had

d of waiting even for a minute in the living-room she hurried her

o Phyllis it seemed as though she were never going to speak, t

oice sound cool, but she did not succe

"Oh, Phyllis, I never dreamed any

goodness for that," she said, laughing, "a

was speechless until she came to the library-a big brown r

too wonderful to be

ingdom,"-Phyllis laughed-"but w

rt. It was not as easy for her to enthuse as it was for Phyllis, but her eyes shone in the firel

gret for the four-poster bed. How could there be, when such a pink and

s's voice called through the dark, long aft

p and laugh

pered back, "I

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