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Little Miss Bitch

Chapter 3 NO.3

Word Count: 2366    |    Released on: 02/03/2018


ear Cole whisper and I

every five minutes?" I ask, turning over to see his figure on the air bed on t

he grabs his phone and turn it off. I

wanting you at this time of night." I

his lips and I roll my eyes. I grab my empty cu

k, its empty." I say with one more

u'll find a brain back there." Cole

a joke, doesn't mean you're fun

re is your line of boys? Or maybe, your lesb

go. Second, I don't need a line of boys to prove that I am not a lesbian. I don't even need a boy because they are sleazy and all th

incess." Cole says, annoyed and

turns away from me, his back facing me. I crawl out of my bed

e." I whisper and Cole turns around to face me and my grin i

mint breath hitting my face. I look at him for a few seconds, my f

y lips so his lips touch my hand and Cole narrows his

lls his eyes once again before turning around j

hut, I hear Cole

ees are part of mother nature, mother nature is beautiful...' runs

gh and throw the sheets off me. I walk around the air bed that Cole i

s she pours me a glass a milk; a beverage I usually

second with that walking STD who is still sleeping in my

om kisses me on the forehead before saying her goodbyes and she leaves the house. I notice Andrea

behind me and I turn and roll my eyes once again when

s the milk out of the fridge and drinks straight from the carton.

r for me." Cole says as he takes a seat a

reply, walking to the sink to put my

his eyebrows

s at Cole who looks like he is

a small smirk on his lips and I gri

against his and I bring my face up s

, my eyebrow raising slightly. Cole rolls his bottom lip in

ack from him, my smirk dropping a

a walking STD in my mind so that is what I will call you." I say, walki

al pl

k into school building. I throw her a wea

opening it, throwing my books in. I let out a s

ctivity?" Maya asks, humor in

say and Maya walks beside me as we

e stairs..." Maya trails off, a short chuck

to deal with at my place?" I ask, looking at

the classroom, a certain person catche

o the back of the class. Maya ta

I sigh, running my hand

s." I say an

such a bad thing." Maya

y thinking about his looks." I say

." Maya says and I turn my body s

his dick instead of his brain and guess what I found him

aya guesses and

table and going through all of his things!" I say in a


minutes so the least you can do is listen to me now." The teac

book we have been reading in class. You need to point out the techniques and the theme

ho don't know, you are going to partner up with someone." The teacher says a

we are going to be marked for this, shouldn't we do it individually? I mean, what if you partner up two people together and one person makes that other person do all the work and you still mark

ome annoyed with my ranting. I don't see why they have to be annoyed by it though because students are allowed to asked questions and teachers being teachers, should be able

rk with whatever skills they have. For example, I have set out certain tasks for you all to complete so that

nods, walking to his desk to type a few things on the computer. In a few seconds, th

ry - Saman

ndrews - C

son - Abb

hell - Wil

ssin - Da

row - Jas

ere is m

the air and the teacher looks over

same thing. I look around the class to see Hailey's hand up, Taylah's

cheerleader and is an absolute bitch

ice when you get to know her. That's what Maya said since I'm too sc

mean, the only thing to say about him is the fact that he is an asshole

you would prefer to be with." The teacher sa

with the person who want to be with the most but in reality, he doesn't care. He

aylah let's out a sigh and points and Hailey. The teacher nods and then looks

at him and he points at me, the smirk on his lips. I roll my eyes and point at

before walking to his desk. He scribbles on a few p

project." The teacher says and I slowly unfold mine, l


are at the teacher who is ignoring me and I let o

now I have to do a project with

fact that she has to do a project w

w what




ry much and I hope y


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