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Little Miss Bitch

Little Miss Bitch


Chapter 1 NO.1

Word Count: 2074    |    Released on: 02/03/2018

'little miss annoying', it has now changed to 'little miss bitch'... by the way,


ys dramatically as she leans against my locker, smirking slightly

e we were little. Maya has a bubbly personality while

the books into my locker that I didn't need till lat

I sigh, leaning my back against my

gh, rolling over to snuggle up to my warm pillow. A few seconds l

. I couldn't see if it got her though since my back is turned to her but I didn

d I feel my pillow hit the back of my hea

bends down to grab my leg. I let out a squeal when s

uffled into a pillow that I tried to grab onto t

y, closing my eyes and I hear my mom g

and she starts to drag me out of my room. When I realise that I might get carpet b

t out a sigh, nodding. My mom drops my leg

started to drag me out of my room until I got up. After that, she ru

going to my hair. For you people out there who aren't hair obsessive like

Maya to see her laughing. I glare at her w

my teeth. I quickly take out Maya's hair tie and watch as her brown hair falls dow

her hair is out for some odd reason and two, it ends with a phsyco either pinn

her hair tie

says, her tone cold. I chuckle a

holds her hair up with her hand. I ignore Maya's gr

alls when I see a whole class staring at me with a blank expression. The sudden urge to throw a cha

he teacher asks and I look over

a small grin on my lips. The teacher rolls her eyes and tells me to take a seat. I walk down the row and

nning at the class. I roll my eyes when Cole sends me a wink - something he usually do

ecause his mom broke his when she told him that he was a mistake. Okay, maybe I'm lying about the mom thing but

for hell too?" The teacher ask

why I took so long." Cole explains and I nearly burst out laughing when I see the teachers face

h, just take a seat." The teacher says, gagging as the word

d chairs before taking the empty seat in front of me. I let out a sigh and re

as I hand her the hair ti

ya quickly ties her hair up in a pony

shoulder, flashing her a grin. We start to wa

arts to ramble on about the pizza and how she likes it but she wants pasta. God, I should've jus

he ham and cheese pizza. Maya hums to herself as she looks at the two items

lids the pizza slices onto her tray and give the lunch lady

e, the bell rings and I find myself walking to my next class with Ma

ow my keys onto the table and jump over the couch,

?" I hear my mom ask and I turn the televisio

the television up. My mom comes and sits next to me and

rea?" My mom asks and I nod, c

rm. My mom usually did this when she is nervous or stressed and since she doesn

e you start shouting and punching th

narrowing. My mom went to open her mouth but the look

up and making my way over to the kitchen. I grab the

I have something wrong with me, I am not usually like this. Well, thats when

ell. I mean, I like my cousin but it's just that fact that I'm not used to new people coming into my house and making themselves comf

t like this because I'm not used to people who I barely know 'moving in' for a whi

my fists on the table in rage. Okay, maybe I do nee

t my sleeves of my jumper and my mom sighs. She rests

I promise." My mom sa

now what happened? It turned into a week. A long, painful week." I say, remov

y mom. She looks at the calendar on the wall beside

eeth. I walk past my mom and walk in

hospital. I mean, at least I don't have t

you think of Danielle's personality? How do you think

w what




and hopefully I


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