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Rich Dad Poor Dad

Chapter 9 

Word Count: 8271    |    Released on: 20/11/2017

ng St

uiring wealth was easy

eally is easy to find great deals. I promise you that. It's just like riding a bike. After a little wobbling, it's a

cated us into believing that the love of money is the root of all evil. It has encouraged us to learn a profession so we can work for money, but failed to teach us how to have money work for us. It taught us not to worry about our financial future, our company or the g

are not one of the masses, I offer you the following ten steps to awaken your financial genius. I simply offer you the steps I have personally f

he was so confident about finding a gold mine. He replied, "Th

great potential deals, while the average person will go out and find nothing. Even looking in t

a process to develop your God-given pow

g with too many hills to climb. It's easier to just work for money and hand the excess over to your broker. I once met a young woman who had dreams of swimming for the U.S Olympic team. The reality was, s

and sacrifice, she simply said, "I do it for myself and the peopl

ts." When people ask me what my reason for wanting to be rich is

urbs. I don't like being an employee. I hated that my dad always missed my football games because he was so busy working on his career. I hated it when my dad worked hard all his life and the g

estyle I love. I want to be young when I do this. I want to simply be fre

e greater than your reasons. I have lost money and been set back many times, but it was the deep emotional reasons that kept me stan

sn't, but it wasn't hard either. But without a s


t is the main reason people want to live in

to choose our future to be rich, poor or middle class. Our spending h

difference between an asset and a liability. So a long time ago, as a little boy, I chose to be rich, and I knew that all I had to do was learn to acquire assets, real assets. My best friend, Mike, had an asse

"I'm not interested in money." Or "I'll never be rich." Or "I don't have to worry, I'm still young." Or "When I make some money, then I'll

should not be an excuse to not learn. But that is a choice we all make daily, the choice of what we do with our time, our money and wh

said about the power of choice, each of us has the choice of what we put in our brain once we're old enough. You can watch MTV all day, o

in learning a

r TV and VCR and left all the books she reads. And we all have that choice. Again, 90 percent of t

is guy came on advertising a three-day seminar on how to buy real estate for nothing down. I spent $385 and that course has made me at least $2 million, if not mo

imply pushed "rewind" and I listened to that five-minute stretch of tape at least twenty times. Possibly more. But suddenly, by keeping my mind open, I understood why he said what he said. It wa

ess. Today, I often say, "How would Peter Lynch do this, or Donald Trump or Warren Buffett or George Soros?" The only way I can access their vast mental power is to be humble enough to read or listen to what they have to say.

ur problems. Arrogant people rarely read or buy tapes

ighly educated, or believe they are smart, but their balance sheet paints a different picture. A truly intelligent person welcomes new ideas, for new ideas can add to the synergy of other accumulated ideas. Listening is more importa

t of stocks, but I am long on education. If you want to fly an airplane, I advise taking lessons first. I am always shocked at people who buy stocks o

ancial statements. I have friends who have actually taken the vow of poverty as well as friends who earn mil

had money. But I was not after their money; I was seeking their knowledge. In

rested in the subject. So I learn from them, and they learn from me. My friends, whom I know are in dire straits financially, do not like talking about mo

of them report the same phenomenon: Their friends who have no money have never come to them to ask

omes to money, especially investments, "The sky is always falling." They can always tell you why something won't work. The problem is, people listen to t

expert will say the market is going to crash, and the other will say it's going to boom. If you're smart, you listen t

ecause he found a 6 percent certificate of deposit. I told him I earn 16 percent from the state government. The next day he sen

market, it is usually the crowd that shows up late and is slaughtered. If a great deal is on the front page, it's too late in most instances. Look f

time markets. If they

along with the crowd. Or their greed gets them in when wise investors have already taken their profits and moved on. Wise investors buy an investment when it's not popular. They know

from the inside are you? The reason you want to have rich friends who are close to the inside is because that is where the money is made. It's made on information. You want to hear about the next boom, get in an

rder to make bread, every baker follows a recipe, even if it's only held in their

d learn, because your mind is so powerful that you become what you put in your head. For example, if you study cooking, you then tend to cook. You become a cook. If you don't want to

y. The formula I see that is predominant in the world is that every day millions of people get up and go to work, earn

re not making enough, it's simply a case of c

to actually put into action what I had learned. That is where most people stop. For three years, while working for Xerox, I spent my spare time learning to

ormulas. For many of the classes, I did not use the informati

ng in a room full of people with doctorates in nuclear physics and space science. Yet, I learned a lot that made my stock and real estate investing more meaningful

why, on a fairly regular basis, I make more in a

en what you know is old. It is how fast you learn. That skill is priceless. It's priceless in finding faster for

religious order so you can get control of yourself. It makes no sense to invest, make money and blow it. It is the lack of self-discipline that causes most lottery winner

the most difficult to master if it is not already a part of your makeup. I would venture to say that it is the lac

learned from my rich dad was that "the world will push you around." The world pushes people around not because other people are bullies, but becau

heir product, service or widget, but to focus on developing management skills. Th

ment of c

ement of

ent of per

epreneurs. The three matter in the way you live your life as an individual, or

mastery of self discipline. I do not tak

people freely repeat that powerful statement, few follow the advice. As I said, financial literacy allows one to read numbers, and numbers tell the story. By

ain compare the financial statements of people wh

pay thems








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k at the numbers and miss the story. If you can truly begin to understand the power of cash flow, you will soon realize what is wrong with the picture on the

onth, they allocate money to their asset column before they pay their monthly expenses. Although millions of pe

eople who pay their bills on time. I am not saying be irresponsible and not pay your bills. All I am saying is do what the book say

m with this way of looking at "pay yourself first." The reason is that these financial professi

f first. My accountant and bookkeeper screamed in panic. "They're going to come after you. The IRS is going to put y

ked for him, most people allow the world to push them around. A bill collector calls and you "pay or else." So you pay and not pay yourself. A sales clerk says, "Oh, just put it on your charge card." Your real estate agent tells you

e reason I minimize my income is because I don't want to pay it to the government. That is why, for those of you who have watched the video

that are higher than 99 percent of the population, but I don't pay for them; other people pay for my liabilities. They're called tenants. So rule No. 1 in paying

do me a favor. They inspire me to i go out and create more money. So I pay myself first, invest the money, and let the creditors yell. I generally pay them right away anyway. My

e ans

Keep your expenses low. Build up assets first. Then, buy the big

and then pay your bills. You will have increased your ability to make more money as well as your financial intelligence. ; : So many times I have gotten into financial hot water, and used my br

ntly called "Dipping into savings." The rich know that sav

d, if you're not tough inside, the wor

cut expenses, put your money in the bank, pay more than your fair share of income tax, buy saf

d starve. Life was meant to be enjoyed. If you call on your financial genius, you can have all the goodie

e posting a sign in front of their house that says, "For Sale by Owne

lso. Today, I have expensive attorneys, accountants, real estate brokers and stockbrokers. Why? Because if, and I do mean i

h information as well as take the time to educate you. I have several brokers who are willing

ause of the information they provide. I love it when my real estate broker or s

when I bought the piece of vacant land for $9,000 and sold it

market. They're there every day so I d

time to make more money or spend it with those I love? What I find funny is that so many poor and middle class people insist on tipping

ople in the asset column. That

ly, most brokers are only salespeople. I would

sells investments. And that is true for stock, bond, mutual fund and insurance brokers who call themselves financial planners. As in the fairy ta

plies to my tax attorney as well as my accountant. I have an accountant who minds her own business. Her profession is accounting, but her business is real

they could be the best asset you find. Just be fair, and most of them will be fair to you. If all you can

situation. Many middle managers remain middle managers, failing to get promoted because they know how to work with people below them, but not with people above them. The real skill is to m

, they were taken aback by a cultural practice some American Indians had. For example, if a settler was cold, the Indian w

s did not want to give it back. That is where the term "I

's first question is, "How fast do I get my money back?" They also want to know what they get for free,

d I was serious. Most investors would say, aren't you tying up a lot of cash? Would it not be better to get a loan on it? The answer is, not in this case. My investment company uses this as a vacation rental in the winter months, when the "snowbirds" come to

add value to the stock, like announcing a new product. I will move my money in for a week to a month while the stock moves up. Then, I pull my initial dollar amount out, and stop worrying ab

uld say, on an average ten investments, I hit home runs on two or three, while five or six do not

than no savings. But it takes a long time to get your money back and, in most instances, you don'

office building. And there must be limited risk, or a low-risk idea. There are books devoted entirely to this subject that I will not get into here. Ray

s the assets you get for free once you get your m

ty habit of burning a hole in his pocket. Just 16, he naturally wanted his own car. Th

father called me. "Do you think I should let him do it, or

ave you taught him in the long term? Can you use this desire to own a car and insp

y friend again. "Does your s

the car. I told him to use my money instead of his c

your advice of using his strong desire to buy a ca

s the hitch

d a long discussion about the wise use of money. I then gave him a subs

asked. "What

it to buy and sell stocks, find his own stockbroker, and once he had made $6,000 with the

e the result

ught him and he's gone to the library to get more. He reads the Wall Street Journal voraciously, watching for indicators, and he watches CNBC instead of MTV. He's got only $1,000 left, but his interest and l

he loses all th

osing everything. And besides, that is the best $3,000 I've ever spent on his education. What he is learning will serve him for

flow from an asset column in theory is easy, it is the mental fortitude of directing money that is hard. Due to external temptations, it is much easier in today's consumer world t

ial intelligence, in this case the abil

he start of the year, I gave my op

wn payment on a new car, refrigerator, TV, VCR or a holiday. 16 would have increased that $

ork for money. It is my opinion that it is also i

he keep-up-with-the-Joneses trap. When I wanted to buy a Porsche, the easy road would have been to call my ban

consume to inspire and motivat

One is easier in the short term, but harder in the long term. It's a bad habit that we as individuals and a

ce. Unfortunately, people use the power of money against them. If your financial intelligence is low, money will

y will do as it is told. It will obey you. Instead of being a slave

ittle League, I wanted to be just like them. I treasured their baseball cards. I wanted to know everything about them. I knew the stats, the RBI, the ERAs,

ase or catcher, I wasn't me. I was Yogi or Hank. It's one of the most powerful w

y; they're Michael Jordan, Sir Charles or Clyde. Copying or emulating heroes is true power learn

a hero. Someone people grew up with, looked up to, and wanted

ld Trump, Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, George Soros and Jim Rogers. In my older years, I know their stats just like I knew the ERAs and RBI of my baseball heroes. I follow what Warren Buffett invests in, and re

m subconsciously acting with the bravado of Trump. Or when analyzing a trend, I look at it as t

s look easy. It's the making it look easy that convinces us

y people make it sound hard. Instea

y life, and that was the necessity of being charitable or giving. My educated dad gave a lot by the way of time and knowledge, but almost

f you want something, you first need to give," he would always say. When he wa

the last thing a person may want to do, but; it has always worked for me. I just trust that the principle of reciprocity it is true, and I give what I want. I want money, so I give money, and it comes back in multiples. I want sales, so I

s providing something that other people wanted. In my life, over all these ; years, whenever I have felt needy or short of money or s

e, happiness, sales and contacts, all one needs to remember is first to give what you want and it will come back in droves. ? Often just the process of thinking of what I want, and how could I give what I want to someone else, break

rely teach those who want to learn, the more I learn. If you want to learn about money

eceived is not what I wanted. But upon closer inspection and soul searching

r generosity with what they knew that made them smarter. There are powers in this world that are much smarter than we are. You can get there on your

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