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Little Miss Bitch

Chapter 2 NO.2

Word Count: 2146    |    Released on: 02/03/2018

the beautiful cover, this c


he stereo louder. The song Light 'Em Up by Fall Out Boy blasts in my ears, making me feel a little c

y eyes, standing up and walking to the

be acting like this to my own mother; the person who gave me l

Andrea is here and

suggest you leave me alone for at least a good two hours." I say and I shut the do

o draw Maya. You might think that I'm weird drawing my best friend but I'm only drawin

cousin was coming over? I am not used to new people just coming into my house and takin

er at work, she hardly comes over. Andrea was nice to me when I first met her but I just got that vibe that she is nice when other

at I wished I had. Since I have green eyes - my least favorite colour - I didn't like it that much but Maya al

e." I sing quietly, shading in Maya's eyes. Suddenly, I hear someone mutter 'oh hell

etchbook beside me and pause my music, glaring at the boy. Al

ng this boy sta

ng in the same

ck at my mom in pure confusion. I wait for the two ladies to stop laughing but they see

and Andrea. They both stare at me with small grin

I say to my mom and she

I clench my fists and look at the vase in front of me, tempting to push it over.

." My mom says slowly, her grin disa

seconds ago asking for an explanation?" I ask through gritted

pointing at the arrogant boy beside me who i

I say, sending a glare at C

omplete 'stranger' then." My mom smiles and

of shock and I storm back to my room, slamming the door shut. I'm sup

at are going through my head. I listen to Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 and lay down on

othing in particular, I finally calmed down and by the look on my mom's face, I knew she knew that I have been cryi

nod and open the fridge, searching for the carton on orange juice which

th a worrying look in her eyes. I look between the two and when I reali

er lip and points up the stairs. I lick my teeth in annoya

tupid." My mom says

ut with my nails and bury him alive in the backyard."

. As I walk up the stairs, murderous thoughts enter my head

ith a pillow and hide hi

a frying pan and throw him out the

dentally got one of the girls on the cheerleading

nge juice, you must understand my side of the story. First, I hate Cole with a burning passion. S

and I stop in confusion. Why would there be

t walk into Cole getting changed or anything and your probably thi

player and all of my father's CD's are sprawled across

looks up at me with a small frown and he presses a button on t

mall smirk on his lips and I narrow my

olls his eyes before muttering 'calm down'. I ignore his comment and watch as Cole

room." Cole says, boredom clear in his tone

ks at the both of us and stands up. She g

h rooms for Andrea and Cole if we make your father's ro

ng room." I say and my

since everyone's room is too small for two people. Your room is the bi

not my father'

the room." I say, narrowing my eyes at my

kissing me on the forehead and

nto my room. I don't bother closing the door si

oom and towards my bed. He takes a seat by my feet which are stretched o

o you still." I mutter, grabbing my

snatching the book off me and I g

is making it very... Awkward. Well, to me anywa

tion." Cole says and I

g my hand out towards Cole's arm

t me tak

arm which is holding my thigh. Cole sm

se barely touching mine and I hold my breath, try

quiet whisper like I am hiding something. The

arrow my eyes at him and hit the side of his head. Cole groans and I roll my eyes, snatching my sketchb

back to my bed and sitting down, stretch

stay in my room." I say, grabbing my phone. C

ecause yo

e me hit y

. Do you think Danielle is bei

w what




and hopefully I


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